Brian Fellows
Pete Carroll Owns Me
Here is my review of Shutter #22.
Shutter #22 -
Shutter #22 -

What if I'm not really sure where I stand on it?
Anyone read Kim & Kim? That was quite the surprise for me. Dope-ass, punk-trans, bounty-hunting hijinks.
@Market: Looking at the current bestsellers at Comixology in my region I'd say that DC is back in force. Only one Marvel book on the top ten list even with sales going on.
I wonder what John Layman and Rob Guillory will do post Chew. That's gotta be a daunting book to follow up.
Just started Young Justice.
I guess everyone wasn't kidding - only 3 episodes in and this is pretty terrific.
What's the next DCAU series I should be watching? Justice League Unlimited? I've seen TAS & BB when I was a kid.
Caught up on Invincible.
Whooooo boy that's some wild comics.
I feel obligated to read bad MU books because i can't actually drop them and save money.
I'm talking about New Avengers.
Here is my review of Shutter #22.
I read Punisher 3, what the fuck was that?
Axis wasn't all Remender's fault. It was obvious it was originally just the final, self-contained arc of Uncanny Avengers but someone else made the decision to separate it out into its own crossover event and make it bigger than it originally was, he basically confirmed this in a reddit AMA after he left if I remember correctly.
He was meant to be on Extraordinary X-Men after Secret Wars. Would have been the first X-Men book on my pull list since his Uncanny X-Force ended.
That's a pretty accurate review. Though I really don't know how to feel about it since other books have done things like that before. (WicDiv, Deadly Class, etc.)I can see that the cast was getting too bloated, though. So it was probably necessary in some capacity.
Paper Girls 7 ended on a bit of a sad note![]()
I think you have this backwards...
Serp, you need to stop the Gambit stanning. It's gone too far.I've slept on it and i still can't find anything wrong in my post. Sorry
Serp, you need to stop the Gambit stanning. It's gone too far.
Wasn't Original Sin supposed to just be a Thor storyline that got turned into an event? Same with Fear, Itself?This is exactly what I thought when I read Axis. It felt like it shouldn't have been the crossover Marvel made it into. The stuff with Iron Man was so dumb. As an end to his Uncanny X-Force and Avengers run it would have been great. Extrordinary X-Men would have been soo good! Also, I actually enjoyed his Cap stuff. It was a completely new take on Cap that we will probably never see again. It was refreshing but definitely not the go to for someone new to Cap but as a longtime reader it was fun to read something you don't see Cap going through.
Marvel Editorial stepping in and making these writers change things is why most of them are leaving in the first place and most don't ever want to return. Hickman said the same thing about Infinity, luckily Marvel let him do what he wanted with SW. I'm sure they did the same thing to Brubaker as well. Other than Bendis, who I'm not always a big fan, Aaron is the last good writer they have currently working that I actually enjoy reading each month.
Wasn't Original Sin supposed to just be a Thor storyline that got turned into an event? Same with Fear, Itself?
Here is my review of Shutter #22.
Shutter #22 -![]()
I'm thinking of watching that Margot Robbie / Tina Fey movie tonight.
Wasn't Original Sin supposed to just be a Thor storyline that got turned into an event? Same with Fear, Itself?
I'm thinking of watching that Margot Robbie / Tina Fey movie tonight.
Surprising absolutely no one. Marvel loves events. I think Infinity and Secret Wars were the only two events in recent memory that didn't turn out to be dog shit.
I'm thinking of watching that Margot Robbie / Tina Fey movie tonight.
That's a bad one
Think again.
The problem is when they turn existing storylines into events. Those storylines aren't intended to be events for a reason, but yet they insist on doing it. But then you have genuine events, like Age of Ultron and AvX, that are just bad on their own anyways.
Realistically, I think Age of Ultron had the same problem that Secret Invasion had, though to a greater extent. I think Age of Ultron could easily have been done in two or three issues, whereas Secret Invasion probably would have been fine with four or five instead of seven. But then you have genuinely interesting events like Siege where they only gave it four issues.
It's a bit ridiculous when it starts to become a thing that every time I go into the store, I look at the wall and go "what event/crossover is happening now, again?" Because there's always one happening. Secret Wars > Standoff > Spider-Women > Civil War II. And that's just within the past 12 months. Even sadder when you consider that they're only mediocre most of the time. And that's at best.
Fucking ridiculous.
