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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


Looking at this page, you got all these vertical panels of people having fun, being together, harmonizing, then you got this big wide screen panel drifting along showing Diana is isolated from their fun and parties and debauchery. Then there's the panel on the far right, bottom, completely out of sync with the rest of the page mirroring her own feelings of loneliness and wishing for something more with her life.

Thats just my guess cuz I havent read the book

Yep, it's a pretty genius layout.
To each their own. I like to see artists flex their creative muscles with nontraditional layouts and spreads.

As long as it isn't this...



I've read like 8 issues of Manhattan Projects so far. Pretty damn rad. The first few issues were like isolated world building stuff about the individual characters, loosely connected in the early timeline, and then BAM... you get more factions, aliens, illuminati, fucking lol. <3 Hickman. There's something adorable about the art and design too. Reminds me of older European comics filled with weird science and crazy stuff.


So do I :( sarcasm is lost on the internet.

Yeah dude I wasn't being snarky or critical of your opinion or anything even if you were being serious. When done right (Watchmen, Omega Men, Pax Americana) 9 panel layouts are absolutely brilliant.

I've read like 8 issues of Manhattan Projects so far. Pretty damn rad. The first few issues were like isolated world building stuff about the individual characters, loosely connected in the early timeline, and then BAM... you get more factions, aliens, illuminati, fucking lol. <3 Hickman. There's something adorable about the art and design too. Reminds me of older European comics filled with weird science and crazy stuff.

And it only gets weirder and crazier. MP is my favorite Hickman book and one of my favorite comics period.
No no no no no no and NO.

Watch Red Hood slay.
I have picked up the previous two RH books for their first arcs, and both books brought me to the conclusion that Lobdell doesn't know how to create chemistry between the members at all. I am going to pick up the new book, but I bet it will be the same damn thing.
Red Hood feels like a lost character from like Youngblood or some other 90s Rob Liefeld Image garbage. "Bro! What if we took a Batman like character and gave him guns and let him kill people and be EXXXXTREME! It'd be fucking EPIC bros!"

I'll never forget the dude in one of the Injustice threads who said Red Hood was his favorite character because he could relate to him. I don't remember who that poster was but I hope I'm never stuck in an elevator or something with them.
I like the idea of a former Robin going rogue. I genuinely do, but they have no idea what to do with the character after that.

Fucking love it.
Double-page spreads are a waste so much of the time. Look how infrequently Ribic does them, but then think how much epic, large-scale stuff he does. I thought he must have been doing a bunch of two-page splashes in that Thor run, but looking back, he didn't. He just left that impression.


So I went back and read it again (as well as CWII #2) and came away with two things:

I may have been wrong. It looks like Bruce WAS hulking out, but it's very subtle. There is a very, very, very light shade of green in the center of his pupil just before Hawkeye shoots him. It's easy to miss. You kinda have to zoom in and stare at it for a second.

But after he's dead there can be no doubt. In the panel with him lying dead on the ground, that spot is larger and clearly green. It's obvious when you zoom in.

So it seems like Hawkeye was right which to me, ehhhh. Kinda sloppy writing? The Spider-Men should have been the first to know. But I'm guessing this is how we are meant to interpret it, and the argument isn't supposed to be "did Clint kill Bruce preemptively?" It's supposed to be "did they cause this by ambushing Bruce at his home?" Which is a much less interesting discussion because the answer is obvious. Oh well. So much for that.

(the fact that the spot in his eye is larger after he's dead would also appear to indicate that something else is going on here, the arrow didn't do what it was meant to do and Bruce isn't really completely dead)

I also went back to CWII #2 to read the scene where they all get the vision again. It concludes with Ulysses tearfully saying "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...the Hulk is going to kill you all."

This is the clown they place so much stock in. He has now lived through numerous visions not bearing out. In fact I believe literally none of them have actually come to pass (which Carol would argue is thanks to their intervention, but I remain unconvinced). But his message, upon broadcasting his vision to others for the first time, isn't "you have to stop the Hulk" or anything like that...it's..."that is what is going to happen." Fucking really?

Don't get me wrong, I understand why he says that and why he is so freaked out by these experiences. They are traumatizing events that he actually has to live through every time he has a vision. But that should really be a giant fucking red flag that he isn't a 100% reliable source of information and I don't get how Team Carol still hasn't seen that.

