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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

Even though I loved Lemire's Green Arrow New 52 run, Percy's new one feels how a GA comic SHOULD feel. It's just perfect. GA was just a better character pre-N52. But this is great.

I'm thinking about rebuying Lemire's run in that Deluxe Hardcover format. So good.

But yeah, the Rebirth GA title has been really good so far, too. And Arrow is one of those characters I never had an interest in before. Even pre-Rebirth, it was mostly the Sorrentino art that got me interested in the Lemire run. That and hearing how good it was.
Bendis is Chris Jericho. Old reliable dude that isn't really doing anything exciting, but you look at the way Jericho is just there to put new talent over, and that's like Bendis's relationship with his artists. I know he makes an effort to write the kinds of things they want to draw, so he's really just there to let them shine.
Bendis is Chris Jericho. Old reliable dude that isn't really doing anything exciting, but you look at the way Jericho is just there to put new talent over, and that's like Bendis's relationship with his artists. I know he makes an effort to write the kinds of things they want to draw, so he's really just there to let them shine.

Bendis gets a lot of shit sometimes, but he's not a bad writer. Not at all. It's just that he's somewhat more predictable than a lot of writers. Often because he's known for leaving things pretty much the way he found them so the next writer doesn't need to write themselves out of a hole or something. Like in the Bendis X-Men run, Eva was always meant to be his way of doing exactly that. So no matter how crazy shit got, nothing would be irrevocably changed for the next creative team to have to deal with.

sillymonkey gon be pissed when he found out he missed all these wrestling metaphors

He's probably playing Overwatch.


He's probably playing Overwatch.

For the last few hours...i didnt' even read Walking Dead yet.

Also, i only watched ten minutes of smackdown, first when Rollins wrestled a random Uso, and then i flipped back to it to see Sami Zayn vs. Jericho and abandoned it. Wrestling, why?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I think Marvel has this idea that they can just grow a new crop of writers when the old ones leave. And it works to some extent with writers like G. Willow Wilson, but it doesn't help when the ones leaving are some of the greats. You can't replace Hickman or Remender so easily. They'll always have Bendis, though. That guy is a lifer. But Marvel needs to find a happy medium between keeping the established names happy and nurturing the next generation.

They need to make Aaron a lifer. And after Axis Remender is easily replaceable.

Man I hated Axis
I like Bendis in general, but his stuff reads very poorly in singles, and when he does team books, he frequently has an issue where different characters don't have different voices.

I would say he's reliably good. I don't think he's ever great, but I also never think "what the fuck is this shit?"


Lemire's run was good but it felt like an Iron Fist comic. Sorrentinos fight scenes were hot fire at least.

It was very serious, very action-heavy. Didn't feel much like a GA comic, though nothing about was necessarily UNLIKE the character. It just focused on the darker aspects. I thought it was great, but I MUCH prefer a lighter GA.

I'm thinking about rebuying Lemire's run in that Deluxe Hardcover format. So good.

But yeah, the Rebirth GA title has been really good so far, too. And Arrow is one of those characters I never had an interest in before. Even pre-Rebirth, it was mostly the Sorrentino art that got me interested in the Lemire run. That and hearing how good it was.

You should man. You've seen pictures I've posted of it, right? It's a really beautiful deluxe edition.
They need to make Aaron a lifer. And after Axis Remender is easily replaceable.

Man I hated Axis

Remender seems like he started having a harder time doing the corporate color-inside-the-lines comics after having tasted real freedom at Image.

I like Bendis in general, but his stuff reads very poorly in singles, and when he does team books, he frequently has an issue where different characters don't have different voices.

Maybe. Certainly not to the extent where Hickman books read better in trades. Because books like Manhattan Projects and East of West are pretty cognitively heavy. Regardless of whether it's science or politics/religion, it's a lot to swallow and is best digested in complete pieces as opposed to single issues. A lot of times, Bendis books are just dumb fun, and much easier to understand even when reading piecemeal.

Civil War 2 is a mess right now but AXIS...goddamn, that's a dumpster fire.
Axis is still better than his Cap run. Axis is stupid, but his Cap was boring, and that's worse.

It did improve once Sam became Cap, but Remender loves his long, drawn-out supervillain speeches a little too much.

Not hating on Remender, though. Uncanny X-Force is fantastic, and Black Science is god-tier.
You should man. You've seen pictures I've posted of it, right? It's a really beautiful deluxe edition.

Need to grab the third Kabuki Library Edition next week, anyway. So maybe.

I always kinda thought Lemire's GA was thoroughly unextraordinary, from a writing perspective. Some cool concepts executed with a very rote touch. We got Emiko out of it, though, so that's nice.

What really, REALLY made that run for me was that art. Some of Sorrentino's best work, and that's fucking saying something.


Need to grab the third Kabuki Library Edition next week, anyway. So maybe.


Best binding I've ever seen in a DC deluxe edition, too. Started out tighter than this (still good) but it naturally loosened up over time.


I always kinda thought Lemire's GA was thoroughly unextraordinary, from a writing perspective. Some cool concepts executed with a very rote touch. We got Emiko out of it, though, so that's nice.

