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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


Wait what? When did this happen? Marvel so desperate they trying out that rule 63?

I like the females taking on the male counterparts role in marvel right now with Jane, Laura, and kate.

I haven't read civil war so I can't really explain it but I do know that
James rhodes dies


just looked her up. looks like she can easily be the new iron man too.

15-year-old Riri Williams.

ohh snap she is young too! young avengers incoming


Finished iZombie, thoroughly enjoyed it, though I kind of wish it stayed more focused on the smaller scale for longer. Like, would've liked to actually see some proper "solve brain memory driven mysteries" or something, maybe. Or at the very least see more of the cast elements come together. I mean, the vampire stuff in particular hardly interacted with the other cast members through a lot of it, and most stuff kind of felt like it was happening in its own bubble.

Just a minor gripe though, as I still quite enjoyed the whole thing.


Finished iZombie, thoroughly enjoyed it, though I kind of wish it stayed more focused on the smaller scale for longer. Like, would've liked to actually see some proper "solve brain memory driven mysteries" or something, maybe. Or at the very least see more of the cast elements come together. I mean, the vampire stuff in particular hardly interacted with the other cast members through a lot of it, and most stuff kind of felt like it was happening in its own bubble.

Just a minor gripe though, as I still quite enjoyed the whole thing.

I couldn't agree with you more. I am almost done with the omnibus but it feels like the writers had to hurry up and rush to the big baddie. The whole giant
zombie fight
was the turning point. I guess that is what happens when you introduce a lot of great stuff for a limited run series. Would finish it but X-static is too good.


DC's omnibus editions have improved a lot in the past couple of years or so, primarily in binding. There's never any gutter loss anymore, paper stock is nice, etc. However, one thing still annoys me with them, and that is the cover boards. First of all, I'd say more than 50% of them are black pulpy cardboard that feels and looks incredibly cheap. And you never know what you're going to get there, either. There are $75 omnis with printed art cover boards like Planetary and Wonder Woman by Perez, and $150 omnis with black pulpy cardboard cover boards, like Teen Titans and 52. Second of all, their cover boards are really thin and light. There's like no weight to them which only adds to that feeling of cheapness. I would honestly say they are about half the thickness and weight of a Marvel omni's cover boards.


The quality of Dc hardcovers is all over the fucking place. I own deluxe editions of Dc books that blow a lot of their omnibus books out of the water. Gotham Central omnibus was a fuck up. How do you put out a highly praised book like that with hybrid(glue binding), weak ass cardboard, and and font that is hard to read without the dust jacket.

will post some pics in a bit


The quality of Dc hardcovers is all over the fucking place. I own deluxe editions of Dc books that blow a lot of their omnibus books out of the water. Gotham Central omnibus was a fuck up. How do you put out a highly praised book like that with hybrid(glue binding), weak ass cardboard, and and font that is hard to read without the dust jacket.

will post some pics in a bit

From this picture someone posted awhile back, Gotham Central omni seems to be a sewn binding?

look at that glue son. you won't see glue like that on a lot of darkhorse/marvel sewn bindings.

We always talked about how great those Image hardcovers are, but Dark Horse was the best all along. Image books are great, but some of their recent hardcovers like Black Science and WicDiv are of really questionable quality.


Image hardcovers are very independent from each other. Invincible hardcovers are very basic, but then you get amazing stuff like Saga deluxe, and chew omnivore editions which are also great.

Comparison of two Marvel Omnnibus vs Gotham central. The X-static is sewn.

These basic black covers are the worst thing ever, and it is not just DC that is doing it.


look at that glue son. you won't see glue like that on a lot of darkhorse/marvel sewn bindings.

Yeah, that is glue for the headband. It's on pretty much any sewn binding with a headband, sometimes more visible than other times. DC's is just a bit thicker and with a different level of transparency. Theirs actually looks nicer comparatively.


Dark Horse (looks kinda gross, tbh):



Oh thanks! vanwrinkle. good to know. I always assumed glue= bad binding.

No problem. If the text block separates from the spine of the book, you can assume that it is a sewn binding. (there is a method of glued binding called double-fan adhesive binding that does the same thing, but we never see them in comic books, so you don't even need to think about it.) They all use glue, but these sewn binding books with an eyehole use a flexible glue.

