this is a good review format
New Avengers:
Why are you reading it if you have such a hate-boner for Bendis?Did the thing where I missed CW II #3 on Comixology, so I read this first. Managed not to read the news articles spoiling the story...while still inadvertently spoiling myself.
Feel like the solicits for the post-CW book undermine the plot of this issue, since we know Sunspot doesn't die before the storyline wraps up. Also can't help but feel like a triple-agent should be better prepared to come up with a false narrative....especially for something that hasn't even happened yet.
The Maker's fixation with AIM feels a bit one-sided at this point; seems like the storyline is only advancing because it's being replaced by U.S.Avengers, which is unfortunate...but maybe they'll make the best out of it.
As for CW II itself, Fuck Bendis.
What part of Hawkeye's back-story even suggests he'd be willing to do that? Or that he'd be so eager to do it that he'd do it pre-emptively, instead of waiting for the last-possible moment?
Who am I kidding: Bendis doesn't care about any backstory someone else wrote.
Also, for a notoriously over-tallk-y writer, maybe give DD a thought bubble acknowledgement that Clint's not lying about his testimony. Speaking of which, if DD is the prosecutor...which is to say, the lawyer with discretion in making the charging decision....why did this ever get to trial?
Killing off characters is such a cheap, lazy stunt; at least we've hit Bendis' quota for this series. Now the action can build to the unremarkable conclusion.
Event books are hard to ignore.Why are you reading it if you have such a hate-boner for Bendis?
I completely overlooked New Superman. Is it worth picking up? Keep in mind I've not really ever had a particular fondness for the character, though I've enjoyed Superman stories here and there.
They're summarized on every recap page where they matter.Event books are hard to ignore.
Event books are hard to ignore.
I completely overlooked New Superman. Is it worth picking up? Keep in mind I've not really ever had a particular fondness for the character, though I've enjoyed Superman stories here and there.
Who reads recap pages?They're summarized on every recap page where they matter.
Your probably reading a tie-in.just watch me nigga
I can tell you who should.Who reads recap pages?
I completely overlooked New Superman. Is it worth picking up? Keep in mind I've not really ever had a particular fondness for the character, though I've enjoyed Superman stories here and there.
I completely overlooked New Superman. Is it worth picking up? Keep in mind I've not really ever had a particular fondness for the character, though I've enjoyed Superman stories here and there.
Event books are hard to ignore.
Kate Leth?I can tell you who should.
Pretty much this.
SIXIS was the first event book that I dropped while in-progress. Avoiding the event-created tie-in books, and only reading the books I normally read is my compromise.
As to whether I keep reading CW II...we'll see how I feel when the next issue hits.
Kate Leth?
Any takes on Horizon?
She was given a recap that She Hulk died just when she was planning a story arc with her on Hellcat.Is this a reference to something in particular?
But the only recap pages I read are Squirrel Girl's.
So I went back and read it again (as well as CWII #2) and came away with two things:
I may have been wrong. It looks like Bruce WAS hulking out, but it's very subtle. There is a very, very, very light shade of green in the center of his pupil just before Hawkeye shoots him. It's easy to miss. You kinda have to zoom in and stare at it for a second.
But after he's dead there can be no doubt. In the panel with him lying dead on the ground, that spot is larger and clearly green. It's obvious when you zoom in.
So it seems like Hawkeye was right which to me, ehhhh. Kinda sloppy writing? The Spider-Men should have been the first to know. But I'm guessing this is how we are meant to interpret it, and the argument isn't supposed to be "did Clint kill Bruce preemptively?" It's supposed to be "did they cause this by ambushing Bruce at his home?" Which is a much less interesting discussion because the answer is obvious. Oh well. So much for that.
(the fact that the spot in his eye is larger after he's dead would also appear to indicate that something else is going on here, the arrow didn't do what it was meant to do and Bruce isn't really completely dead)
I also went back to CWII #2 to read the scene where they all get the vision again. It concludes with Ulysses tearfully saying "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...the Hulk is going to kill you all."
This is the clown they place so much stock in. He has now lived through numerous visions not bearing out. In fact I believe literally none of them have actually come to pass (which Carol would argue is thanks to their intervention, but I remain unconvinced). But his message, upon broadcasting his vision to others for the first time, isn't "you have to stop the Hulk" or anything like's..."that is what is going to happen." Fucking really?
Don't get me wrong, I understand why he says that and why he is so freaked out by these experiences. They are traumatizing events that he actually has to live through every time he has a vision. But that should really be a giant fucking red flag that he isn't a 100% reliable source of information and I don't get how Team Carol still hasn't seen that.
There's really only two points of view for the pro-Carol side on the Bruce disaster:
a) Bruce was going to hulk out someday, somehow, and now he won't because we murdered him, so thank goodness we did that
b) Bruce was about to hulk out because we ambushed him at his house so hey, our bad! But we were still right, see??? Good thing we murdered him.
smdh Carol
Everyone and their mama has said new super man is hot fire. What are you waiting for?I completely overlooked New Superman. Is it worth picking up? Keep in mind I've not really ever had a particular fondness for the character, though I've enjoyed Superman stories here and there.
Any takes on Horizon?
Everyone and their mama has said new super man is hot fire. What are you waiting for?
Doubt it. Even echoshifting has to give it propsThat one dissenting opinion, clearly.
That one dissenting opinion, clearly.
I couldn't disagree more and I like her art
More than any eye thing, I just felt like he was about to Hulk out. They created a tense situation, and it was building up pretty fast. Banner started yelling and looking distressed, and my honest expectation was that I was going to turn the page and see some green skin and clothes tearing in the very next panel, but instead it was the arrow.
That's a big part of why I'm so far on Clint's side. I was expecting to turn the page and see the Hulk, and that's when the arrow was fired. I can see that it would read differently to someone who didn't feel it had escalated to that degree and who didn't expect to turn the page and see the Hulk.
As for the eye thing (which I'm not too hung up on), it's worth noting that Clint didn't day his eyes were starting to turn green, he said they flickered green. That's not something we would necessarily see. And I think they want this to be something that is debated, and showing blatant green eyes would be proof that one side is right. I don't think they want that.
It lends itself to that, and that's part of why I think it was such a good issue.It's interesting how much debate is coming out of CW2 in the other threads lol. This issue surprised me in that regard.
Hahaha, classic.
Nicola Scott has turned into quite the artist, but what the fuck is this...?
That one dissenting opinion, clearly.
I thought it was a steaming pile of shit.
Nicola Scott has turned into quite the artist, but what the fuck is this...?
Well, I'm hung up on it
(Image links are CWII #3 spoilers)
Nicola Scott has turned into quite the artist, but what the fuck is this...?
Looking at this page, you got all these vertical panels of people having fun, being together, harmonizing, then you got this big wide screen panel drifting along showing Diana is isolated from their fun and parties and debauchery. Then there's the panel on the far right, bottom, completely out of sync with the rest of the page mirroring her own feelings of loneliness and wishing for something more with her life.
Thats just my guess cuz I havent read the book