CWII #3 pics floating around on tumblr(like here for instance if you don't care about spoilers).
The "surprise" death isof course Bruce Banner by Hawkeye because Bendis sucks at hiding stuff and loves making Clint the "killer" avenger in everything he does.
I'm going to bed now. Have fun while Europe sleeps!
Where is Kabuki in This list? Looks like you have a typo there.
Also WW by Rucka is amazing
Has anyone read 20th Century Boys. I remembered I bought the first volume after hearing good things a while back but didn't read it yet. Think I'll dive in this week
The real big comic news today is that All Star Batman is officially Rebirth branded.
Yes! The rumor about Bendis leaving gotg before the next relaunch looks to be correct!
Newsarama: Does Marvel really publish ongoing series anymore?
Tl;dr Marvel should stop calling series limited or ongoing unless they know the book will only be 4 issues.
Unless you're a female in any connection to the comic book industry.
So Medusa can control all the hair on her body right?
After today's Rebirth purchases I only have 817 issues/collections in my CMX wish list I'm waiting on coming out or, in most cases, going on sale. I'm happy I can control myself and not ending up with 30+ I have to buy right away each week.
This feels pointed at me
Ddddd same, but I never ended up finishing the shortlived series. I think I stopped partially through Guggenheim's run.I hung onto that book for dear life. Truth is that it's shit, and somehow Wilson was worse.
Hey, if there was an actually good physical store close to me I'd be you.
...When Clone Conspiracy hits I should get your avatar but reversed and see how many notice.
Also why would All Star Batz be $2.99? There's a Shalvey back up story in there.
What are they running a charity?
So what Star Wars book do we think Gillen will announce on Saturday as his new project after Vader?
So Medusa can control all the hair on her body right?
New Super-Man #1
Ok this book has no right being soo good. Felt like I was reading something from Image till the last couple of pages. I think I enjoyed this more than Green Arrow rebirth.
Newsarama: Does Marvel really publish ongoing series anymore?
Tl;dr Marvel should stop calling series limited or ongoing unless they know the book will only be 4 issues.
That's a very odd thing to say about a book written by Gene Luen Yang.
Anyone have advice for how to approach these IDW Ghostbusters comics?
You guys know where I can find the best hentai?
Now you gave me something I cannot forget....
They're right about that Previews issue being edited terribly. There are obvious fuck-ups all over the place.
They're right about that Previews issue being edited terribly. There are obvious fuck-ups all over the place.
Sounds like DC books are killing it this week? Damn work!
Any impressions on Flash? It's been about the only book of Rebirth I've been most disappointed with. That and being disappointed that Titans isn't twice monthly. It feels like it's been forever since the Rebirth issue.
The stuff that's wrong can be identified and fixed within 15 minutes.Last minute?
Mostly it's been trying to rebuild the Flash canon with bits of the show, bits of the New 52 run, and all the old comics stuff, which, while it's a joyous exercise for Williamson, who's clearly having tons of fun figuring out how this stuff can work together, has been pretty bad for the book's forward momentum. Like, the Flash is fighting a guy with very vague motivations, while a gigantic but also vague thing is happening to people around him. Also Wally is there. No, the other one.
I just kind of wish it wasn't so much about tone setting this far in. It seems crazy to say this far in, but with the issues coming this fast it feels like it's been longer than it actually has. It just seems like the most rehash of rehash possible. Rebirth was a rehash of the DC Rebirth book almost literally, and then the first issue was basically rehash of the history of Barry. Just....move on dammit!
I feel the same for Aquaman. I'm going to wait for the second arc to pick it up agian.