Tyrant Rave
yay Uncanny Avengers today
yay Uncanny Avengers today
It was okay. It's just a weird book now with everything ending. It knocked the stakes down to like negative a million. Counter-Earth is also one of the least threatening locales Remender has created. Iunno. It was just ok.
Yeah, I'm not thrilled with building up all these teams to only have them stripped away after six or so issues. Like how long will Sabretooth really be a hero for?
so i'm making the most out of marvel unlimited and reading stuff i missed like new avengers and there was some talk of greg land's art earlier so
captain america
omg hahahahaha![]()
I've been awake for far too long and I put as much effort into this as land does all his work
omg hahahahaha
i'm up too early for this!
lmao cade PLSgotta get up early to get one over on ol' Steve![]()
I was actually wondering if anyone was reading that current Deathstroke book and if it was at least fun trash. Korupt?
lol birdie with that shameless quad post
lmao cade PLS
Enthusiasm is his mutant power.Birdie |OT| OMG EVERYTHING IS AMAZING
So, Dr. Fate is not Earth 2 Fate, but Earth Prime Fate, I am assuming? Cause it doesn't make sense otherwise.
No, Jeff Lemire! No! Never!!
Drawings do not look better in print!!!!
EDIT: Am I the only one in this thread reading comics right now??? Where is everybody?
Justice League 3001: Sometimes Howard Porter just nails expressions.
JC Please,
iirc it was either Earth Prime or unknown earth. He has the same name as Earth 2 fate, Khalid, so that doesn't help matters. I haven't read it yet but as I understand it, most of these titles aren't suppose to be heavily reliant on continuity. I think Starfire had Superman in his JL costume, even though in Superman he's depowered in street clothes.
Birdie with that quadruple. This is a momentous day.
I love how they just threw Gal Gardner in there like it was no biggie.
Secret Wars is absolutely amazing.
Hey now there was a throwaway line about Hal sending her. Also, seems the name is still "Guy". A gal named Guy. So, there's that for funsies.
I will ask this every time now:
Is Peter ok? D:
He'll never be ok againI will ask this every time now:
Is Peter ok? D:
Welp.He'll never be ok again
I think it's somehow going to be Hal. She made an awful lot of comments like "yes I can say that because I'm a woman!"
It's beyond an Event Book now. It's like Marvel's Dark Knight Returns.
Mmm. I don't think that is the case.
What do you mean?Everyone who nay-sayed (said?) Secret Wars in OT should be on a diet of crow for the entire run of Secret Wars.
I wish we had more discussion about the book, it's one of my favorite things DC is publishing.