There are also sewn bindings that are glued to the spine, like Multiversity deluxe and Swamp Thing by Snyder deluxe. If you see sewn signatures, the binding is sewn. These are better than purely glued bindings as you can generally still see down to the beginning of the page margins, since the pages aren't literally glued together on their ends, creating an invisible length of margin.


Uncanny Inhumans - Inhumans basically fuck Tony's life up
and Triton turns heel
Mockingbird - After a random issue, we get back to business and still bordering on silly and gripping

I keep hearing Archie got better but I prefer Jughead more, dunn owhy.
COMICGAF, I need some advice. I just read Sandman by Neil Gaiman and it was absolutely amazing and revealed to me just how great comics can be. Now I'm thinking of starting with superheroes, but have no idea where to start since the universes are so massive. Any recommendations on where I should start? I'm thinking of getting Marvels and the Dark Knight Returns to start.
I'm a bit of a Marvel fanboy as you can tell, but in this case it's primarily because I'm picking out shorter runs that aren't too continuity heavy. A lot of the DC books I really love require either a long investment (Nightwing by Dixon or New 52 Earth 2) or a good bit of continuity knowledge (Secret Six by Gail Simone)

Alias by Bendis and Gaydos
Inhumans by Jenkins and Lee
Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine by Aaron and Kubert
Hawkeye vs. Deadpool by Duggan

Green Arrow by Lemire and Sorrentino
Kingdom Come by Waid and Ross (I haven't read it yet, but it gets tons of praise)

Dark Horse:
Umbrella Academy by Way and Ba
Hellboy by Mike Mignola

Secret Identities
Death Vigil by Seijic



No problem. If the text block separates from the spine of the book, you can assume that it is a sewn binding. (there is a method of glued binding called double-fan adhesive binding that does the same thing, but we never see them in comic books, so you don't even need to think about it.) They all use glue, but these sewn binding books with an eyehole use a flexible glue.

There are also sewn bindings that are glued to the spine, like Multiversity deluxe and Swamp Thing by Snyder deluxe. If you see sewn signatures, the binding is sewn. These are better than purely glued bindings as you can generally still see down to the beginning of the page margins, since the pages aren't literally glued together on their ends, creating an invisible length of margin.

I needed this lesson


COMICGAF, I need some advice. I just read Sandman by Neil Gaiman and it was absolutely amazing and revealed to me just how great comics can be. Now I'm thinking of starting with superheroes, but have no idea where to start since the universes are so massive. Any recommendations on where I should start? I'm thinking of getting Marvels and the Dark Knight Returns to start.

Some beginner DC recommendations from me. All of these can be bought as a standalone book without multiple volumes unless I note otherwise:

-Kingdom Come
-DC The New Frontier
-Green Arrow Year One
-Green Arrow by Lemire/Sorrentino (available in one deluxe edition or three trade paperback volumes [N52 Vol 4-6])
-Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder
-Batman N52 Vol 1 and 2 (Court of Owls story arc; I would recommend just reading through all the N52 volumes, actually)
-Superman Birthright
-Superman For All Seasons
-Gotham Central Vol 1-4 (also available as an omnibus)
-Batwoman Elegy
-SHAZAM! by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank
-Batman Earth One Vol. 1 and 2 (outside of standard DC universe)
-Batman Year One
-Batman The Black Mirror
-Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell

Pick any, some, or all of these. You'll have a great time.


Hey GAF, how can you figure out the status of reprints for a comic issue?

Basically I was too late to the shop on release day to get Superman Lois and Clark 8 and ever since then online it's always out of stock or it's over 9 bucks which is bloody ridiculous. I feel like I'm shit out of luck thanks to scalpers because it was the last issue in the series. Someone bought the whole series out at my shop before I could come in the day it came out :/

All I can really find is that it got a second reprinting but from checking online shops it didn't seem to change anything. Is there some obvious resource with this kind of information that I don't know of?

My "local" comic book store is terrible when it came to custom ordering shit so the only other chance I can think to get it is to ask some other shop I don't regularly go to to order it, if that's even possible with this issue. I really liked the series and had 1-7 so it bums me out to never have 8 thanks to scalpers.

