You could fit her entire waist inside one boob.
Was that Steve at the end of Sam Cap this week? He seemed out of character.
That's U.S. Agent
Ah, something to do with U.S.Avengers?
Do you know?Who is he?
So was Bobby Drake ever a team leader or anything like that? Because I swear to god, I cannot think of anything they've done with that character that is even remotely notable. All of the other O5 members have gone on to have some complex and interesting arcs and developments, and Bobby's done...what? Find out he's an omega mutant and come to terms with being gay? Which sounds like it should be a lot, but for the life of me I wouldn't be able to tell based on the stories I've read with him in it recently. I keep forgetting and then remembering and then re-forgetting and then re-remembering that he's on Storm's current team.
iirc, the story goes that Steve abandons the name of Captain America for a while because America Is Fucked Up, and U.S.Agent is the one that replaced him
Spoilery image
I love how the first issue of Ucanny X-force by Remender gives us a full detailed backstory of what happened with the x force team and the mutants in general starting at M-day and going up to the present run. Love it! This is what comics need more of in the first issue
oh man, you're in for such a treat. i loved that run.
I love how the first issue of Ucanny X-force by Remender gives us a full detailed backstory of what happened with the x force team and the mutants in general starting at M-day and going up to the present run. Love it! This is what comics need more of in the first issue
One of my favourite comic runs ever, it basically got me back into comics after years of falling out of love with them. Reminder writes the best version of Deadpool too.I love how the first issue of Ucanny X-force by Remender gives us a full detailed backstory of what happened with the x force team and the mutants in general starting at M-day and going up to the present run. Love it! This is what comics need more of in the first issue
It's been a while since I read it but Time Runs Out is only a small part of a pretty long run from Hickman. I'm not sure you'd get the most out of it you don't read Avengers and New Avengers from the start. Plus it's a genuinely great story as well.
It's a great part of a super long run from Hickman that will make absolutely no sense if you haven't read everything from his Avengers and New Avengers up to it, along with Infinity. But yes it leads directly into Secret Wars.
Man, Blackest Night is great. Loving the Green Lantern issues that are interweaved as well (the event and the GL issues are in proper reading order in the Johns omnibus which adds some context and story over the event proper). Having a blast reading it.
worldwide group of people who collect and read comics, along with other stuff. There are some GAF and youtube reviewers on there so it is kinda cool.
SagaOk, I am an old timer comic reader that is back at reading thanks to comixology. I need some recomendations on newer stuff, I like good written stories, sci-fi (not Star Wars), some fantasy, dark fairy tales, horror and psycological stories. Some well wriiten superhero stuff too. I am good with Marvel with Unlimited at moment, want to check recent Vertigo and Indie stuff.
I will add then to my whishlist and buying some each month, looking for sales.
For reference in the past I enjoyed Vertigo (Sandman, The Dreaming, Fables, Shade the Changing Man among others), urban stuff since Greel's Sable, Grim Jack, etc.
My last month's reading included:
- Faster than Light. Another take on early Star Trek like encounters, I have seen better, but I like those type of stories. Art is ok, but hard to follow the characters when half of them looks the same.6/10
- Jupiter's Legacy. Millar likes to my new takes on old archetipals, and this story reads to much like Kingdom Comes, but I liked it. 7/10
- MPH. Again, Millar is making his take on Flash, specially Wally just after Crisis. 6/10
- Chnonauts. Millar on Back to tbe Future but with no consequences at all and weird logic. Would not read d it was not on sale. 5/10.
- Sable Freelance Bloodtrail. Most fir the nostalgia, but I like it. 7/10.
Have Sheriff of Babylon trade in pre-order. Love King's stuff.
James roberts' transformers run:Ok, I am an old timer comic reader that is back at reading thanks to comixology. I need some recomendations on newer stuff, I like good written stories, sci-fi (not Star Wars), some fantasy, dark fairy tales, horror and psycological stories. Some well wriiten superhero stuff too. I am good with Marvel with Unlimited at moment, want to check recent Vertigo and Indie stuff.
I will add then to my whishlist and buying some each month, looking for sales.
For reference in the past I enjoyed Vertigo (Sandman, The Dreaming, Fables, Shade the Changing Man among others), urban stuff since Greel's Sable, Grim Jack, etc.
