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COMICS! |OT| March 2016. It's your job to be great.


Dodsons not doing the art for Teen Titans Earth One Vol 2. Well my hype for that book just dropped significantly :/



Real talk, the current X-Men line-up is like the worst of all-time.

Like ok...Marvel isn't trying to kill the X-Men, but if they WERE, the current creative direction would be a great way to do it. There's never been a better time to NOT read the X-Men then right now. All-New Wolverine is aight, but besides that the current collection of x-books are completely tone deaf, monotonous, and ugly.

Like even in the much maligned 90s, they were at least INTERESTING! Rob Liefeld and Joe Mad were at least interesting! The things happening to the characters, I mean...you could talk about em!

There's absolutely nothing worth talking about in the current lineup of X-Books. If they're not worn out records repeating themselves, then they're ugly caricatures of previous ideas that have been done better. Its a sad state of affair for a franchise that used to be one of the biggest, coolest, most interesting in comic book pop culture.
I enjoy Old Man Logan more than I should. Extraordinary X-Men is another Apoc story/time travel story and I'm going to wait it out, but everything else I agree on. You'd think Marvel is doing this on purpose making the X-Men look bad. Sigh.


I'm starting to like Coffin Hill now, my main gripe was how they laid out that first issue, it the time jumps felt weak as a story starter and though i'm almost done with volume one i'm not sure if i care about the main character Eve and whether or not this is just a random trade i bought. I like the art and horror movie vibes, i like forests, but that might be it. Maybe if there were more headbands i'd be in.


I know the Elektra 2014-2015 run is considered great and has some of best art to grace marvel but is the story arc good?

think I might pick it up along with all of Daredevil by Waid

edit: They want 4 dollars for the first volume and 18 dollars for the second volume? lol wtf I might as well pick up both Volumes in physical form for 20 dollars.
Dodsons not doing the art for Teen Titans Earth One Vol 2. Well my hype for that book just dropped significantly :/

Hm. That's a bit disappointing. Although this art doesn't really look bad or anything. More than anything, I'm looking forward to the continuation of the story.

Daredevil season 2 is pretty legit. That fight scene in episode 3 was pretty awesome.

Gonna try to get through the first few episodes in a bit. Just played the Division for a few hours longer than I intended.


If i don't buy the first volume of a series i'm interested in, how will i know if i like it?

I don't like continually reading the first volume of things.
Please read his current Vision series for Marvel and Grayson and omega men from DC. Dude is legit.

Oh nice I have Omega Men in my comixology wish list since I kept hearing good stuff about it, and Grayson seems pretty cool as well.


MCU-cap has always felt much too young to me.

Winter Soldier is the only time I actually bought him.

I haven't read any Captain America comics so I can't speak at all to how true he is to the charavter, but I Evans gives the best performance of any of the MCU Avengers. Dude just oozes pathos which really makes the character endearing.
Real talk, the current X-Men line-up is like the worst of all-time.

Like ok...Marvel isn't trying to kill the X-Men, but if they WERE, the current creative direction would be a great way to do it. There's never been a better time to NOT read the X-Men then right now. All-New Wolverine is aight, but besides that the current collection of x-books are completely tone deaf, monotonous, and ugly.

Like even in the much maligned 90s, they were at least INTERESTING! Rob Liefeld and Joe Mad were at least interesting! The things happening to the characters, I mean...you could talk about em!

There's absolutely nothing worth talking about in the current lineup of X-Books. If they're not worn out records repeating themselves, then they're ugly caricatures of previous ideas that have been done better. Its a sad state of affair for a franchise that used to be one of the biggest, coolest, most interesting in comic book pop culture.

This is not difficult to believe taking into account the fact that I am currently reading 0 monthly X-Men titles. And it hurts me, JC. It hurts me right in my heart. I liked the first few issues of Extraordinary, but then they quickly introduced Mr. Sinister, possibly the dullest X-Men villain of all time.
I can only get my X-Men fix via trades now. Not even an ongoing to satisfy me.

"Oh God, not another one."

But why?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Just saw on Twitter that the Cho cover with Power Girl/Deadpool/Batman posted a couple of days ago was stolen from the person who bought it at C2E2. Thought that was pretty funny.
Astonishing X-Men Vol. 4: Ghost Box
And so I have finally decided to continue my reading of Astonishing X-Men post-Whedon and Cassaday, beginning with the first volume of Warren Ellis' run. Now, this arc wasn't bad. I enjoyed it for the most part.

So the basic plot is that, post-M Day, Scott's X-Men -- consisting of Armor, Beast, Wolverine, and Emma Frost -- relocate their base of operations to San Francisco, where they even cooperate with the police. Mutant recovery operations are funded primarily by Wakanda, which we learn Storm, -- who at this point, is married to T'challa and is now queen of Wakanda -- is responsible for. After Storm arrives, the X-Men find out (after a murder and a choice encounter) that there are mutants with a synthetic DNA strand and mutants with their X-Gene on a different chromosome (comic biology, you know the drill). They also find a device known as a "Ghost Box," which allows beings to travel between dimensions. Essentially, a race of mutants from a parallel Earth is looking to annex 616 because it'll have the least resistance based on the severe lack of mutants. We find out that the synthetic mutants have been built by Forge, who believes he is fighting a secret war. This is both true and the ramblings of a crazy person. The X-Men eventually stop both Forge and the annexation, the later by launching a big ol' satellite laser through the Ghost Box.

