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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Hey if any of you guys see Bee & PuppyCat #1 on the shelves at your comic shops can you snap a picture for me? Since my store was out when I got there I didn't get the chance to see my first published work on a shelf with all the other comics :(

Aw man that sucks. I'll see if it's still in stock tomorrow. I fumbled a bit because it was such a big week for me so I forgot some shit. I'll also pick up a copy for myself!

Edit: as far as I can remember it was also on the first shelf toward the bottom but it was incredibly visible and looked great. Maybe had 6 or so copies out at that time. It wasn't a decision of popularity but just how the alphabet rolled this week.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Look, I don't want to say whether or not I have a comics problem, but all I'm saying is these California wildfires are threatening to inhibit my purchases today.

Are you in North San Diego County too?

Hey if any of you guys see Bee & PuppyCat #1 on the shelves at your comic shops can you snap a picture for me? Since my store was out when I got there I didn't get the chance to see my first published work on a shelf with all the other comics :(

If I'm honest, that's not really the worst problem you could have. :p
That's pretty exciting that they all sold through! Congrats on getting your first comic published and best of luck getting a picture of it on the shelves!

Jedeye Sniv

Holy fuck Avengers what was THAT??! That was tense.

edit: seriously, Morales got two issues of New Avengers done before a fill in? Dude is shameless.

Jedeye Sniv

Even Joe MAD and Aja got 3 issues in...that nigga really aint shit

Aja I can forgive because he is really top level perfection. Like, look at Hawkguy. FInd me one panel that isn't actually perfect - composition, anatomy, storytelling, character acting, attention to detail - he's the shit.

Morales is basically a more expressive Bagley, no way should he be so slow. He's too sloppy to forgive lateness.

Finished up New Avengers - was gud but Hickman REALLY needs to pay this shit off eventually in a big bad way. If it's not balls out amazing he will have fucked it. It's too teasing and self important not to stick the landing properly.


Aja I can forgive because he is really top level perfection. Like, look at Hawkguy. FInd me one panel that isn't actually perfect - composition, anatomy, storytelling, character acting, attention to detail - he's the shit.

You know that Aja and Samnee are the two dudes that always get brought up when a new Marvel pitch is being developed.

"So we want to do this Squirrel Girl on going...and it's going to be quirky and fun and it's gotta look like Hawkeye or Daredevil."
As I was about to drop the Walking Dead, they change the status quo, I guess I'll stick around for the first arc.

I kind of expected things to start moving faster after last issue TBH.

2 things annoyed me though:
- Why does it always have to be Cap who starts punching before talking ? It kind of felt like AvX in that regard. At the very least, the guy could have let Tony expose to the others everything that had been going on before they decided what to do with him.
- The issue redrew a shitload of New Avengers, which meant there wasn't that much new material. After reading this week's New Avengers, it was pretty interesting in retrospect to see Tchalla explaining he'd do the right thing, now that we know exactly what doing the right thing means for a king.

One thing I can't fathom though is which takes place first between Avengers and New Avengers. I guess that's voluntary but still.

I disagree with the first complaint.
Cap was dicked over by his "brother." It's not like AvX since the first punch was thrown a long time before. Also, Cap did not throw the first punch in AvX.
My pickups for the day:
All-New Ultimates #2: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I'll be dropping this one.
Iron Man #24 - 25: The holders of the rings are interesting choices. I'm excited to see where this story will go. The
IRON Iron Man
looks great, too.
Ghost Rider #3: That art~ I'm not sure what to think about the Ghost Rider powers at the moment, but this series is full of style. The plot seems to be going for the "vengeance" aspect of the character, which is neat.
Uncanny Avengers #1: Heh. OK, I like it. I needed to read it all before I made any decisions.

And finally:
Bee and Puppycat #1:
I'm not really sure what to say about this one. The art is phenomenal in both stories, as expected.
The second story seems to build upon the story from the animation, while the main story is doing its own thing.
Since there's not much to go on when it comes to the series, I thought that there would be more world-building and what not in this issue, much like the Adventure Time comics did.
The one problem I see is that it assumes that the reader watched the short, instead of giving a proper introduction to the world of Bee and Puppycat, which makes it difficult to get into.
Also, it felt super short due to the
key dream sequence
, which I assume is foreshadowing for something. I feel like a change of pacing might be needed, but I want to read issue #2 before making a decision on it.

