I can't even stomach the idea of paying that much for a single series. And a Marvel event, of all things.
Hmm. Single series I
I can't even stomach the idea of paying that much for a single series. And a Marvel event, of all things.
I spent that much on Hellboy. All Library Editions.Hmm. Single series Iwould spendhave spent so much on.... Only Astro City, Hellboy and Usagi Yojimbo I think.
I spent that much on Hellboy. All Library Editions.
I spent that much on Hellboy. All Library Editions.
It's s good thing the adoption agency was overstocked on Super Great at Machines babies
How is Injustice: Gods Among Us? Specifically Year One. I ask because today a new collection of it came out that collects the whole first year (424 pages) for only like $15. I've heard some pretty positive things about the series but I never looked into it enough to know whether that positivity is widespread or only for certain years or what.
Way better than it had any right to be.
Way better than it had any right to be.
Is Injustice over now or still ongoing? I've always been curious about it.
It was announced back in either December or November. I wish it was a reboot instead of a continuation. The early anime could benefit from reanimation (a lot of it got reused for attacks) and removal of filler (though some of it was actually somewhat solid), plus it would give more time for more content to pull from. Seems shortsighted and dumb to just make more seasons.Bro.
How come I'm just hearing about this new D.Gray-man anime now!?!
cus I'm late to everything
I got all six volumes over a period of time. Each one cost about $50.I'm pretty sure I grabbed them all for under $200.
Did Tony find his real parents, then?no that's the point: Tony is just a regular-ass baby, with some kickass parents and at one point he gets smart enough to build this in a cave
with a box of scraps
because he made himself pretty great
that's the whole thing of the arc, it's this big existential threat of "what if tony didn't make tony? what if the thing about him, the idea that he made himself, was bullshit?" and of course it's not, but the thought it might be is scary and wrong and it makes nerds scream
It's in year five, still ongoing
It's in year five, still ongoing
I got all six volumes over a period of time. Each one cost about $50.
Great googly moogly!
About how many issues is each year?
It was announced back in either December or November. I wish it was a reboot instead of a continuation. The early anime could benefit from reanimation (a lot of it got reused for attacks) and removal of filler (though some of it was actually somewhat solid), plus it would give more time for more content to pull from. Seems shortsighted and dumb to just make more seasons.
Well look at youI paid under $30 each, except whichever one IST was out of at the time.
Yeah it's really upsetting. Plus, the English dub audience (fucking me, goddamnit) is still pissed off that Funi never managed to get the rights to S3 and S4 WHICH IS LITERALLY THE BEST PART OF THE SHOW (Suman Dark's Fallen through Assault on the Black Order).I don't know how I missed it honestly. lol
Yeah, I just read it's not going to be a reboot. That's pretty dumb. There's a lot of stuff I would have loved to see reanimated, and the thing hasn't aged very well. They'd probably get a much bigger audience if they rebooted, too; who the hell is going to go back to watch some anime from 2006 that nobody has even bothered to upscale to HD? Not to mention, they have, maybe, 25 episodes worth of content to go through if they don't pad it out.
I'm glad we're getting something, but man, it could have been a lot better. :/
Oh man, I can't watch Trump talking without laughing.
you're in luck, Cruz is on now.
everything dies.
Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely vote for Trumpalupagus over Clinton. Some of the things I've read about Cruz make him sound like a fucking maniac.
you're in luck, Cruz is on now.
everything dies.
Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely vote for Trumpalupagus over Clinton. c.
you're in luck, Cruz is on now.
everything dies.
no freeza
Don't get me wrong, I'd absolutely vote for Trumpalupagus over Clinton. Some of the things I've read about Cruz make him sound like a fucking maniac.
That's cool. I'm gonna keep my 16 year streak of voting for no one intact.
Brah, I will never ever vote for Clinton. She's so unlikeable.
I mean, are any of these people even doing anything except talking shit about each other?
Sorry Vyer. Oval office gonna be stained with spray-on sun tan.I don't really like Clinton either. But that's still preferable to the awfulness being generated by the orange skinned Beast.
Sorry Vyer. Oval office gonna be stained with spray-on sun tan.
don't forget the racism, misogyny, xenophobia, ignorance and bigotry stains!
don't forget the racism, misogyny, xenophobia, ignorance and bigotry stains!
Did Tony find his real parents, then?
still don't understand why he has a tiny mouth popping out of his mouth.
still don't understand why he has a tiny mouth popping out of his mouth.
those are my favorite!
Nonsense. Xenophobia is for Xenomorphs.
Nope. Tony, realizing space is weird and fucked up, decided to kick it back on earth so he could build a city of the future with his bro Arno.
All kinds of people try to fuck with that. Including Malekith, and that's just fucking rad. (Also rad in that run? The ten rings of the Mandarin acquiring sentience, and basically turning people into an angry anti-capitalist Green Lantern Corps)
So, he never really found the time to find his real parents. But GUESS WHAT? That's exactly the hook of INTERNATIONAL IRON MAN, the hot new book from Bendis and Maleev, out 3/16.
That would be awesome but doubt it
Ms Marvel (2015) #06-10
Ok I'm sold. After a slow start with the first arc, and also being admitedly not interested in the whole Muslim angle, this is all getting pretty great as issues pass on. Characters are really coming into their own, cuteness is over 9000 (Lockjaw), some really nice dialogs, and a world that feels naturally modern. As opposed to artificially. So not Batgirl.
And Alphona absolutely kills it, but that's not a surprise to me as I always loved his art.
Honestly, I enjoyed the opening arc much more than the second. It felt like the second story got too bogged down by a forgettable villain and a supposedly dire situation I couldn't have cared less about. Thankfully, the book found its footing again after that.
Ms Marvel (2015) #06-10
Ok I'm sold. After a slow start with the first arc, and also being admitedly not interested in the whole Muslim angle, this is all getting pretty great as issues pass on. Characters are really coming into their own, cuteness is over 9000 (Lockjaw), some really nice dialogs, and a world that feels naturally modern. As opposed to artificially. So not Batgirl.
And Alphona absolutely kills it, but that's not a surprise to me as I always loved his art.
A little too, I don't know the word for it, artificial, hollow, high concept an enemy maybe (the whole generation why), but I like what I'm seeing. And nod silently with respect.
How is Injustice: Gods Among Us? Specifically Year One. I ask because today a new collection of it came out that collects the whole first year (424 pages) for only like $15. I've heard some pretty positive things about the series but I never looked into it enough to know whether that positivity is widespread or only for certain years or what.
Uh huh. Unlike the likable Trump who touts apocryphal stories of generals lining up and executing Muslims as wise foreign policy. So likable. So harmless.Brah, I will never ever vote for Clinton. She's so unlikeable.