Looks like shit. Vanessa del Rey fucking up another book I was interested in.
Was going to ask what she's known for, if anything. The name sounds familiar, but I can't recall anything specific.
Not a fan of the art.
Looks like shit. Vanessa del Rey fucking up another book I was interested in.
I dunno what I'm more hyped about for April, Black Panther or 4 Kids Walk into a Bank.
Another Civil War reprint as well. How lucky we are.
Was going to ask what she's known for, if anything. The name sounds familiar, but I can't recall anything specific.
Not a fan of the art.
black panther and punisher in the same month. Marvel knows me
black panther and punisher in the same month. Marvel knows me. Surprised they didn't release punisher this month
Is this the Punisher book that Cloonan is writing?
dafuq? I just read april last week.Punisher is coming the first week of May.
I believe so. there is only one
dafuq? I just read april last week.
edit: you are right. but there are links that say earlier dates.
Will this new Punisher book be as racist as the last run?
Will this new Punisher book be as racist as the last run?
Yes and your gonna like it like bad Olivia Wilde movies.Will this new Punisher book be as racist as the last run?
Yes and your gonna like it like bad Olivia Wilde movies.
Will this new Punisher book be as racist as the last run?
Will definitely be keeping up with this.sighhhhhhhhhhhh.
As I said before, I'm kind of new to the world of comics. Reading a bunch of stuff at the moment through the Marvel Unlimited app. Just finished Kevin Smith's run of Daredevil. Shit was weird. Like really weird. I feel like the tone was too all over the place.
Will definitely be keeping up with this.
How do you think it will be compared to previous runs? I'm not familiar with the people working on it.
Will definitely be keeping up with this.
How do you think it will be compared to previous runs? I'm not familiar with the people working on it.
Who's the guy in the jackal mask, Norman?New Dead No More teaser:
I'm guessing tomorrow's will be the last.
New Dead No More teaser:
I'm guessing tomorrow's will be the last.
Good to know! I'm just trying to build my pull list.It's probably be good, but I don't think anyone will write the character as well as Ennis has in the past. Cloonan is a fantastic [relative] newcomer, though. I'm sure she'll nail it.
Me neither. Love the character though.never read much involving punisher
Is this a Spider-Man event or something? I haven't really been paying attention.
I remember liking it well enough.
Stay away from Smith's takes on Batman though.
Good to know! I'm just trying to build my pull list.
Me neither. Love the character though.
Man, that was some stuff when that came to light. Shame too, the run was actually pretty good.Will this new Punisher book be as racist as the last run?
Smith's Joker soliciting anal sex sure was...something different.I remember liking it well enough.
Stay away from Smith's takes on Batman though.
New Dead No More teaser:
I'm guessing tomorrow's will be the last.
Had the app installed earlier in the week and saw the sale, but I didn't want to buy anything digital since I really don't have anything suitable to read them on.Sadly, they just had some really good sales on CMX the past few weeks and you missed them. Although, I think the MAX one is still active; if you've never read, it's the best place to start.
You didn't like Poison Ivy being constantly horny for Batman?I remember liking it well enough.
Stay away from Smith's takes on Batman though.
Yes and your gonna like it like bad Olivia Wilde movies.
Didn't you tell me to read Edmonson's run? >_>
The Lazarus Effect.
Nuff said.
Not a bad plan. I'd consider it if I had a tablet.Like reading comics on my desktop. since the images appear bigger than a normal physical comic.
I only buy hc collections for anything physical
Not a bad plan. I'd consider it if I had a tablet.
You should read this, Ennis's Punisher from the Max time. Sale ends tonight. It's the only time this run (everyone says is the best of the character) has been on sale. Get the whole run for $60.Good to know! I'm just trying to build my pull list.
Me neither. Love the character though.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned my situation.I'd take a hard look and see if a tablet is the right choice for you. I bought one last year and it is probably the best investment I've ever made... and I legit only use it for comics. It's just so much more comfortable than reading a book in every way - form factor, lighting, not having to get up to grab the next book. I only ever buy nice hardcovers that I can collect anymore; everything paperback I have left unread, I've been snagging digitally.
YMMV though, of course.
Earlier in the thread I mentioned my situation.
Have an early 2015 MBP, which is mainly for work and Skype with girlfriend. Moving in a couple weeks, so I won't need it all that much. If I could sell it and get an iPad Pro, I'd be set.
Picked up Aquaman #50 on people's talk in here, can confirm, is good. Definitely looking forward to the Rebirth book now. Mera doing standup... loooool. Too perfect.
Is she staying in that costume now? She looks good in it.