What really, REALLY made that run for me was that art. Some of Sorrentino's best work, and that's fucking saying something.

I LOVE the way he drew Batman in the Zero Year issue. He just looks...scary!



So as far as May and Jay are concerned in ASM
coughing up blood
... they're going to be revealed as
aren't they?


Bendis is Chris Jericho. Old reliable dude that isn't really doing anything exciting, but you look at the way Jericho is just there to put new talent over, and that's like Bendis's relationship with his artists. I know he makes an effort to write the kinds of things they want to draw, so he's really just there to let them shine.

I don't think trying to make a bunch of talking heads interesting is something artists wanna do (over and over again)


Finally got to read the newest Walking Dead, finally a book that isn't on MU! Prettttttttttttttty good.
I like how quickly the events in the middle skipped by although it did make the end feel like Kirkman wanted to get this part over with, which i'm fine with mostly as i prefer that to dragging things out.
Also, there are dinosaurs. I thought Kirkman was going to keep making us wait.

Kill or Be Killed preview in the back looked like great art and maybe decent story?


They didn't care when they still had those people either.

I think Marvel needs major reform. Treat your creators better, and stop worrying about the profitability of your comics and recognize that these creators are the people creating the content that will then be mined for movie ideas, merchandise, video games, cartoons, and all the other stuff where they make the real money. There's nothing new to mine if all the writers have been chased off.

Good luck with that.

Also, writers these days for the most part are just writing for bigger companies until they can support themselves through creator owned work. Brubaker for example has said that he doesn't even read superhero comics and will never work for either Marvel or DC again. Image even gave him a deal where they will publish any book he writes without him having to pitch it lol.

oh. I guess that means we won't really be getting the same Jessica Jones from the previous series, huh?
Hopefully not. She's grown too much over the past decade for that to be the case
Nobody knows. Maybe Bendis just writes her like the mast time. Wouldnt surprise be tbh
I doubt he'd do that.
Thread needs more BKs and Messis

People that actually...you know, like comic books :(
I've busy as of late, but catching up on threads primarily via lurking, and I can safely say that after reading all of these, I'm apparently supposed to feel terrible for liking things that I like. Namely Bendis, Inhumans, and Cyclops.

Otherwise I'm almost done with the Abnett and Lanning GotG omnibus. I have one or two more issues of their GotG run, then Thanos Imperative and the Rocket and Groot issues.
The only bad thing I can say about the book is how Cap Wolf stuck around for like an issue too long. Sam is different enough from Steve to justify two Cap books.
Sam is very different and so are the social issues it deals with.
They need to make Aaron a lifer. And after Axis Remender is easily replaceable.

Man I hated Axis

Everyone hated Axis.


I liked certain tie-ins for Axis and I give Remender credit for probably being the first writer to not write Apocalypse as a joke since his first appearance.

I like Sam because there are instances where his voice echos mine on the issues he has to deal with.


They need to make Aaron a lifer. And after Axis Remender is easily replaceable.

Man I hated Axis
Axis wasn't all Remender's fault. It was obvious it was originally just the final, self-contained arc of Uncanny Avengers but someone else made the decision to separate it out into its own crossover event and make it bigger than it originally was, he basically confirmed this in a reddit AMA after he left if I remember correctly.

He was meant to be on Extraordinary X-Men after Secret Wars. Would have been the first X-Men book on my pull list since his Uncanny X-Force ended.


I just stayed up way too late reading Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Miles ones). Was pretty cool. What should I read after that that is in the same "arc" or whatever. I'm a noob so yeah. I have Marvel Unlimited.

Is there more to it than those 28 books or does it just go under a different name? The library they have in this app is... Daunting lol.


I just stayed up way too late reading Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (Miles ones). Was pretty cool. What should I read after that that is in the same "arc" or whatever. I'm a noob so yeah. I have Marvel Unlimited.

Is there more to it than those 28 books or does it just go under a different name? The library they have in this app is... Daunting lol.

After that is Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man, which ties into an event, Ultimate Spider-Man 200, Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man, and then there's Miles' current ongoing.


After that is Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man, which ties into an event, Ultimate Spider-Man 200, Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man, and then there's Miles' current ongoing.
Oh very cool. I saw that was where it was taking me with the app but I wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing. Thank you.
Man, I miss all the good discussion when I'm sleeping.

@Infamous Iron Man: It's the same team as International, another Bendis book and another Iron Man related book all in one! Skipping but hoping Doom is in another book also.

@Market: Looking at the current bestsellers at Comixology in my region I'd say that DC is back in force. Only one Marvel book on the top ten list even with sales going on.


Man, I miss all the good discussion when I'm sleeping.

@Infamous Iron Man: It's the same team as International, another Bendis book and another Iron Man related book all in one! Skipping but hoping Doom is in another book also.

@Market: Looking at the current bestsellers at Comixology in my region I'd say that DC is back in force. Only one Marvel book on the top ten list even with sales going on.

New books always burn hot early. See the Secret Wars tie ins and ANAD books. We shall see in a few month when people settle in. Books have been generally good though.