All in all, a good week for comics.
I disagree with the first complaint.
Cap was dicked over by his "brother." It's not like AvX since the first punch was thrown a long time before. Also, Cap did not throw the first punch in AvX.
Yeah, I get what you're saying, I'm just annoyed at his very antagonistic approach in both cases. Regardless of circumstances (which I totally get), it always seems a bit out of character to me.

Finished up New Avengers - was gud but Hickman REALLY needs to pay this shit off eventually in a big bad way. If it's not balls out amazing he will have fucked it. It's too teasing and self important not to stick the landing properly.
This is all super ambitious and I'd be very disappointed if it fell flat. Going by his FF run and Secret Warriors, I'm pretty confident though.
I know I've mentioned it 10 times already, but I expect (hope, really) SHIELD will play into it. Particularly when you consider Shield's mantra
This is not how the world ends

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Hey if any of you guys see Bee & PuppyCat #1 on the shelves at your comic shops can you snap a picture for me? Since my store was out when I got there I didn't get the chance to see my first published work on a shelf with all the other comics :(

My girl braved the crowds, bought the book, took these pics, and congrats, from Manhattan,NY.
Here ya go:




So I've been on a Hickman kick recently and in the past day have read Nightly News, Pax Romana, and SHIELD. When does SHIELD come back? That cliffhanger was crazy.
So I've been on a Hickman kick recently and in the past day have read Nightly News, Pax Romana, and SHIELD. When does SHIELD come back? That cliffhanger was crazy.
Sometime this year apparently. It's been on hiatus for a long time now, but they confirmed recently the second series would wrap up this year IIRC.
As I was about to drop the Walking Dead, they change the status quo, I guess I'll stick around for the first arc.

Ha ha, same. It's interesting again, omg.

So I've got a New Avengers question about today's issue. I flipped through it at the shop but didn't pick it up. The only thing I was interested in was the
last few pages with Black Swan.... so what exactly went down in that conversation?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Big question but what are some of the best What If/Elseworlds stories out there?

That arent Red Son.
I really really wanted All-New Ultimates to be good. But that art is horrendous.

On other news, Transformers: More than Meets the Eye #29 was brilliant. Those cliffhangers!
Big question but what are some of the best What If/Elseworlds stories out there?

That arent Red Son.

Kingdom Come: Not a whole lot needs to be said about this one.

Batman and Dracula 1-3: Don't laugh, these are actually really good.

Kal: Just as Red Son asked what would happen if Superman's rocketship landed in Soviet Russia, Kal asks what would happen if Superman's rocketship landed way back in Medieval England? The answer is... an incredibly satisfying, abit short, tale about Kal-El in a world of chivalry and knights. The main characters are all here: Lex Luthor as evil Warlord of the land, Jimmy Olsen as Kal's best pal, and Lois as a beautiful princess. They all fit together in a perfect amalgamation that all Elseworlds stories strive for but few reach. The ending, powerful and somber, is incredible in how it makes a connection between Kal and the legend of King Arthur. You're guaranteed to put the book down with a smile on your face.

JLA: The Nail: For most of the book, the JLA is front and center, fighting off an illusive alien conspiracy that threatens to wipe out all superheroes. Derived from an old child's rhyme about how small changes can have huge consequences, The Nail perfectly portrays the state of a world and JLA without the goodness and stability of Superman. The ending is truly heartbreaking and earned a few tears shed. Viewing a universe slightly askew can often make you appreciate the "normal" universe, and The Nail does this in a powerfully told manner. Just avoid the awful sequel, Another Nail, at all costs.

