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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

Elsa Charretier is on the Wasp book. She did The Infinite Loop, but the thing I know her from is the later issues of that recent Starfire run. She's great.
That's what we were told but now I'm not so sure. I think this is the full menu. We have a checklist and there's no reason not to have the X-books listed if you're going to have Death of X on there.

But, I expect them to do a separate refresh after Death of X, alternatively it's possible the current books are just being swapped out with minis during Death of X and that's why they aren't on there.

Well Storm is in BP, Uncanny Avengers is still running, Young Scott on Champions. So they aren't getting rid of the X-Men line. I can only assume Death of X is a soft reboot excuse for the X-Men line.

Or rather, I can only hope



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

ty. That
Doom armor

there are a ton of actual spoilers on bleeding cool now btw. Stuff like in Uncanny Inhumans Medusa
gets her head shaved, so lol at her powers
or Mighty Thor will have a
Asgard vs Shi'ar war
arc which is all sorts of hype fuel

it also confirms a bunch of books will just continue like Thunderbolts, Silver Surfer, Squadron Supreme (really?), Uncanny Avengers, etc.


Junior Member
Well Storm is in BP, Uncanny Avengers is still running, Young Scott on Champions. So they aren't getting rid of the X-Men line. I can only assume Death of X is a soft reboot excuse for the X-Men line.

Or rather, I can only hope

I mean, some could argue that Marvel may go the F4 approach & cancel the X-books while spreading the surviving mutants out to other books. But if you ask me, I agree with you in that Death of X will result in a soft reboot for the X-Men line of comics.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
you motherfuckers didnt tell me Great Lakes was going to me a MIKE ALLRED joint holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit so hyped for this


Junior Member
Avengers 1.1 has me pretty hyped, more so since it has one of my favorite Avengers teams (Cap, Hawkeye, Quicksilver, & Scarlet Witch) during the Cap's Kooky Quartet era.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Come on, Rhak. If Allred was doing interiors we would have given a shit.

thats why I thought it was weird when I saw Allred in the cover ;_;

also that Venom cover is atrocious, that better be Flash in the suit. You have Sandoval in the book and you get that abysmal cover from some random, like why?


IDK how to feel about 19-20 year old Gwen being paired up with 15-16 year old Miles
when he clearly had more chemistry with Kamala.
Just got a chance to check out the Marvel NOW stuff. Not sure why we're using spoilers, but I'm interested in:
Nova (maybe?)
Unstoppable Wasp
ASM: Renew Your Vows

For the stuff not in the preview image list, I'm super interested in Hawkeye and I might check out the Rosenberg stuff too.

Pretty cool looking so far. I'm gonna continue on with Squirrel Girl, Power Man & Iron Fist, and Black Widow of course. If Mockingbird is still continuing then that's definitely a keeper too.


Why do I keep responding to you?

Some may balk immediately at this choice but I would love to see Kamala Khan turn out to be LGBT. Coming out as gay in a conservative Muslim family is a decision that creates incredibly complicated and difficult situations and it is a real experience for some people. I think it has the potential to be dramatically interesting...brave, risky storytelling.

But Marvel won't risk the golden goose, so that won't happen.



Unconfirmed Member
Huh, that leaked cover makes Occupy Avengers look like
the community aspect of the Ewing's Mighty Avengers taken to an extreme. Like We Are Robin, but with Avengers.

Maybe that's just the cover, though.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Why does the main Avengers book still get the likes of Deodato?

Del Mundo is on Avengers and its going to be glorious.

I actually enjoyed Secret Wars #9, I'm happy with that conclusion. Its all about Doom and Reed in the end, truly the final act of Hickman's saga that began in Fantastic Four.

Also can someone just give Molecule Man some food already?

Molecule Man: "Victor did you bring me some food?"
Doom: "no"
Molecule Man: "well fuck you then now youre not omnipotent anymore"
Doom: "wait what?"

Speaking of Mr Owen, remember when he was just a normal villain lol.
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