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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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I mean it's worded weird but why put something like that in the solicit.
i just thought it was poor wording. I'd think that news sites and such would've picked up on it. i've only seen it mentioned here

Worst case scenario, they all leave the book and Khoi Pham takes over writing and drawing

E: didn't know those just went up! Ok, fear the worst

CREDIT: Marvel Comics
View full size image
Warren Ellis (W)
Declan Shalvey & JORDIE BELLAIRE (A/C)
• A threat from the first issue is back to cause problems for Moon Knight!
• This mysterious person is the new BLACK SPECTRE and it doesn’t mean anything good for the protector of night travelers.
• Don’t miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?


The Apps of the companys still have all the access to the store.

Yeah, I know. I mean they completely updated the app, requiring a new download. They had the same 'retired' message when you opened the app and directed you back to the app store. The whole process was exactly the same as what happened to the Comixology app that day....except fortunately the store was still intact in the new download.

CREDIT: Marvel Comics
View full size image
Warren Ellis (W)
Declan Shalvey & JORDIE BELLAIRE (A/C)
• A threat from the first issue is back to cause problems for Moon Knight!
• This mysterious person is the new BLACK SPECTRE and it doesn’t mean anything good for the protector of night travelers.
• Don’t miss the conclusion of Warren Ellis, Declan Shalvey and Jordie Bellaire.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99

I mean Rafa gave it 8 issues, but I thought he was joking around.
Hahahahaha, tears and laughing. Maybe this is the Walmart in me talking, but does Marvel want to get people who WANT to work. I want to see Moon Knight ascend to the stratosphere. If you wanna make some money, contact me. Now we know why there was all that white space.....


My JSA omnibus arrived! Bask at its 1200 pages of glory!

Oh my god. You could kill a man with that.

I have all the softcover trades but I want to double dip on digital copies. Typical DC though don't have the trades on Comixology and I'm not paying £1.49 an issue

Jedeye Sniv

Oh my god. You could kill a man with that.

I have all the softcover trades but I want to double dip on digital copies. Typical DC though don't have the trades on Comixology and I'm not paying £1.49 an issue

Steal it off t'internets and if anyone asks say you scanned it yourself. I figure if you already own it then a digi freebie isn't going to hurt.
Freely discuss with spoiler tags.

2015 marking the 30th anniversary of Crisis on Infinite Earths, it seems as though the rumours of some kind of New 52 version were true. What with the Anti-Monitor looking to consume more and more universes. He is seemingly driven by a need or want to reach Darkseid and the New Gods. This must have some connection to the short-lived Vibe series, that featured appearances from Lady Quark and Pariah, as inter-dimensional prisoners of A.R.G.U.S.

I absolutely loved that Johns didn't eliminate the entire Crime Syndicate and instead a few of its members are still out there within the greater DCU, albeit in prison cells, but Owlman is in hiding in Gotham city. I wonder what will become of Superwoman's baby. I said it before, but I'll say it again, I love Lex Luthor playing hero. Definitely looking forward to JL with him at the helm. He showed seemingly genuine remorse in this issue, towards Bizzarro and Ted Kord.

It's interesting to note that Element Woman and Vibe did not return/were not released from the Firestorm Matrix with other heroes. I wonder if they were purely forgotten and this was laziness on the part of Johns, Finch or the editors. Or if they were never trapped within the FM in the first place. I love Element Woman, I'd hate to see her ignored, or worse, forgotten. She brought personality to the Justice League in spades.
2015 marking the 30th anniversary of Crisis on Infinite Earths, it seems as though the rumours of some kind of New 52 version were true. What with the Anti-Monitor looking to consume more and more universes. He is seemingly driven by a need or want to reach Darkseid and the New Gods. I absolutely loved that Johns didn't eliminate the entire Crime Syndicate and instead a few of its members are still out there within the greater DCU. I said it before, but I'll say it again, I love Lex Luthor playing hero. Definitely looking forward to JL with him at the helm.

Me and my roommate had a feeling
it was going to be the Anti Monitor back with issue #6 (and even before then) so the reveal is nice but not a huge surprise. It's definitely a fun callback to COIE, though, since the Crime Syndicate got wrecked by the Anti Matter wall in that in the first issue.
Me and my roommate had a feeling
it was going to be the Anti Monitor back with issue #6 (and even before then) so the reveal is nice but not a huge surprise. It's definitely a fun callback to COIE, though, since the Crime Syndicate got wrecked by the Anti Matter wall in that in the first issue.

I long suspected it was the
Anti-Monitor as well. The pieces just fit too well for it not to be. I do think we are definitely heading towards a 2015, New 52, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Or at least using Anti-Monitor as a foil that calls back to COIE without simply recreating the event. With Johns at the helm, do you think this was always the plan? I know CoIE saw many changes and retcons to the DCU. I wonder if this will theoretically do the same?
I long suspected it was the
Anti-Monitor as well. The pieces just fit too well for it not to be. I do think we are definitely heading towards a 2015, New 52, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Or at least using Anti-Monitor as a foil that calls back to COIE without simply recreating the event. With Johns at the helm, do you think this was always the plan? I know CoIE saw many changes and retcons to the DCU. I wonder if this will theoretically do the same?