Superman The Dark Side: Again, this asks what would happen if Superman's rocketship landed on Apokolips, world of Darkseid. If you're not familiar with Kirby's Fourth World universe, it can take a bit of getting used to, but they gradually do get around to explanations for everything. Like most Elseworlds, this story is able to go darker and deeper and kill off characters that a normal in-continuity story simply couldn't, which gives more of an epic scope and sense of dread. I also enjoyed that while most Elseworlds still work to have Superman end up with Lois, this one does not, which was a pleasant surprise.

Superman Secret Identity: Kurt Busiek is best known for Astro City and Marvels (two books I'd recommend without reservation), but Secret Identity is another fantastic work that highlights his tremendous storytelling skills and love for the medium. SI is a Superman story, but not about Superman. Essentially, it's about a teenage boy in the real world who just so happens to be named Clark Kent by his parents as a joke. He's sick of his name and getting made fun of at school, until the day he actually does get superpowers identical to Superman's. It's never explained in the story how he gets them, he just does. The story isn't about that, but about what it would be like if a kid in real life actually got Superman's powers. In the course of the story, he finds love in the big city, deals with an incredibly suspicious and hostile US government, and eventually even raises a family.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I should have mentioned I've read The Nail (and Another Nail), Secret Identity and Kingdom Come. I like KC and The Nail. I think Secret Identity is the best Superman story.

Also apparently the hypothetical of where the fuck Superman landed is the unending fount of stories.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
People also tend to really like Marvel 1602. I still haven't read it though, so I can't give you a firsthand recommendation.
I've had it sitting on my shelf for quite a while now though... I'll get to it eventually...

Edit: Also, definitely not top-tier elseworlds books, but I've read a few of the Marvel Noir books and found them to be pretty entertaining. I thought Daredevil Noir in particular was pretty great.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I love Neil Gaiman but I heard mixed reactions to 1602 so I never put it high on my list

I have been meaning to look at some of the Noir stuff. It seems DC has many of the great elseworld stories though.


Superman The Dark Side: Again, this asks what would happen if Superman's rocketship landed on Apokolips, world of Darkseid. If you're not familiar with Kirby's Fourth World universe, it can take a bit of getting used to, but they gradually do get around to explanations for everything. Like most Elseworlds, this story is able to go darker and deeper and kill off characters that a normal in-continuity story simply couldn't, which gives more of an epic scope and sense of dread. I also enjoyed that while most Elseworlds still work to have Superman end up with Lois, this one does not, which was a pleasant surprise.

This story is so freaking good, I recommend it highly.
Bee and Puppycat #1:
I'm not really sure what to say about this one. The art is phenomenal in both stories, as expected.
The second story seems to build upon the story from the animation, while the main story is doing its own thing.
Since there's not much to go on when it comes to the series, I thought that there would be more world-building and what not in this issue, much like the Adventure Time comics did.
The one problem I see is that it assumes that the reader watched the short, instead of giving a proper introduction to the world of Bee and Puppycat, which makes it difficult to get into.
Also, it felt super short due to the
key dream sequence
, which I assume is foreshadowing for something. I feel like a change of pacing might be needed, but I want to read issue #2 before making a decision on it.

All in all, a good week for comics.
This is due to the schedules getting fucked. The comic was supposed to come out AFTER the new episodes, but they pushed up their release and we had to change a lot of our ideas since we couldn't include anything that hadn't been introduced in the series. The world building you want is in the new episodes, the comics are canon, but for now they're not going to be the main source of mythology.

But you're right about the assumption that people had already watched the cartoon - neither one of us thought to include an introduction until the very last second and that's why there's those little "recap" tiles on the first few pages.

I don't know how people are gonna react to Issue 2, we're doing some stuff that I haven't really seen in a comic before and I hope to god it works and people like it.

My girl braved the crowds, bought the book, took these pics, and congrats, from Manhattan,NY.
Here ya go:
Wow THANK YOU! And THANK YOU to your girlfriend too! This means a lot to me ;__;
Also, I don't believe Darwyn Cooke's DC: The New Frontier is officially an Elseworld, but it's in that general milieu, so I'd highly recommend it as well.
Just looked at some previews of Justice League United. The art doesn't look too good and the action looks stilted. I think I'll pass. Looking forward to a hopefully not suckful issue of Walking Dead when I get home.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Also, I don't believe Darwyn Cooke's DC: The New Frontier is officially an Elseworld, but it's in that general milieu, so I'd highly recommend it as well.

