The series is very enjoyable. I don't dislike Amadeus, but I was kind of weary of him starring as the Hulk. But he really grew on me. Past two issues are fun because of Banner. "Mr. Banner, you've broken so many bones! You could have been dead!" Banner: "Yes, isn't that great!" I laughed way too hard. The newest issue is great too.Totally Awesome Hulk was good this week, imo.
I feel like the death of Wolverine is still keenly felt in the X-books, and really across the entire Marvel line. Yeah he was overexposed but he was also a pillar of the universe. OML is nice to have around, as is Laura, but it's not the same. Never thought I'd say this but I miss him.
I wouldn't call him a poor substitute, but while OML is a fun read the book keeps Logan the same; he struggles with the current world, he feels sorry about killing the X-Men, clinging to his other world... and I want him adapting to his new situation. But I guess that's the point of this Logan, he just can't anymore. Appreciate the flashbacks to the Old Man Logan universe though.OML is a poor substitute, I like his book, but yeah
Who isn't dead? Xavier and Logan are deader than dead. Scott is almost certainly dead. Emma is the question mark but if she's not dead I expect a heel turn which would be even worse.
Who isn't dead? Xavier and Logan are deader than dead. Scott is almost certainly dead. Emma is the question mark but if she's not dead I expect a heel turn which would be even worse.
I'm willing to bet that AoS won't end until the moment the show is cancelled. How bad are the sales for it by now? Last I checked they were kinda bad.Oh so guardians of the galaxy will continue. That makes sense. Anything with a movie coming up will definitely stay put.
this post is bad
Are you really saying the art in Punisher isn't boring as fuck? It's bland.
the book is boring, I dont blame Steve Dillion. Frank Quitely couldn't make these scripts come to life. Goran Parlov couldn't make that comic good. Jack Kirby could came back alive and he couldnt make this PG-13 failed Netflix pilot Punisher book interesting.
Prediction: Emma is gonna turn out to have died thanks to the Terrigen mists, and that's gonna be what sets Cyke off to do whatever crazy thing he did that blew up the X-Men and pissed off everyone else. That's how I think it's probably gonna go down.
Here I am thinking he just went crazy and sees the Inhumans as a threat. That's all he needed.Prediction: Emma is gonna turn out to have died thanks to the Terrigen mists, and that's gonna be what sets Cyke off to do whatever crazy thing he did that blew up the X-Men and pissed off everyone else. That's how I think it's probably gonna go down.
Btw, speaking of Summers; whatever happened to Havoc? After he got inverted (lol) he kind of fell of the map.
yoooo Monica got rekt
That dude is just plain wrong, Spectrum is an awesome name
You know if the whole Thor movie was about this predicament it would still be more entertaining than the first two
Here I am thinking he just went crazy and sees the Inhumans as a threat. That's all he needed.
Btw, speaking of Summers; whatever happened to Havoc? After he got inverted (lol) he kind of fell of the map.
its Kingpin no?
I would. I don't even own the game but bought severs of the figures. I would easily pay 60-70 bucks for that set.
Oh is that from CWII: Kingpin? I haven't read it yet.
Geez that art is rough.
I thought you said you'd pay big bucks? $60-$70 is garbage money in the world of figure collecting.
Emma and Scott are hiding somewhere.Prediction: Emma is gonna turn out to have died thanks to the Terrigen mists, and that's gonna be what sets Cyke off to do whatever crazy thing he did that blew up the X-Men and pissed off everyone else. That's how I think it's probably gonna go down.
You know if the whole Thor movie was about this predicament it would still be more entertaining than the first two
Superman #2 was pretty good except for that weird ending. I like the father/son dynamic. Having Superman's abilities without the durability that he has seems like a bad deal though. Kid is gonna have more concussions than an NFL player before his next birthday.
Emma and Scott are hiding somewhere.
Oh is that from CWII: Kingpin? I haven't read it yet.
Geez that art is rough.
dunno where its from I saw it in the Marvel Now thread and thought it was funny
Maybe Death of X means all mutants die...
Only to be reborn as Inhumans.
Marvel Studios: "Moehahahaha take that Fox!"
Looking at that picture again it looks like Scott is squatting and umpooping
He must have been constipated. He ended up pushing so hard he killed all of the mutants.
That obviously wouldn't work.Okay, seriously. Who's having a better time in those images? I can't tell.
That would actually be brilliant. But I'm not sure how the licenses FOX has are worded.
Whenever the Inhumans are not on panel, all the other characters should be asking "Where'sPoochiethe Inhumans"?
I updated it.Dr. Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme...okay, good stuff, just keep Aaron and Bachalo please.
Infamous Iron Man sounds fucking rad, I am ready for Superior Iron Man 2.0. Need to see the creative team though.
Solo...GOD. Fuck this character. Can't believe he's getting his own book. I probably won't even try it. Maybe it's another Ellis rehab project.
If that's a magic team book lead by Strange I'm interested.
I can't see Infamous be anything but the current meh International team.
I really hope Bendis isn't trying to redo the Fraction "New female Iron Armor user, Tony on the run" story but with new characters. I really hope the infamous Iron Man is Doom instead of Tony.Uggggh I really hope that's not the case but I suppose you're probably right
Well I'll probably try it anyway, it's a cool idea.