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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Man not looking forward to it. Waids stuff is super refreshing after pretty much nonstop depressing Daredevil. Then again it was bound to happen. You don't go from straight Bendis fire, to straight Brubakers flames, to straight Waid magma without a cooling off period at some point.

And Elektra joining the cast in 1-2 issues, yeah, just what the fuck. McDuffy isn't even mentioned.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Enjoy Strange while you can, come November you will have a very different reboot >_>
Replace the brown with white and it's a significantly better costume.
Ultimate End #4: I dont know whats going on anymore and I suspect neither does Bendis, what a shit show. At least it will be very easy to choose the worst tie-in when this is all over >_>

I need a palate cleanser after that book.
Can someone explain to me what that book is? Everyone says it's shit, but I have no idea what it even is.
you don't have to. only if you want to get a couple of easter eggs/references thrown in.
If that.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ultimate End is the 616 heroes (but not really because the actual ones are either dead or in the rafts) and the Ultimate heroes (again, not the actual ones as we know) together trying to figure out a way to stop the incursion (but Rhaknar that already happened...shhh) and then they start fighting for no reason, and then The Punisher is randomly killing a bunch of people in something that has nothing to do with the actual story. Its a domain (Manhatten) that makes no sense at all from a battleworld perspective, and as a story is completely senseless. I can safely say its the worst thing Ive ever read from Bendis, it feels like he had this idea of how the ultimate universe should end, but then Hickman had his thing going, and Bendis decided "nah fuck you ill do it my way anyway because im Bendis" so we have this book.
Ultimate End is the 616 heroes (but not really because the actual ones are either dead or in the rafts) and the Ultimate heroes (again, not the actual ones as we know) together trying to figure out a way to stop the incursion (but Rhaknar that already happened...shhh) and then they start fighting for no reason, and then The Punisher is randomly killing a bunch of people in something that has nothing to do with the actual story. Its a domain (Manhatten) that makes no sense at all from a battleworld perspective, and as a story is completely senseless. I can safely say its the worst thing Ive ever read from Bendis, it feels like he had this idea of how the ultimate universe should end, but then Hickman had his thing going, and Bendis decided "nah fuck you ill do it my way anyway because im Bendis" so we have this book.





Cumbersnatch Strange, yeah, yeah, yeah but by that logic, Spidey would be retconned to a kid again.

You already have Spidey!



Ultimate End is the 616 heroes (but not really because the actual ones are either dead or in the rafts) and the Ultimate heroes (again, not the actual ones as we know) together trying to figure out a way to stop the incursion (but Rhaknar that already happened...shhh) and then they start fighting for no reason, and then The Punisher is randomly killing a bunch of people in something that has nothing to do with the actual story. Its a domain (Manhatten) that makes no sense at all from a battleworld perspective, and as a story is completely senseless. I can safely say its the worst thing Ive ever read from Bendis, it feels like he had this idea of how the ultimate universe should end, but then Hickman had his thing going, and Bendis decided "nah fuck you ill do it my way anyway because im Bendis" so we have this book.

I'm pretty sure they were trying to fix the breach in their domains before Doom found out rather than trying to stop incursions.


I'm pretty sure they were trying to fix the breach in their domains before Doom found out rather than trying to stop incursions.

Except none of that is made remotely clear. We're thrown in this like we're supposed to know what happened beforehand and it doesn't make sense.

And incursions? We're talking about Battleworld not Earth.


Daredevil is good so far but I think its minimal worse then Season One.
Fisk is missing, but Frank Castle is like the Terminator in Terminator 1


Just finished issue 10 of Waid's second Daredevil run, still really enjoying this. I think Waid does a very good job of writing about depression and how it affects Matt and his mother. I'm really impressed by how consistently good this run is. Shame about the current run.
Both of Waid's Daredevil runs were probably among the most consistent series around. There' wasn't a bad issue. I read two issues of Soule's run and wasn't a fan, the huge change in tone from Waid's run to this just didn't do it for me.


Finished Superior Spider-man last night. I had read about the first half of it or so in the past, but this is my first time all the way through. And it's not perfect, but I certainly enjoyed it quite a bit. I think I may actually MU the stuff that comes after when I get a chance, as I'm curious enough for that, though maybe not enough to buy it as well.

BTW, for is Superior Spider-man Team-up? An actually good supplement to the series, or just a money grabbing tie-in thing?

Oh, and no spoilers on specifics if so, but has Ock come back since this yet? Feels like a really awkward position for the character to be in, in terms of what they can do with him in the future.

Actually, for that matter, how many characters have had a heel-turn back to villainy after a decent sized stint of being a hero?
Which, yeah, of course a large part of the point was that Ock was doing a bad job of things, but in the end it legitimately ties together as him really trying at least
. Feels like that's a lot harder to justify than the reverse (ie a villain becoming good) in the world of comics. I guess Magneto has flip-flopped to some degree at least?

Also, the biggest weird thing for me here: the huuuuuuuge dissonance between 616 Phil Urich and Spider-Girl universe Phil Urich. It's funny how much they diverged, as Spider-Girl was building on the character of the time as a washed-up hero, but by the time Superior roles around in the main timeline he's a petty, pathetic thug, pretty much. Just really weird to see the character like that after reading 100 and some issues of Spider-Girl.


Capullo is selling his Batman Court of Owls pages at C2E2. If the tweet is to be believed it seems like the debut of skin mask Joker will be 5 figures.

Almost caught up on Batman now. Snyder's writing is certainly not free of flaws, but damn if he doesn't make consistantly entertaining blockbuster style arcs. Plus, Capullo the God obvs.

Do we know who is taking over Batman after they leave?
I've been having a hard time getting into any Avengers after Secret Wars. I read the first 1 or 2 issues of all the books, but they all seem so different. What's actually good? Excluding Uncanny Avengers. I can't stand Deadpool.

I'm really not into Amazing Spider-Man either and I've loved Slott's run so far. I loved Superior Spider-Man and Spider-Verse. I just don't like this Spider-Man with a Spider-Man bodyguard thing. I stopped reading it after the 4th issue I think.


Can someone give me a run down on the new Vertigo line?

Which of the new series is worth reading guys?

I can't find the old Vertigo Thread or I would Rez it.
Almost caught up on Batman now. Snyder's writing is certainly not free of flaws, but damn if he doesn't make consistantly entertaining blockbuster style arcs. Plus, Capullo the God obvs.

Do we know who is taking over Batman after they leave?

Tom King the god. batGOAT is in good hands.
Started Miller's Daredevil last night. Always forget how dense older comics are. It's pretty crazy that we got Matt and Elektra's college relationship handled in a single issue while still having time to focus on the present. That's normally like a full arc nowadays.
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