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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.



I know. I know. Why am I keep beating this dead “outrage” horse? Answer is simple: The fans want them. I literally get bombarded by people requesting me to draw “outrage” sketch covers for them constantly at shows. It used to be “can you draw Brandy for me?”. Now it’s “can you draw Outrage on my sketch cover?”

Supply and demand. Keep the fans happy and it helps pay my bills. Two of the main goals of a commercial artist.

There you go.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Master of Kung-Fu #3-4: Good conclusion to one of my favorite tie-ins as Shang Chi faces all the Kun Lun masters before facing his father the emperor. Some of the best usage of alternate versions of known characyers, this book was fun from begining to end.

Secret Wars 2099 #3-5: Avengers 2099 vs Defender 2099, and then everyone vs some sort of chtullu monster, and then a kaiju style monster fight, AND a cliffhanger ending (but theres no 2099 book, unless this carries over in Spiderman 2099 post SW?), yeah this tie-in was alright :D I wish Peter David would work with a betyer artist tho, not a big fan of this guy.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
The ironic part is I actually like that art...sorry bros :(


Is he really? I mean, I didn't expect him to stay on very long to begin with, but he's been doing great work with Hulk.

Look at the release schedule. The gaps and delays are getting longer and I think it's two issues that are solicited without him on art.

The ironic part is I actually like that art...sorry bros :(

That's the frustration. He is a really good artist when he isn't trolling. Look at his art on hulk. It's amazing.


Jesus Christ you guys are too touchy about this. What are you going to do when "President" precedes the name Donald J. Trump?

these people are not ready, but they must prepare.

Rhaknar hype is leading me to start the Masters of Kung-Fu SW tie-in tonight. It's that and more Ms. Marvel while college basketball bores me.
New Avatar bruhs
Until I change it with something from one of the Rebirth covers.

If Blue Beetle turns out to be Best Beetle* you'd better believe that's my new avvy.

*I am talking about the only Blue Beetle of note, Jaime Reyes. Nobody gave a fuck about Ted until Max Lord installed his skylight. You wouldn't think this would be necessary but as I learned talking about the Best Comicbook Show on TV in the Hangout, some of y'all are easily confused.


I feel like this same discussion comes up every few weeks lol

That's because it absolutely totally does.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ultimate End #4: I dont know whats going on anymore and I suspect neither does Bendis, what a shit show. At least it will be very easy to choose the worst tie-in when this is all over >_>

I need a palate cleanser after that book.


I just finished re-reading The Long Halloween for the first time in years and I was really able to appreciate it so much more this time. It's biggest feat for me is how nearly flawless and coherent it is for being such a long story. Maybe cause it's just structured in a very simple way to keep track of each event. The Godfather references are great and Loeb uses the events of the movie as clear influences for specific scenes in the comic and I love it, since The Godfather is my favorite movie. It all fits together so well and Sale's art is always so nicely composed and clean. The action is never confusing or overstuffed and the quieter thematic subtleties are scattered throughout.

Maybe it's cause a new Batman movie comes out within the next week or so, which is why I feel like re-reading great classic Batman stories. I feel like re-reading Year One now as well but I gotta give Dark Victory a re-read before that. Also, is Catwoman: When in Rome good? I've never read it but I've loved pretty much everything the Loeb/Sale team has done together.


I just finished re-reading The Long Halloween for the first time in years and I was really able to appreciate it so much more this time. It's biggest feat for me is how nearly flawless and coherent it is for being such a long story. Maybe cause it's just structured in a very simple way to keep track of each event. The Godfather references are great and Loeb uses the events of the movie as clear influences for specific scenes in the comic and I love it, since The Godfather is my favorite movie. It all fits together so well and Sale's art is always so nicely composed and clean. The action is never confusing or overstuffed and the quieter thematic subtleties are scattered throughout.

Maybe it's cause a new Batman movie comes out within the next week or so, which is why I feel re-reading great classic Batman stories. I feel like re-reading Year One now as well but I gotta give Dark Victory a re-read before that. Also, is Catwoman: When in Rome good? I've never read it but I've loved pretty much everything the Loeb/Sale team has done together.

I really like Catwoman : When in Rome
Just finished issue 10 of Waid's second Daredevil run, still really enjoying this. I think Waid does a very good job of writing about depression and how it affects Matt and his mother. I'm really impressed by how consistently good this run is. Shame about the current run.


Just finished issue 10 of Waid's second Daredevil run, still really enjoying this. I think Waid does a very good job of writing about depression and how it affects Matt and his mother. I'm really impressed by how consistently good this run is. Shame about the current run.

Soule's run hasn't been very good? I'm waiting for the trades for that run so I don't know how it's currently doing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Weirdworld #2-3: this book is so fucking good you guys. Arkon teams up with Warbow, a warrior made of crysyal, as they go off to save the prince of the crystal people. Morgan Le Fey being drenched in dragon drool and then the next time you see ger she has fucking goggles on after riding the dragon was such an amazing little touch. And the scene in issue #3 with Arkon in a bar having a conversation with his would be assassin is so good. Man, what a book. Del Mundo's art is absolutely stunning as usual. I dont want this book to end Gaf ;_;

Soule's run hasn't been very good? I'm waiting for the trades for that run so I don't know how it's currently doing.

Lol, I've really only skimmed a few issues so I'm definitely not the best judge, but honestly, I'm not happy with what I've seen. It feels very much like a regression for the series and Matt and not the direction I would want it to go. It's trying to go back to the series' darker tone, but we've had enough of gritty Daredevil by this point. I also don't think that Soule's writing is on the same level as previous writers like Miller, Bendis, or Brubaker.

Plus there's just weird stuff like Foggy being so hostile towards Matt, or how Matt treats his own clients. It feels so backwards after all they've gone through.

Of course, these are just very quick observations so maybe some of my problems have been addressed (I read way too much to spend time on something I'm already not thrilled with), but for a character with so many great runs, it's hard NOT to be disappointed.


So I went off to drop off my sister at work and since things are really tense at home I just decided to stay with her. About an hour in to her shift some random short dude stands behind her while she is cleaning the counter. After she moves away from him, he nonchalantly moves forward and steals two bucks from the tip box and starts walking out the front door. My sister and I start running after him and he bolts. My sister manages to get a weak grip on him but he brushes her off by moving his arm and her arm is slightly scraped against the lock of the door.

We tried going after him in my van as he was only seen running away. But no dice.

These past few days have sucked.
It basically forgets the Waid run because SYNERGY
Man not looking forward to it. Waids stuff is super refreshing after pretty much nonstop depressing Daredevil. Then again it was bound to happen. You don't go from straight Bendis fire, to straight Brubakers flames, to straight Waid magma without a cooling off period at some point.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Thors #2-3: Another Jason Aaron book, another awesome read. This guy is by far the best writer around atm right? Anyway CSI: Battleworld continues as the Thors investigate the Jane Foster murders, Ultimate Thor interrogates Loki and ultimately the truth comes out and its up to the Unworthy to save the day. This book is awesome and I'm officially a Jason Aaron fanboy, everything that dude touches is gold.
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