The plot is simple and straightforward, though I do enjoy the mystery aspect. Whedon's run was about putting the X-Men on the map again: building them back up as superheroes and educators. There was an alien prophecy storyline in the background, but it was primarily very straightforward in its arcs. Ellis' run, on the contrary, is a good ol' fashioned mystery. At one point, the X-Men visit a floating, hidden city where a group of mutants were living in secrecy, monitoring the world (referred to as the "Chinese X-Men" for some reason), until M-Day when their city crashed down due to the fact that it was powered by a mutant/mutants. When they visit this city, it's effectively abandoned. Corpses here and there, but there's still an air of "shit ain't right," which I love. I love stories where they arrived in abandoned cities. In fact, if there is a portion of the movie like that, it's one of my favorite parts: Serenity has it with Miranda; The Lord of the Rings has it with Moria; so on and so forth. There's something about that set piece, and likewise it's one of my favorite parts of this story. Also interesting are the short stories at the end involving the annexations. Two of which are a "what if" involving the taking of 616, and the other one is a "what if" involving the taking of another Earth. They're fun little stories with no real plot relevance.

As for the characters, I feel like Ellis did a good job for the most part. They still have their voices, which makes for solid dialogue, and Storm's addition to the crew is welcome, especially with Kitty and Colossus gone. Colossus who, by the way, is never brought up. He's just gone, but never mentioned as to why he left or where he went. I assume there was another series going on at the time that had the details on it, but right now I'm a bit lost. Beyond that, I think the developmental steps Ellis took are good and they make sense: Hank is a bit lost because he can't find a way to fix the result of M-Day; Scott is fed up with everyone's bullshit and is gradually becoming more militant, though Emma is there to keep him grounded and happy; Hisako is more concerned with growing into her own and being unique, while dealing with her responsibilities as an X-Man, but she's still a student. Logan and Emma really don't seem to have much going on for development. You could argue that this is Logan's slow descent towards his X-Force mentality, being a killer and all, but that's about it. Emma...she's pretty much the same as usual, though she's much happier and less cynical. Storm is an interesting addition, but nothing much happens in the way of actual development. She's basically in the group to play off of the others: we learn about her being queen of Wakanda, and she's still the badass we all know and love. Her relationship with Forge heavily comes into play near the end (with a very ambiguous moment), but beyond that there's no real development beyond her learning that the X-Men have had to change to adapt with the times: becoming far more willing to kill and eliminate their threats outright.

The two most important factors of a team book are group chemistry and making sure each member of the group has a unique role, both of which are on point: Emma and Logan bond as the darker members of the group, having to very much do what needs to be done. A moment that becomes apparent when a mutant "dies" under their watch: After an interrogation, there are two synthetic mutants left, one of which gets brought onto the new X-Jet as a prisoner while the other is killed. Logan and Emma both know that Storm disapprove's, so Logan states he'll tell Storm that the mutant tried to get away. Logan attacked him and he bled out before they could do anything. Emma then claims that Logan is a terrible liar and that she'll simply say that the mutant died from the shock of Emma psychically pulling information out of his head. This kind of chemistry and character interaction is throughout the book, something that was thankfully not lost from Whedon's run. Ororo and Emma have my favorite interactions of the team, both having a regal air to them (something Storm always had), while coming from two ridiculously different worlds. It's an amazing pair, and the fact that there isn't a current book with these two is criminal.

Now, for the final piece, we have the art. Spoiler alert: it's not great. Simone Bianchi is extremely inconsistent, sometimes going from a more realistic style (where she shines) to a more cartoonish and less detailed look (which is not nearly as good). While there are some truly lovely spreads and panels, for the most part the art is just okay. I don't like her new design for Scott (the visor looks terrible) nor do I like Storm's new costume, however the rest are actually really good. I feel like her style tries to be "sexy," but it doesn't really work at all. On top of that, her panelling is what I would describe as "manic." It's all over the place. Granted a lot of it, when looked at as a whole, is actually really interesting. There's genuinely some really good panelling or at least cool ideas that don't work out as well as she wanted. The problem is that, I would say 70% of the time, it's actually difficult to read. I can't think of how many times I had to re-read certain pages because I lost my place. It's all over the place, like she's trying to be abstract while also communicating straightforward information, a choice that doesn't work well. There are huge skips in scenery and/or time with no real flow, so I just got lost. There's also a strange choice of having a panel with just Storm and another X-Man (I think Emma) walking next to each other, except it's just from the waist down with another panel of Storm's head (speaking) on top of and next to Storm's crotch. Like, I don't get it. Still, there are some good parts of the art; some solid action sequences, and while I understand Bianchi attempted to make a dialogue heavy story very visually engaging (the purpose of the artist), it's done in a way that becomes more confusing then not.