My last month's reading included:
- Faster than Light. Another take on early Star Trek like encounters, I have seen better, but I like those type of stories. Art is ok, but hard to follow the characters when half of them looks the same.6/10
- Jupiter's Legacy. Millar likes to my new takes on old archetipals, and this story reads to much like Kingdom Comes, but I liked it. 7/10
- MPH. Again, Millar is making his take on Flash, specially Wally just after Crisis. 6/10
- Chnonauts. Millar on Back to tbe Future but with no consequences at all and weird logic. Would not read d it was not on sale. 5/10.
- Sable Freelance Bloodtrail. Most fir the nostalgia, but I like it. 7/10.
Have Sheriff of Babylon trade in pre-order. Love King's stuff.
East by West
Black Science
Monstress-only fantasy title I will list atm.
Stray bullets- best image comic
There are tons of great ones, but it is best If I get the majority picks out the way first.
Future Quest is aces, so glad all.these werid HB turned out good.
Ian flynn's megaman run is the secret underappreciated goat comic seriesI'm gonna read the Sonic and Mega Man books and maybe some Archie.
Ok, I am an old timer comic reader that is back at reading thanks to comixology. I need some recomendations on newer stuff, I like good written stories, sci-fi (not Star Wars), some fantasy, dark fairy tales, horror and psycological stories. Some well wriiten superhero stuff too. I am good with Marvel with Unlimited at moment, want to check recent Vertigo and Indie stuff.
I will add then to my whishlist and buying some each month, looking for sales.
For reference in the past I enjoyed Vertigo (Sandman, The Dreaming, Fables, Shade the Changing Man among others), urban stuff since Greel's Sable, Grim Jack, etc.
My last month's reading included:
- Faster than Light. Another take on early Star Trek like encounters, I have seen better, but I like those type of stories. Art is ok, but hard to follow the characters when half of them looks the same.6/10
- Jupiter's Legacy. Millar likes to my new takes on old archetipals, and this story reads to much like Kingdom Comes, but I liked it. 7/10
- MPH. Again, Millar is making his take on Flash, specially Wally just after Crisis. 6/10
- Chnonauts. Millar on Back to tbe Future but with no consequences at all and weird logic. Would not read d it was not on sale. 5/10.
- Sable Freelance Bloodtrail. Most fir the nostalgia, but I like it. 7/10.
Have Sheriff of Babylon trade in pre-order. Love King's stuff.
Sci-Fi type stuff:
East of West
Fantasy type stuff:
A darkish fairy tail with cutesy coat of paint:
I Hate Fairyland
And then because I just have to do it Manifest Destiny. It's my favorite titles. It's monsterous retelling of Lewis and Clark's expedition into the West.
All of these books are from Image.
What happened to the guy who was reading Ultimate Marvel from the start? I miss the updates.
I'm gonna read the Sonic and Mega Man books and maybe some Archie.
Screaming_Gremlin I think. I think he was close to done the last time he updated.
Yup the issue is all around fun let us know what you think of it!Just got Sonic Mega Drive #1 - yall said this is good, right? maybe i'll get some beach time in today & read it.
Archie is the best.
I know this group here is mostly for those that read books on the regular, but I've started getting into the collecting aspect. I guess I shouldn't say "getting into" as I've had books stored away since I was young, but I'm now actively trying to find keys and getting things graded.
Currently, I'm waiting to get my first two graded books back, but I'm wondering if anybody else here is into that sort of thing.
Hmmm James Harden action figure, I picture people putting it back in the box after the Rockets lose in the first round of the playoffs.
MU ios app still not working, I want to read bad Marvel books and it's not letting me.
I've never gotten into the grading thing, myself, but then I've mostly switched to digital anyway. Do you just box it up real tight and send them in to GCC?
Dallas and Houston battle it out for the 8 seed, see who has the honor of getting swept by GSW in the first round
edit: I'd buy a Harden variant before the homeless beard
Whoa, pricey but I may have to check that out. How big ate these books dimension-wise?
Whoa, pricey but I may have to check that out. How big ate these books dimension-wise?
Saw that the next Megg and Mogg book is listed on Amazon too. So excited for it. Megahex and In Amsterdam are fantastic.
Fantagraphics has quickly become one of my favorite publishers.
Whoa, pricey but I may have to check that out. How big ate these books dimension-wise?
Saw that the next Megg and Mogg book is listed on Amazon too. So excited for it. Megahex and In Amsterdam are fantastic.
Fantagraphics has quickly become one of my favorite publishers.