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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


semen stains the mountaintops
Batman 2

Still not the biggest fan of introducing non-Batman family heroes into Batman's main series but I gotta say this issue was pretty good.

Han Solo 2

Much better than the last issue. Art was great.
I loved doom but then again I only read the first arc so I don't know how bad it gets
He pretty much gets completely sidelined for the second arc. He pops up a couple times to troll Tony's girlfriend and then fucks off.
AvX is what I'm thinking of. Everything leading up to it was golden, and I was imaging a landscape where we moved the real world anaolgy from the X-men from the Civil Rights movement to somewhat more modern context. Cyclops being this revolutionary taking mutants and running Gurellia Warfare on humanity seems super dope, but we never see him do any terrible out of necessity we only hear about. Pre AvX Cyclops seems to have more teeth than his post AvX incarnation.
That's pretty much what happens at the end of Bendis' Uncanny X-Men. Basically, everyone goes "the fuck bruh?" and he goes "y'all fuck off now." Then he comes back and unites all of mutantkind for one shining moment so we can see Bachalo draw his Cable that has that star on his fucking shoulder that makes me think it's a Sonic the Hedgehog bumper that you'd find in Casino Night Zone or some shit.

Cyclops' idea was basically no more mister nice guy. Don't do what Magneto did, because that puts a bad spotlight on mutants. But don't do what Xavier did and be pushovers either. He was training mutants to fight because in his mind that was now the most important thing. I liked the idea, but I do agree that the ball was dropped rather unceremoniously.
We still don't know what fucked up thing Cyclops did and its entirely likely that Kitty thinks that the other X-Men are dead. I don't believe she has been back on earth in Guardians since ANAD started.

Just speculation though.
Cyclops attempted genocide on the Inhumans. Sunfire and some others helped. Cyclops was killed during it. We know, we just don't know the details and they keep dancing around them.
This could be a reference to 80s X-Men when they went through the Siege Perilous, were thought to be dead, and Kitty ended up in the UK and was a founding member of Excalibur with Rachel, Kurt, Captain Britain, and Meggyn.
Didn't they "die" during the Brood saga as well?
Kitty's the one in blue.

So she's just a space ninja now? I can dig it.
Captain Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy
Squadron Supreme
Uncanny X-Men
Now, I should hope this is a list of bad/completely mediocre comics, because I otherwise I lack the comprehension as to why that would be on there.
He is doing all the Wonder Woman variants. These are the two he has revealed:


I like that. She doesn't really get drawn thick like that a lot.
Captain America #1 & #2:
So Zemo is the one behind all the controversy, huh? lol

What transpired in the events after the first Civil War?
I know Cap gets assassinated and then Falcon and Bucky take up his cause. But when does Steve Rogers return from the grave?
You are referring to Captain America: Steve Rogers, yes?
Red Skull is the one behind it. Zemo's just been a tool. Post Civil War, Cap was assassinated, which prompted Bucky to take up the mantle. Then was brought back because he wasn't dead. The bullet suspended him in another dimension or something. More recently, he lost his super soldier serum and was aged. Not having the physical capabilities anymore, he handed the shield to Sam Wilson this time. As detailed in #2, an event called Standoff occurred (which was quite good), in which Cap received his old body back (SSS and everything) and his memories are rewritten so that he was a member of Hydra all along via the Cosmic Cube a.k.a. Kobik -- the little girl who is apparently now pals with Red Skull (who I cannot for the life of me imagine sounding anything that isn't Skeletor-meets-German-stereotype).
On the flip side, I've bought all of New 52 Flash

Here, you'll need this
Iron Man:

Captain America Sam Wilson:



I'm intrigued by at least three of those


DC should have gotten someone way better for Justice League. Coming off Johns killing it to Bryan Hitch is just blegh. Should have used Jeff Parker, Scott Snyder, or even
Marguerite Bennett.


semen stains the mountaintops
Is it just me or has Gaf been crazy slow lately?


Poe Dameron 4

Wasn't a big fan of the first 3 chapters, the arc with the egg wasn't compelling but this new arc seems way more interesting than the last one.


@Digital: Yep, as said before it's pretty much the only way you can read comics in Sweden. This is the only physical store in town and they're 99% old collections:

@No PoC creators on Marvel books: It's easy to find creators but Marvel doesn't seem to care.

Btw, do we expect Marguerite Bennet to be on a Now! 2.0 book or do we think she's done with Marvel for now after the way Angela was cancelled after the first arc?

Angela wasn't cancelled after 1 arc. It was around pre Secret Wars and during Secret Wars. She seems to have her plate full writing 3 books.
Angela wasn't cancelled after 1 arc. It was around pre Secret Wars and during Secret Wars. She seems to have her plate full writing 3 books.