I mean, how shitty are we talking? Ordering a comic from a major publisher shouldn't be a difficult thing to for any comic shop

Love & Rockets is returning as a magazine

Jaime and Beto have been doing it as an annual series for the past decade but they're going to be doing this new magazine every four months for the newest volume. Pretty cool to see! Maybe I'll be caught up by then.

i still haven't finished maggie the mechanic ;_;
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 8: Monstrous

After six great volumes of X-Men comics, I have finally happened upon the first bump in the road. Granted, it's not actually THAT bad. It's quite decent, but Daniel Way is quite the let down after Ellis and especially after Whedon.

As we begin our tale, we have a Danger Room training sequence with Armor (Hisako Ichiki) taking her final X-Man test. During the fight, Cyclops and Emma are watching, with Cyclops making a note that her power is to construct a psionic armor (hence the code name) that is powered by her ancestors' spirits. Now, let's pause here for a second, because this plays into the following plot event: was this established before this? Because I don't remember this being established, mentioned, or alluded to in either Whedon's or Ellis' respective runs. Now, it may have been and I missed it. If so, then what I have to say on this is moot, but I dislike this retcon (assuming it is one). Not so much because of what the retcon is, though I think it's wholly unnecessary and certainly the wrong way to go as far as creating more depth in regards to her power, but I dislike it mainly for the way it's done. See, during the sequence, Wolverine joins up with her. He then turns on her, with the Danger Room making him appear as a Brood-possessed version of himself. Immediately after this, her armor (much to the surprise of everyone) blows up in size, smashing Logan into a wall. Right after this, her phone rings: her mother and brother have been killed in a car crash.

Naturally this explains why her armor blew up in size at that moment. Hisako decides to go back home, while Scott, Emma, and Logan decide to accompany her since the X-Men are a family. When she arrives, she goes with her father to the funeral, while Logan goes to get drunk and Emma and Scott chill out. Not long after they land and Hisako leaves with her father, a giant dragon appears over Tokyo! Said dragon is Fin Fang Foom, but this is mentioned by no one and the only reason I know this is because the trade also includes Fin Fang Foom's first appearance in Strange Tales. Anyways, while the X-Men have been doing their thing, a man named Mentallo is accompanying a Roxxon oil drilling crew to Monster Island off of Japan. However, Mentallo instead takes control of all the monsters on the island (apparently including Fin Fang Foom) and kills the Roxxon crew. He then holds all of Tokyo and Monster Island ransom for $800,000,000.00 in bearer bonds. The Roxxon dude in charge (name escapes me) agrees, however seeing the X-Men fighting Fin Fang Foom on TV, he calls and informs them of the true cause. Also, apparently Mentallo is a previous X-Man villain, though I haven't read anything that he's in, so this holds no weight for me.

So anyways, the X-Men fight Fin Fang Foom. While at the funeral, Hisako has a very difficult conversation with her father in which she wonders if he wishes it was her in the crash. He tells her she's being selfish and that the family needs her. Eventually, torn between going to help her team and staying, she chooses the former option. Saving the entire group, she then accompanies the team to Monster Island. Whilst going there, it's revealed that Mentallo's helmet is a massive power amplifier to his incredibly basic telepathy, thus covering the entire island. Emma can't use her telepathy due to her being overpowered, and remains in her diamond form the entire time. Anyways, Hisako completely burns herself out protecting the Blackbird from monsters. Logan and Emma head out to find Mentallo after Logan and Scott have a conversation about Hisako and if she holds a death wish. Of course, Emma has already objected to this notion, but is curious as to what else Logan and Scott were talking about.

They find Mentallo in a cave, where he reveals that whether or not he got the money, he was going to blow the island, thus severely crippling Roxxon and destroying a ton of monsters. Anyways, the head Roxxon dude in charge is murdered for being a fucking idiot by a squad sent by dudes in even more charge than him. Logan and Emma disable all the bombs on the island while Scott, carrying Armor's unconscious body and using the Blackbird's cloaking device, destroys Mentallo's helmet. Mentallo attempts to use Scott to kill the others, but that doesn't work and Mentallo ends up being crushed by the cargo crate full of bearer bonds. The team leaves the island, while Hisako makes up with her father. The end. Also there's the issue of Strange Tales that Fin Fang Foom appears in collected in the trade. Basically, in order to make his father proud, a son decides to go resurrect Fin Fang Foom and take control of him. It doesn't work and he tricks Fin Fang Foom to going back to sleep, but he makes his pops happy because he proved a myth was real while also taming a dragon. Oh, did I mention that this takes place in communist China, and that the dude's dad is in the government, and the reason his dad is disappointed is because he didn't join up with the army like his brother? Because all of that is true.

