Baron von Loathsome
I echo the thoughts of "what the actual fuck."
What kind of awful alternate universe do you live in? This sounds terrible and I'm sorry. Come move to CA, people love nerds here.
I don't understand this. France and Belgium have some very healthy comic book markets, how do they get a bad rep in Germany? They're very close to each other. You would think some of the attitudes would cross overI do. But just only to myself :/
I just feel bad when I have to admit it or when I read a floppy in the public... Its one of those german things, comics are labeled here as for children only...
Same.I echo the thoughts of "what the actual fuck."
Ireland. More specifically, rural Ireland. Dublin and the rest of Ireland are two very different things. I don't really like Dublin apart from the comic shops, the coffee shops (oh 3FE, how I love you) and the IMAX anyway. Big crowds and lots of noise freak me out fairly easily.
I actually like it here. I live across the road from a castle, FFS. It's small enough that I can walk everywhere, but big enough that not everyone knows your business. I have a great landlord, hopefully a good job soon and my family are near enough. I admit socially it's not the greatest but that's down to me as much as anything. I get spooked by loud noises so I can't really go clubbing (seriously, we were calibrating the sound system in the cinema yesterday and I nearly shit myself when there was a huge bang from one of the machines).
I'd like to visit America sometime though. Maybe if the job works out. I haven't been on a plane since I was 14 though, for both money and fear of flying/foreign places reasons. That "why don't you travel?" thread in OT really depressed me. When going to the next city is so stressful for me, getting on a plane to go out foreign gives me the heebie jeebies. I hate being on the spectrum TBH.
I don't understand this. France and Belgium have some very healthy comic book markets, how do they get a bad rep in Germany? They're very close to each other. You would think some of the attitudes would cross over
Everybody knows sensible german peoples don't devote their time to comics. It is far better invested in wargaming. Cheaper too.
In germany? You guys have to come over hereComicGAF Meet Up!!!
Nothing says "I love you" like beautiful Nathan Fairbairn colors.
I would disagree, I think his work on Uncanny Avengers is far superior to his GL run. I actually had to look up his GL issues because I couldn't even remember what they looked like. I don't think his GL work is bad, but I think his aesthetic I'd a better fit for UA and he doesn't hit the same highs on GL that Reis and Mahnke did.
Last time I read paper comix in a coffee shop, it was during a spare half hour on a Wednesday morning. I had Drifter and I think Batgirl so I read Drifter so people would know I only read comics for adults
What the actual fuck, that's terrible
My problem with current X-books is mostly just a dislike of the Schism nonsense. It would have been interesting if they did something with it, but they don't really. It just seems like a flimsy plot device to get more X-titles out there. I'd really prefer it if they brought it to a conclusion and focused on one or two X-books that are actually good instead of however many are out there now.
Other than that Uncanny X-Men and All New X-Men also have really big pacing problems. Both books have had moments where they were good, but Bendis either doesn't get to a satisfying payoffor just interjects complete nonsense.(The mutant revolution that Cyclops was supposedly starting that never really amounted to anything)(Mystique being married to Charles Xavier and them having a kid.)
I'm personally enjoying both All-new and Uncanny. My main complaint is that Bendis has a hard time differentiating each character's personality in their dialog. A lot of the time it can feel like the characters are talking to themselves. He also has a pretty limited sense of humor, but tries to throw in several jokes. A lot of jokes or conversation patterns are reused. He also doesn't really convey well why people dislike Cyclops. To me he hasn't done much that would garner the level of hate the other X-men have for him, but it is written like he is the worst person around.
Also how he handled the conclusion of the most recent Uncanny story was some major crap.
All about perception, brah. I was hoping some nice California girl would ask me about my great taste. Must've been an off dayThis hurts me deep. Girly hijinks are not just for kids.
Hey man, you ever come to NY, we can read Multiple Warheads--the one with the werewolf shlongs--in public together. Obviously we'll never make eye contact and pretend not to know each other while reading, but yo, it'll be great.
I thought this offer was reserved for me.
If she really cared she would have bought you the color editions.
I hadn't seen any of his work when this was announced so it didn't mean much to me but I personally rate him highly. Obviously Quitely does too or he wouldn't have asked him to color pax americana. He has a great tumblr blog. Highly recommend giving it a lookgot the first five, just waiting on Volume 6 next month
to think I was skeptical of these color versions when they were announced years ago, I should have trusted in Nathan Fairbairn more. It looks just fantastic, the only one odd spot is that one joke about Ramon's changing hair color
I've never read Scott Pilgrim... am I a bad person?
I've never read Scott Pilgrim... am I a bad person?
edit - My Love & Rockets t-shirt showed up today!
I've never read Scott Pilgrim... am I a bad person?
I've never read Scott Pilgrim... am I a bad person?
this why ya girl choose me partner
All about perception, brah. I was hoping some nice California girl would ask me about my great taste. Must've been an off day
Kirkman fired some serious shots over the Lady Thor thing in Invincible actually, he used the comic shop owner character to rip into Marvel.
Personally, it seems like a lot of people are caring more about the fallen Thor than the lady Thor these days. Her whole story has been bungled by Aaron so far if you ask me, and revolves more around the Asgardians right now. Hopefully things come into focus, and that Dario Agger guy is finally taken out.
Was it the recent Invincible issue?Kirkman fired some serious shots over the Lady Thor thing in Invincible actually, he used the comic shop owner character to rip into Marvel.
You should read it, I think you'd dig itI've never read Scott Pilgrim... am I a bad person?
edit - My Love & Rockets t-shirt showed up today!
Damn, man... all other cons make our little janky con look little and janky.
Tim and I have another stacked Cincinnati Comic Con this year.
got the first five, just waiting on Volume 6 next month
to think I was skeptical of these color versions when they were announced years ago, I should have trusted in Nathan Fairbairn more. It looks just fantastic, the only one odd spot is that one joke about Ramon's changing hair color
Tim and I have another stacked Cincinnati Comic Con this year.
IST order:
Avengers Time Runs Out HC Vol.2
Claymore Vol.26
Copra Round One TP
God Hates Astronauts TP Vol.1
God Hates Astronauts TP Vol.2
So how did I do?
IST order:
Copra Round One TP
So how did I do?