I meant the Queen Of Hel part. It got to 7 issues which is a really strange number to cancel on when it had higher sales than books like Drax and Hellcat which are still ongoing. Makes it seem like Marvel didn't want to even give the book the chance to maybe be a hit in trades.


I meant the Queen Of Hel part. It got to 7 issues which is a really strange number to cancel on.

Yeah it got cancelled due to terrible sales. But it's all one story. I'm sure these creators understand how cancelation works. No point in blanking one of the big two over a cancelled book. They gave Angela more time than most books.

They just haven't gotten to cancelling Drax and we don't know what Hellcat is doing digitally. I'd assume that book is on life support too

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well I'm down to the cream of the crop with my backlog now. It's getting harder to pick what to read next....

Birthright #16
Deadly Class #21
East of West #26
East of West #27
Lazarus #22
Manifest Destiny #19
Manifest Destiny #20
Monstress #6
Revival #40
Revival #41
Shutter #22
The Walking Dead #155
The Walking Dead #156
The Wicked + The Divine #20


Well I'm down to the cream of the crop with my backlog now. It's getting harder to pick what to read next....

Birthright #16
Deadly Class #21
East of West #26
East of West #27
Lazarus #22
Manifest Destiny #19
Manifest Destiny #20
Monstress #6
Revival #40
Revival #41
Shutter #22
The Walking Dead #155
The Walking Dead #156
The Wicked + The Divine #20

I hear walking dead was special

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I hear walking dead was special

Yes I've heard that as well. It was hard not clicking on all those spoiler tags yesterday.

I've also heard that Deadly Class #21, Revival #41, and Shutter #22 are crazy too.

Those will be the last 4 issues I read.
Had time to read a couple of comics before going to work:

Flintstones was waayyyy better than I expected. Never read Prez, but Russell did an amazing job of capturing all of the character's voices, it was just like watching the cartoon as a kid. Pugh's art was also much improved from his work on Animal Man. Larger, more detailed characters and the colors really popped.

Bounty was pretty much the opposite of the Flintstones. I'm more forgiving of comics than most people here but this was just weak. Bland story and characters, decent but not inspired art. Probably won't stick around for issue #2.
I actually really liked this issue of Batman. After re-reading #1 and reading the new one I feel like King is trying to do something different with the structure of the twice a month issues. It seems like he's going for the bigger faster paced issues while slowly sprinkling in the elements of a bigger story.

It kind of reminds me of ANAD ASM a little with how the first big arc developed. It may not be exactly what I expected, but I'm thinking if it works out it could be really good.
Anyone here have their books custom bound? Did you use Houchen Bindery?

Thinking about having my Wolverine & the X-men run bound if its pretty easy to do. From what I understand it would have to be done in 2 volumes since theres like 50 issues.

Totally didnt notice people were already discussing it a few posts up. Is it worth having it done and if so where do you use if not Houchen?

I should hopefully receive my first set in the next couple of weeks. I used Houchen and the process is fairly straightforward. And their FAQ section is comprehensive.
Dang it. Guess I'm out on this one. I realize this is a weird and personal issue, but that's why I don't want to go for the Absolutes when I finally get around to Sandman, because of the faux leather. (Been a vegetarian for a long time, and that sort of stuff just doesn't gel with me. Not saying it's a moral issue or anything, but I've just got an aversion to the whole feel/texture thing there at this point. Kind of like how I don't want my veggie burgers and crap to try to emulate the taste of real meat).

So yeah, a weird personal problem that I don't expect anyone else to share, but this is super disappointing for me. And aren't the trades hitting messy out of print territory? Is there any hope of grabbing the series in another format right now/any time soon, or am I out of luck?

Also, is it just Sandman and Preacher that have this, or do I need to worry about any of the other Absolutes?

Unfortunately, the Sandman omnibuses also have the same problem.

A lot of people are getting rid of the Preacher HC sets to upgrade to the Absolutes. So maybe you will find a deal there. (There's a set for sale for $110 on the facebook group).


Batman #2 is the first King batman book I've connected with. The setup definitely had me intrigued.

I continue to enjoy Superman. I really hope it maintains this pace and doesn't go off the rails.

I still need to read green arrow/lanterns, Han Solo, justice league, and the flinstones...too many books!

I think I'm gong to scale back on the off weeks to action comics and Wonder Woman.
I'm still surprised how much I am liking Green Arrow. It went from my most hated book that I was hate reading during DCYOU to possibly my favorite book of Rebirth. The more it heads towards being similar to the show though kind of makes me pessimistic for the future. Hopefully it's done in a decent manner though.

GA and Batman were the only 2 books I had time to read, hopefully get to more later. I had way too many books this week. I need to start trimming my list with having less and less time to actually read.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Reading East of West monthly must be torture. The year one book is perfect comics. Reads very well collected.

Especially when they were having trouble getting it out on time. Luckily they haven't had any trouble since I started reading monthly.
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