Bendis has written a book that was complete shit. Ultimate End was a travesty.
Been sick for the past few days so I spent the majority of my time bingewatching Brooklyn Nine Nine on netflix and reading Fantastic Four.

I'm starting from when BP and Storm join the team for a bit.

How close to Omega level is Storm? She manipulated hydrogen atoms in space to do stuff to the silver surfer including badass lightning bolts.

I mean...


Been sick for the past few days so I spent the majority of my time bingewatching Brooklyn Nine Nine on netflix and reading Fantastic Four.

I'm starting from when BP and Storm join the team for a bit.

How close to Omega level is Storm? She manipulated hydrogen atoms in space to do stuff to the silver surfer including badass lightning bolts.

I mean...

Storm is Omega Level.
Going to blind buy Walt Simonson's Thor (atleast the first volume). Besides godbomb (which hasn't arrived yet), ths will be my first foray into marvel. I guess I could go marvel unlimited, but I like owning physical copies. Heard crazy good things about simonson's thor and I like the character (not so much the movie's take though).

I thought I could do a similar approach to Marvel like I did DC, basically buying the event/ogn/team books to learn more about the universe, then go into solos, but it looks like Marvel is more renowned for it's solo runs than OGN's or Events. Plus it's hard to find some events still even in print. So I think I'll just check those out on unlimited.
So with the launch of New 52, I got into comics in a pretty good way. I had a pull list at my local store for at least 6 different series at any given time. I changed things up from time to time -- sometimes a series I really liked would get cancelled (Animal Man, Swamp Thing, FF by Matt Fraction); sometimes creative teams would swap and I'd lose interest (Wonder Woman); or I'd just get bored with a series and quit pulling it in favor of saving money or checking something else out.

I moved cities and away from the local shop that helped me sustain that interest and ended my pull list for just over a year now, and I guess most of the stuff I was pulling at the time wasn't really drawing my interest a whole lot. Plenty of interesting concepts but no consistency, IMO. The one thing I was interested in at the time that I stopped pulling was Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers, Time Runs Out, and Secret Wars was just getting ready to start. I've missed everything past Time Runs Out, though. I've sort of kept up through reviews and spoiler threads, but haven't actually read anything new since.

Series I really enjoyed in my few years consistently pulling:
* Animal Man (New 52)
* Swamp Thing (New 52)
* Wonder Woman (New 52, the Azzarello/Chiang team)
* Daredevil (Waid/Samnee team)
* FF (Fraction/Allred)
* Hawkeye (Fraction/Aja)
* Ant-Man (Spencer/Rosanas)
* Silver Surfer (Slott/Allred)
* Superior Foes of Spider-Man
* Saga (I pulled this via trades, not singles)
* The Wicked & The Divine
* Descender
* Star Wars and Darth Vader

I know I missed the Vader Down arc for Star Wars and intend to go back and check that out. I also know Saga is still extremely well received and will be trying to catch up if there are any volumes out I haven't gotten yet.

Any other series I should check out from All-New, All-Different Marvel that might match my approximate preferences? Maybe even from DC Rebirth?

I also like Captain America a lot but have yet to pull a solo series (I dug his role in Hickman's Avengers enough to feel like I was getting my fix). IIRC, Rick Remender was doing his kind of pulp-scifi-themed run with the character when I got into comics and it was a direction I wasn't too interested in, but I know Spencer is at the helm now. Not sure how well that might work since I kind of view Spencer as a comedic comic writer (with my limited exposure to his Marvel work -- I never checked out Morning Glories). I already have most of the Ed Brubaker major arcs for Cap.

I tend to prefer sort of lighter-toned, heartfelt stories. Paper Girls kind of caught my eye (great premise and creative team) and feels up my alley, might check that. Anything else..?


Paper Girls is phenomenal. Pick that up right now. On the Marvel side, Power Man & Iron Fist is fun, along with books like Squirrel Girl and Black Panther.
Going to blind buy Walt Simonson's Thor (atleast the first volume). Besides godbomb (which hasn't arrived yet), ths will be my first foray into marvel. I guess I could go marvel unlimited, but I like owning physical copies. Heard crazy good things about simonson's thor and I like the character (not so much the movie's take though).

I thought I could do a similar approach to Marvel like I did DC, basically buying the event/ogn/team books to learn more about the universe, then go into solos, but it looks like Marvel is more renowned for it's solo runs than OGN's or Events. Plus it's hard to find some events still even in print. So I think I'll just check those out on unlimited.

One of the best superhero runs I've read. Reads like a real epic (and not in the vidyagame sense of the word).

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Just started Young Justice.

I guess everyone wasn't kidding - only 3 episodes in and this is pretty terrific.

What's the next DCAU series I should be watching? Justice League Unlimited? I've seen TAS & BB when I was a kid.

I tend to prefer sort of lighter-toned, heartfelt stories.
Paper Girls kind of caught my eye (great premise and creative team) and feels up my alley, might check that. Anything else..?

Then Ms Marvel is a must-read! You can start with the pre-SW vol. 1 and continue from there:

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