Overall, I really liked the story depite my mixed feelings, and while Ellis' run has a bad rap, I have managed to enjoy it so far. Looking forward to the next volume, especially since it no longer has Bianchi on art.

Fair enough

But why?


how do you feel about blu ray slipcases?

Fine by me.

Squirrel Girl is getting her own graphic novel!!!



Doreen Green has conquered school, Galactus, Doctor Doom, Thanos, and even an Asgardian squirrel god, but now she’s about to conquer what could possibly be her greatest adversary: herself. And she’s doing it all in her own original graphic novel. Announced today at the C2E2 Women of Marvel panel, the new story will be helmed by the series’ creative team of artist Erica Henderson and writer Ryan North and will feature a stand-alone adventure that both new and longtime fans can enjoy.

Dead in 3 issues they said... what now.



Not that interested in the premise, both the duplicate and the "vs the marvel universe",but I do like squirrel girl. Probably skipping.


I can only get my X-Men fix via trades now. Not even an ongoing to satisfy me.

But why?
I completely agree. I personally picked up the Deadpool, Cable & Deadpool, and the New X-Men omni to hold me over for awhile. I really want to get the Uncanny X-Force omni but there's no way I'm paying $200+ for it. Why hasn't marvel done a reprint for it?

Come to think of it, I don't like any of the current on goings from Marvel lately. After Hickman's run ended I haven't bought a single issue aside from the awesome Spider-Man Deadpool book. Other than that, I've been reading Extordinary X-Men on Comixology just to see what's going on. The all new X-men book is so bad and I'm not a fan of the Uncanny line up to even bother after the first issue. I really miss the Rememder days. His books had a really great thriller movie feel to them that no one else has been able to match. I really like the stand alone runs like that and Hickman's Avengers run.

Also on Civil War 2, I feel like the teams are flipped.
Why is Cap on the side that's for pre-crime? Wouldn't that be considered the bad guys? It doesn't go along with his character at all imo, but on the flip side I could totally see Tony's justification for it.

Are there any other trades people here recommend? I'm looking for a Secret Warriors book atm if I can find one at a good price. And also considering Franken-Castle, but don't know which trades are part of the full run since the franken trade is just those issues and are missing the first half of the story, never read it before.


I completely agree. I personally picked up the Deadpool, Cable & Deadpool, and the New X-Men omni to hold me over for awhile. I really want to get the Uncanny X-Force omni but there's no way I'm paying $200+ for it. Why hasn't marvel done a reprint for it?

Come to think of it, I don't like any of the current on goings from Marvel lately. After Hickman's run ended I haven't bought a single issue aside from the awesome Spider-Man Deadpool book. Other than that, I've been reading Extordinary X-Men on Comixology just to see what's going on. The all new X-men book is so bad and I'm not a fan of the Uncanny line up to even bother after the first issue. I really miss the Rememder days. His books had a really great thriller movie feel to them that no one else has been able to match. I really like the stand alone runs like that and Hickman's Avengers run.

Also on Civil War 2, I feel like the teams are flipped.
Why is Cap on the side that's for pre-crime? Wouldn't that be considered the bad guys? It doesn't go along with his character at all imo, but on the flip side I could totally see Tony's justification for it.

Are there any other trades people here recommend? I'm looking for a Secret Warriors book atm if I can find one at a good price. And also considering Franken-Castle, but don't know which trades are part of the full run since the franken trade is just those issues and are missing the first half of the story, never read it before.

It only went out of print like 1 1/2 or 2 years ago. Its gonna be a while before a reprint happens. They have done the two complete collections since.


Episode 1-4 of Daredevil season 2 are really wonderful. They really went out of their way to
one up the hallway fight with the building fight with the biker gang.
which is really impressive.

5 onward is where the show starts to meander and spends way too much time on
the boring as shit Frank Castle trial plot with foggy, and the tug and pull between Elektra and Matt, and her kind of bumpy introduction. Elodie Yung is fantastic, and I really do enjoy her time on screen, but as it stands, all they have done is fight random Asian goons and not much else.
I don't hate the later as much as the former, but it's still been draging on for wayyyyyy toooooo longggggggg. I'm looking forward to
Castle inevitably going back to work after they deal with this case which will obviously find a positive because of some deus ex machina that works in Frank's favor. He'll probably end up pulling some plot out of a hole in his arm.
but whatever. Still, having
no real antagonist after almost 4 episodes is horrible. I want bullseye or Jigsaw or someone who isn't just a stunt man as the next person in line for the not so super trio to fight.


Also on Civil War 2, I feel like the teams are flipped.
Why is Cap on the side that's for pre-crime? Wouldn't that be considered the bad guys? It doesn't go along with his character at all imo, but on the flip side I could totally see Tony's justification for it.
Because Bendis is writing Iron Man and all his favorite character are in one team and why should he write them as the bad guys?
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