I haven't read the Peter one in a while. Think I read for a bit just after Superior when Messi was shipping Peter x Anna Maria.
I was actually mistaken and it's the second arc of the book so it's actually a tiny bit later.
I haven't read the Peter one in a while. Think I read for a bit just after Superior when Messi was shipping Peter x Anna Maria.
I was actually mistaken and it's the second arc of the book so it's actually a tiny bit later.
Some of you may recall I started up a D&D game based heavily on Time Runs Out. Well my players just blew up their first planet and man oh man it was sooooo rad. Felt so much like the comic and none of them have read it.
They got down there with their bomb and suddenly the consequences of what they were about to do hit almost the entire group like a ton of bricks. They had a half hour debate on what they should do while I just sat back and watched them squirm.
Is the Matt Fraction Hawkeye run good, I've been kinda curious to check it out after finishing up Edmondson and Noto's Black Widow a ways back.
Brian's shared opinions of Marvel have grown somewhat, ahem, acerbic as of late
Is the Matt Fraction Hawkeye run good, I've been kinda curious to check it out after finishing up Edmondson and Noto's Black Widow a ways back.
Is the Matt Fraction Hawkeye run good, I've been kinda curious to check it out after finishing up Edmondson and Noto's Black Widow a ways back.
Beyond that though, finally got around to reading through Ms. Marvel 1-19 (got the 2 hardcovers). Man, so goood!
CMX Image sale is here. I don't know why it's formatted so badly currently nor do I know how long it lasts. But it's got Brubaker, Hickman, Kirkman, Remender, and BKV Image comic series on sale! Image's cream of the crop IMO
Got caught up on Saga, East of West, Low, Deadly Class, Velvet, Tokyo Ghost, we stand on Guard, and Manhattan Projects.
Its universal beloved and won a couple of Awards, go check it out![]()
Fraction's Hawkeye run is like, the best Hawkeye run. It was totally different from what I was expecting when I started it. It's basically about Clint's life when he's not being an Avenger. And his life still gets pretty crazy.
CMX Image sale is here. I don't know why it's formatted so badly currently nor do I know how long it lasts. But it's got Brubaker, Hickman, Kirkman, Remender, and BKV Image comic series on sale! Image's cream of the crop IMO
Got caught up on Saga, East of West, Low, Deadly Class, Velvet, Tokyo Ghost, we stand on Guard, and Manhattan Projects.
Only in it for invincible and a couple back issues of other series.CMX Image sale is here. I don't know why it's formatted so badly currently nor do I know how long it lasts. But it's got Brubaker, Hickman, Kirkman, Remender, and BKV Image comic series on sale! Image's cream of the crop IMO
Got caught up on Saga, East of West, Low, Deadly Class, Velvet, Tokyo Ghost, we stand on Guard, and Manhattan Projects.
CMX Image sale is here. I don't know why it's formatted so badly currently nor do I know how long it lasts. But it's got Brubaker, Hickman, Kirkman, Remender, and BKV Image comic series on sale! Image's cream of the crop IMO
Got caught up on Saga, East of West, Low, Deadly Class, Velvet, Tokyo Ghost, we stand on Guard, and Manhattan Projects.
Fucking Hasbro comics over there. I love it.Ehhehheh.
It seems to have been a gradual thing. They've been doing Transformers comics for over 10 years at this point, and they added G.I. Joe (which caused Devil's Due to implode as well as all their Joe books becoming non-canon, which was a shame as America's Elite was fucking fantastic at points) and the Wizards of the Coast properties fairly soon after that.
I don't think Jem is going to be in the shared universe. At that point, you might as well put My Little Pony in.
There's Transformers, G.I. Joe, Micronauts, ROM (but not the Space Knight because Marvel owns that) and M.A.S.K. there that I see, and they've said the new Action Man series will tie in as well.
They're doing action figure variants of a line entirely based around action figures:
Like the snake (eyes) eating its' own tail. I also like how the Optimus Prime is wholly referenced from what looks like MP-10 only it's about a third of the size.
Truly words to live and die byThis is never the wrong thread
This would be goodTim Seeley Blade. That's it.
Don't fail me, Marvel.
Replace her with Young Jean. Jean tries to read their minds and everyone goes, "nah bitch this ain't amateur hour." America gets so pissed she gets punched into another dimension. After everyone tells America to go get her, Jean then goes back to Earth, head held in shame.Ultimates to be renamed Avengers and Captain Marvel removed from the team to be replaced with someone decent.
I respect this choice as well.Brother Voodoo.
Well, one man's trash and all that.They feel more like network shows than cable shows to me. Mostly low quality trash written for the lowest common denominator,
Not really. I found it rather boringbros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?
bros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?
bros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?
who is the blue chick?
Noooooooope.bros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?
So are there any SDCC panels people are looking forward to?
bros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?
So I'm finally picking up Saga on the sale. Anything you miss if you pick up issues 31-36 instead of the collected Vol. 6? Much cheaper from what I can see.
Any benefit to buying the Hawkeye omnibus over the hardcovers? Just wondered if it had any worthwhile extras that they don't have.
Nope. Get the hardcovers instead. The omnibus is a rip off.
Any benefit to buying the Hawkeye omnibus over the hardcovers? Just wondered if it had any worthwhile extras that they don't have.
I am so hyped for the Wonder Woman movie stuff at Comic Con. Teaser trailer, actual trailer, whatever. I'll be excited over any new pieces of information.
A new hot toy pls
Well I'm sure that's a given. Gotta get dat Messi money.
I am so hyped for the Wonder Woman movie stuff at Comic Con. Teaser trailer, actual trailer, whatever. I'll be excited over any new pieces of information.
bros help I just finished Hawkguy and I need something similar to read (besides Immortal Iron Fist, which I intend to get). Is the All-New Hawkeye a good successor?