Jamie Mckelvie's CHVRCHES work about to hit an apex when the animated video for Bury It drops on Monday
Invincible is over 120 issues in and not once have you had to read anything else to keep up.
And I think that's one reason why there's such a market for indy publishers like Dark Horse and Image. Because this is never a problem with them. You can keep reading the books you like without worrying if you're going to have to buy four other books to keep with the story. Invincible is over 120 issues in and not once have you had to read anything else to keep up.
These have to bring in a lot of readers though, or otherwise they wouldn't keep doing them.
It's a bit ridiculous when it starts to become a thing that every time I go into the store, I look at the wall and go "what event/crossover is happening now, again?" Because there's always one happening. Secret Wars > Standoff > Spider-Women > Civil War II. And that's just within the past 12 months. Even sadder when you consider that they're only mediocre most of the time. And that's at best.
Fucking ridiculous.
It has to be doing something positive, because otherwise Marvel needs to fucking chill on that shit.Maybe it's more about marketing than anything else. It used to be a special thing when a big event was going on, but Marvel likes to always be in event-mode now.
I realize the difference, and I don't mind crossovers as much, but it doesn't change the fact that, on a regular basis, there are things that impact multiple books occurring on a regular basis. It's a bit tiresome, and like I said unless it's having a massive positive impact on sales, then they really need to back off. Or, at the very VERY least, no more turning isolated storylines into events, like Axis.I think it's important to distinguish between crossovers that affect a limited number of books and an event that has its own limited series and affect the majority of titles in the line. Secret Wars, which literally impacted the entire line, is an event, as is Civil War II. Spider-Women was just three titles, all in the same family, and Standoff I think hit seven or eight titles.
By that metric, Marvel has 1-2 events per year. I do wish they would always limit themselves to one even though I do generally enjoy events more often than not. When they do turn out bad they really drag down my enjoyment of much of the line, and I appreciate the space between events so titles have a chance to breathe a bit.
I usually appreciate crossovers since they give me a chance to take another look at books I had previously written off, and sometimes I am pleasantly surprised as I was with Uncanny Avengers and Illuminati during Standoff. I also like seeing the characters of those books interact, which is one of the best features of a shared universe; the writers typically have a greater opportunity to do this than they do during an event.
edit: whoops, either I missed that you had the word crossover in there or you edited in. Well, I still think the point stands: they have a vastly different impact on the overall line.
I think it's important to distinguish between crossovers that affect a limited number of books and an event that has its own limited series and affect the majority of titles in the line. Secret Wars, which literally impacted the entire line, is an event, as is Civil War II. Spider-Women was just three titles, all in the same family, and Standoff I think hit seven or eight titles.
Crossovers might be a lesser evil but they are still an evil if one of your books gets sucked into one where you only read one book involved.
I realize the difference, and I don't mind crossovers as much, but it doesn't change the fact that, on a regular basis, there are things that impact multiple books occurring on a regular basis. It's a bit tiresome, and like I said unless it's having a massive positive impact on sales, then they really need to back off. Or, at the very VERY least, no more turning isolated storylines into events, like Axis.
God, could you imagine if Whedon's Astonishing happened in this climate? The ending would have been forced to be an event, what with everyone trying to save the planet from a space bullet.
Crossovers might be a lesser evil but they are still an evil if one of your books gets sucked into one where you only read one book involved.
That's what happened with me and Spider-Women. I was just reading Silk, which I dropped because of Spider-Women because I realized I didn't give a fuck about Cindy anymore.
With Standoff it was fine, though, because I was already reading SamCap -- which is really the only necessary book -- ANAD Avengers, The New Avengers, and Illuminati.
crossovers are the worse, but sometimes they are done decently enough like hickmans avengers and secret war.
Eeeeeh Secret War was OK at best.
James Harden signed a 4 year extension with the Rockets for . That's a lot of cheese but I am happy. More Harden for us Sillymonkey.
*scratch out Howard and replace with Clint Capella pls
I have this great idea for a story but i want to team up with two other creative teams so i only have to do a third of it.
I doubt that's true because Original Sin barely had anything to do with Thor. It was much more about Nick Fury. And the significant Thor stuff was handled in a separate mini-series that Aaron was only co-writer on.Wasn't Original Sin supposed to just be a Thor storyline that got turned into an event? Same with Fear, Itself?
what comic is this
I heard today that the new inhuman is am ex nba player is this true? No joke
I heard today that the new inhuman is am ex nba player is this true? No joke