There's really only two points of view for the pro-Carol side on the Bruce disaster:

a) Bruce was going to hulk out someday, somehow, and now he won't because we murdered him, so thank goodness we did that

b) Bruce was about to hulk out because we ambushed him at his house so hey, our bad! But we were still right, see??? Good thing we murdered him.

smdh Carol

I think the problem is we have yet to see a scenario where things were allowed to play out.

So in all cases thus far, the awful thing was prevented. The double standard here, which by the way is my least favorite time travel trope, is that regardless of how much you intervene something bad will happen.

So far though, this has only happened twice to devastating effect. It seems to be relatively successful in all other cases.

And in this particular case many of the heroes experienced it, which colors the entire incident in a different light.
God damn Wonder Woman was good. This alternating storylines thing is gonna be weird, tho.

Nicola Scott has turned into quite the artist, but what the fuck is this...?

Ha ha. Check out Hickman's The Red Wing. Good comic, but good lord I've never seen so much empty space in a comic in my life.


Guise, I've been reading so many CW2 tie ins and I haven't even started my DC stuff. So hype for Nuperman and Wondy Year 1. I may also throw Nightwing in there... hmm..

It's been a jam packed comic day.
Damian dialog aside I liked it. Solid start.

For people who read grayson did

Helena and Dick have a fling or something?

To the first, I kinda like it. In a weird way, it makes sense for him to act a little more childish now. He's older, yes, but he never got to BE a child before, and he's slowly loosening up.

To the second, I would assume yes, because Dick is Dick.

We really calling him Nuperman?

Natural compression of New Super-Man. Better to embrace it.
Damian dialog aside I liked it. Solid start.

For people who read grayson did

Helena and Dick have a fling or something?

I can't speak on that directly, but
they have been going really hard on bringing pre-Flashpoint stuff into the New 52, some more transparent than others. Back in the day, they were bone buddies for awhile.


I can't speak on that directly, but
they have been going really hard on bringing pre-Flashpoint stuff into the New 52, some more transparent than others. Back in the day, they were bone buddies for awhile.

Woah I had no idea.

To the first, I kinda like it. In a weird way, it makes sense for him to act a little more childish now. He's older, yes, but he never got to BE a child before, and he's slowly loosening up.

To the second, I would assume yes, because Dick is Dick.

Natural compression of New Super-Man. Better to embrace it.
I didn't mind the dialog either. but gotcha.

And yea guys embrace the Nuperman
I think the problem is we have yet to see a scenario where things were allowed to play out.

Which is not something that is easily justified, by the heroes or by the writing. In this issue, and in some tie-ins such as Kingpin we have seen that exploiting Ulysses has become so ordinary that they are using him to prevent lots of crimes that don't exactly hit the world-ending event bar. How on earth have they never thought to permit a few test cases to unfold naturally and see what happens? If they all turned out exactly the way Ulysses said they would, their actions would make a lot more sense. As things currently stand, they have no way of knowing Ulysses power isn't actually to see the worst possible outcome of an event or something like that.


Which is not something that is easily justified, by the heroes or by the writing. In this issue, and in some tie-ins such as Kingpin we have seen that exploiting Ulysses has become so ordinary that they are using him to prevent lots of crimes that don't exactly hit the world-ending event bar. How on earth have they never thought to permit a few test cases to unfold naturally and see what happens? If they all turned out exactly the way Ulysses said they would, their actions would make a lot more sense. As things currently stand, they have no way of knowing Ulysses power isn't actually to see the worst possible outcome of an event or something like that.

I think scientifically it's easy to say this. However, if you have the opportunity to stop a crime, no matter how small, wouldn't you? Which I think is why, to take Tony's side for a second, it's more important to understand how the powers work to begin with. Which is a better alternative than letting bad things happen.
I think scientifically it's easy to say this. However, if you have the opportunity to stop a crime, no matter how small, wouldn't you? Which I think is why, to take Tony's side for a second, it's more important to understand how the powers work to begin with. Which is a better alternative than letting bad things happen.

No matter how small? Think about that for a second. Because not even Minority Report tried to justify such drastic measures. In that story they went after murderers. Here they seem to have gone way beyond that without even attempting to verify the source of this information as authentic.

Take for instance the appearance in this issue of heroes pursuing Black Cat. What exactly was she up to that was so bad they preemptively charged her with a crime? I know she's a Bad Guy now but she hasn't been running around killing innocent people. She was probably just stealing shit! Why is Ulysses involved in that at all? And if he saw it anyway, why not let that one, at least, play out?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So New Super-Man is a new character? Not Clark?
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