You have some people who
wish fervently that this going to be THE EVENT that undoes 52 and brings back Pre 52 but it's never going to happen. What they've shown, so far, is that they will go back to the well for ideas but they put a new twist on it; Superman: Doomed being a great example. So we're definitely getting a Crisis, but the focus on the New Gods makes me think it's probably going to be more of a "Enemy of my Enemy" situation, where the New God's, Apokolips and Earth will have to work together to defeat him.

One other interesting thought is how this ties into Future's End. Clearly the crisis hasn't happened by that time, so it'd have to come later?
You have some people who
wish fervently that this going to be THE EVENT that undoes 52 and brings back Pre 52 but it's never going to happen. What they've shown, so far, is that they will go back to the well for ideas but they put a new twist on it; Superman: Doomed being a great example. So we're definitely getting a Crisis, but the focus on the New Gods makes me think it's probably going to be more of a "Enemy of my Enemy" situation, where the New God's, Apokolips and Earth will have to work together to defeat him.

One other interesting thought is how this ties into Future's End. Clearly the crisis hasn't happened by that time, so it'd have to come later?

Superman: Doomed has been fantastic; the writing and the art. As much as I dislike Scott Lobdell, Greg Pak and Charles Soule are more than making up for it. If DC continue down this parth, as you said,
going back to the well for ideas but with new twists,
then there is no need to
undo the new 52. People are only going to be disappointed if that's what they expect from the next event/crisis coming out of Forever Evil. Dan Didio said that Infinity Man and the Forever People is going to play a big role in shaping the DCU. I have a feeling that role will play significantly into this focus on the New Gods.

Future's End is interesting, because
the Earth War could be in some part linked to this possible crisis, but it's not clear enough yet to be able to make that connection. What is most interesting to me though, is the fact that Forever Evil, Batman Eternal, Earth 2: World's End and Multiversity will conclude at the same time, right before COIE's anniversary next year. Multiversity itself will, as its namesake implies, be re-introducing the multiverse in a big way.

In spite of the extended delays over the course of the event, I think as the sum of its parts, Forever Evil has been thoroughly entertaining and worth the wait. It most certainly reads better as a whole and I look forward to picking up the trade for that reason.


Moon Knight isn't being canned, just buy a stack of a4 paper each month and draw some lines on it. You will get the same effect.


Stupid Forever Evil,
erasing my two favorite crappy League members from existence. Adios Vibe and Element Woman, it's like you never existed.

Other than that it was a good list issue, we finally get to see N52
Ted Kord
and the recall of the


Moon Knight isn't being canned, just buy a stack of a4 paper each month and draw some lines on it. You will get the same effect.

Messi stop making me look up your Moon terms (a4 paper).

Stupid Forever Evil,
erasing my two favorite crappy League members from existence. Adios Vibe and Element Woman, it's like you never existed.

What characters are those??? Are you just making things up now???
Stupid Forever Evil,
erasing my two favorite crappy League members from existence. Adios Vibe and Element Woman, it's like you never existed.

Other than that it was a good list issue, we finally get to see N52
Ted Kord
and the recall of the

Extremely saddened by the absence of
Element Woman and Vibe. Element Woman has been a favourite since Flashpoint. I mentioned in my impressions that I hope this is just an editorial mistake/oversight, but they don't seem to be part of any book's roster following Forever Evil.


Mind you I just read the spoilers and haven't actually read it yet, but what do you mean about this? Did something specific happen to them? Clarify?

When the Leagues are
released from Firestorm (thanks to Bruce's "connection" to WW), all the heroes return but Vibe and Element Woman. There's a panel where Vic and Barry are looking for them and Barry says "I know they were trapped with us Vic, but I can't find any trace of Vibe or Element Woman, not even DNA. It's like they never existed."


When the Leagues are
released from Firestorm (thanks to Bruce's "connection" to WW), all the heroes return but Vibe and Element Woman. There's a panel where Vic and Barry are looking for them and Barry says "I know they were trapped with us Vic, but I can't find any trace of Vibe or Element Woman, not even DNA. It's like they never existed."

Sounds like setting up a future plot to me.
Sounds like setting up a future plot to me.

I'm not going to hold out hope that it'll be resolved. Johns has strung many plot threads throughout the New 52 that he has not returned to. Doesn't speak much for the upcoming Power Ring either. If she is just going to be
wiped from existence at the end of the next event then what reason is there to invest time and interest?


at the funeral for Ollie in Future's End #2? Could sworn I saw
in the two page spread but I dont have that issue with me.

Hmmm, I'll have to go back and look. Honestly though it's just as likely that was an editorial oversight as much as anything else.


You really think that they recon Peters and MJs child and break of their marriage because they think, it would make Peter to old,
just give him another child with a minor c-character in the overall Spider-Lore

Slott tends to overrate the importance of his run, as we have seen as he really thinks Charlie is as important as Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy, but there is no way the editiors would let him do this. At least I hope.
Reading Forever Evil #7 again, I noticed
Mazahs mentioned a few other Earth 3 "heroes", Hawkwing and Will Baston. Are they the counterparts of Hawkman and Billy Batson? There was also the Amazonian prophecy regarding a new Age of Darkness that would begin with Superwoman's child.
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