I've also read this and watched the animated film. It was okay (both versions). The art is wonderful but it didnt leave a huge impression on me.
Hopefully it all connects to New Avengers and Avengers in some way. That would give me intense shivers.
Yeah, as I said above, it would make sense as it ties in thematically with New Avengers. And the NA plot line seems to be the main event everything has been building towards.

Plus, it already connected to Hickman's 2 other long Marvel runs (SW and FF). The way I see it, Hickman uses this mythology he created with real world famous characters as a backbone for his Earth 616.


Ha ha, same. It's interesting again

I've enjoyed that book for a very long time, and I can't help but think that to make such a big deal out of All Out War was a mistake. It's clearly just a prelude to whatever this is which is super freaking awesome.

The book needed some fresh faces and I think it got some. I have no doubt that
these new guys may play a part in the undoing of Alexandria, and become a part of Negan's new group. I think Rick is a goner.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Ah man... barring some big twist later Avengers Undercover just went to shit this issue.
Based on the preview I assumed that
SHIELD was after Bloodstone because of what happened in issue #1
but no, it had to be something that makes no fucking sense in the Marvel universe. Why would anyone even care what happened last issue? I mean, under any circumstances it would just get swept under the rug, but it happened at a
party where everyone came for the express purpose of killing each other.
The only way they can salvage this is to have the
fast and extreme SHIELD response be a ruse, and part of a plot since before issue #1 to embed the kids in Bagalia, but if I don't buy the response to Arcade's death, then Zemo sure as hell wouldn't.

Look, I don't want to say whether or not I have a comics problem, but all I'm saying is these California wildfires are threatening to inhibit my purchases today.

I lived in Penasquitos from age 3-18. (the town where the San Diego fire started)


I've enjoyed that book for a very long time, and I can't help but think that to make such a big deal out of All Out War was a mistake. It's clearly just a prelude to whatever this is which is super freaking awesome.

The book needed some fresh faces and I think it got some. I have no doubt that
these new guys may play a part in the undoing of Alexandria, and become a part of Negan's new group. I think Rick is a goner.
I don't know man, but I don't think Negan stands a chance if he gets out. Carl still wants him dead. Don't know why he would have these talks with Negan in the first place. Sure, Rick not having the time, but still: he can talk to Andrea. He seems comfortable about her.

Even if Negan gets out; does he have supporters? Seems to me Rick and all the others are pretty invested to make everything work. For real this time.
The book needed some fresh faces and I think it got some. I have no doubt that
these new guys may play a part in the undoing of Alexandria, and become a part of Negan's new group. I think Rick is a goner.

I don't know if Kirkman is going to
kill off Rick
just yet, but that's the kind of drastic move he needs to make to keep the book interesting.


Secret Avengers #3 was absolutely perfect. I was smiling ear to ear while reading it.
SpiderWoman talking to Vladamir the bomb had me rolling
. This book is like the other side of Hawkeye. We never get to see Hawkeye do avenger stuff in his solo series. So it's pretty great to get to see that here in the same style with some great jokes. I love the entire crew. Recommended.


Even if Negan gets out; does he have supporters? Seems to me Rick and all the others are pretty invested to make everything work. For real this time.

The only reason that I feel like something will go down with him is due to the fact that Negan is trying to build sympathy somewhere. Imagine if these new guys find him and Negan gets them to sympathize with him? That's where my idea comes from.

That, or we're going to see Negan step up and become a reformed good guy and that could be just as interesting.

With all of that said, I wish Walking Dead had it's own OT. It's glossed over by ComicGAF (I understand the criticism 100%) but if you are a fan and it is your guilty pleasure you can ramble on about it forever.


Futures End #2

Firestorm FUCKING SUCKS as a fictional character. Seriously, this dude is annoying and we're not even 1/4 way through the series. How long does it take Terry to run into Bruce?
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