At the end of the day, this is a fun story. It's a short little superhero story, but it has it's fair share of problems. One, you may notice that Beast and Storm are no longer a part of the team, making this probably the smallest X-Men team ever. It's not explained what happened to Storm and Beast, and Abigail Brand also makes no appearance either, which is off-putting considering she was a major character in Whedon's run and had an even bigger role in Ellis'. So we only have the four members, and to be honest it's fine. It works, especially because the book primarily focuses on Hisako anyways, but I had wished that there was at least some explanation or even a mention of Storm or Beast. Even Ellis dropped that Colossus needed time to figure things out after Kitty's sacrifice. I mean, shit, don't act like two major characters just don't exist. Besides that, the book really isn't strong on character moments. There are some nice interactions, particularly between Scott and Logan, but beyond that it's effectively just a Hisako story. Which is good, because I've really grown to like Hisako and she definitely has a strong role within the team. I like her personality and her power is fun to watch, since it really gives the artist an open canvas over how to portray it. Because of the focus on her, it really shows her interactions with the other three: Emma sort of plays the motherly role, doting on Hisako, who returns the affection by trying to impress Emma. Logan sort of plays the uncle, taking her under his wing, but she still has a strong banter with him. IHe tests her, and she takes it and even pushes back. She straight up respects Scott, who is proud to have her as the very first X-Man to join under his tutelage, since he has taken both team leader and headmaster roles. The thing is that these interactions had already been explored in the previous runs, but even more in depth than this one. While we get to see more of Hisako's family life, it's hard to get invested or attached to it. I felt nothing for her when she received news of her family, nor when her and her father were having difficulties at the funeral. Though, I did catch some feels at the end when she resolves things.

None of that emotion is helped by Pearson's art, either. He's best described as discount Bachalo. Or Ramos. It's hard to get behind it when he draws this strong scene of Hisako crying, and then Logan standing there with the derpiest fucking face. Other than that, as far as action goes, it's good. Props for Nick Bradshaw for just being better, though. Sadly Bradshaw only has the last couple issues. Since I'm on this, I want to point out one other continuity development that bothers me: they are now on Utopia. It's never touched upon at all and it bugs the absolute fuck out of me. Does that mean that there are a bunch of mutants on Utopia, and they don't mention it? Including Beast and Storm? Or is Storm in Wakanda with T'challa? Fuck man, say something!

At the end of the day, this is little more than what amounts to a small superhero story under the X-Men's belt while putting Hisako's family in the refrigerator just so Daniel Way has an excuse to have a giant robot fighting a giant dragon in Tokyo. While it has it's moments -- such as the added benefit of being interesting in that Logan wants to keep Fin Fang Foom from being killed because he's being mind-controlled while Scott immediately jumps to killing it -- it's just rather average overall and certainly a big disappointment following on the heels of Whedon and Ellis.

Going to start on The Bluecoats 1. Franco-belgian comic about two union soldiers during the civil war. Looks fairly interesting.
I first heard of that earlier this year when I was on Wikipedia looking up an old NES Civil War game I had rented back in the day called North & South. It said it was based on that comic.


OMG just looked. Tragic once again ruining threads lol.

but yea DCvsMarvel when it comes to films is a very heated subject on OT. At least they got back on subject in less than 2 pages.

Then it went even better (even while they went ontopic again, but still).

Man. At this point I just hope that Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad will be good movies and hope that discussions arent that heated anymore after that.


Then it went even better (even while they went ontopic again, but still).

Man. At this point I just hope that Wonder Woman and Suicide Squad will be good movies and hope that discussions arent that heated anymore after that.

yea that is one of those threads you just gotta watch burn from a distance.

Trust me any DC movie around here is going to get dragged through the dirts. August is going to be rough
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