Wtf we have been in the queue forever
They haven't announced that anything has sold out on twitter at least. Based on the facebook comments VIPs are gone but 4 Days are still there.
Wtf we have been in the queue forever
They haven't announced that anything has sold out on twitter at least. Based on the facebook comments VIPs are gone but 4 Days are still there.
This is soooo lame. I just want 3 days
BTW, I've kind of been planning to hold off on GotG stuff till the Annihilation Conquest Omnibus comes out, at which point I would grab that, the Annihilation Omnibus, and the two Complete Collections, since people said they all go together waaaaay back when I asked, IIRC. Is this a good plan or a mad plan?
All that stuff is supposed to be fantastic, right? Also, is there a real, non-Amazon date on the Annihilation Conquest Omnibus anywhere yet?
Yup....I get DCBS shipments in the third week of the month, sooooooooo next week friday i shall have both Secret Wars issues. Too far.
When's the next incursion?Everything I love dies, every community I have actively engaged in dies , FootballGAF, NBAGAF, FigureGAF. I just want you all to know that when ComicGAF dies because of me that I never meant for it to be like that. I only wanted the best for us. Time runs out, Everything Dies. Sorry
Getting NYCC tickets sounds like trying to get home Red Sox tickets in the mid/late 2000s. Online sales would open, the website would immediately become vastly overloaded, wait in a queue for ????, and then end up having a good chance to find everything sold out already.
Also, a question. I've never read Thor solos (ignoring the fact that Odinson isn't the current Thor) but the very positive feedback about Thor #8 here makes me interested. Is the, admittedly short, run worth picking up?
Ive neve read Flash.
Do I want to read Geoff Johns Flash?
When's the next incursion?
One more try on this. Anyone?
Thanks.Geoff Johns and Mark Waid.
I've lost my ticket reservation twice now, that means 30 minutes of just trying to fucking check out
Getting NYCC tickets sounds like trying to get home Red Sox tickets in the mid/late 2000s. Online sales would open, the website would immediately become vastly overloaded, wait in a queue for ????, and then end up having a good chance to find everything sold out already.
Also, a question. I've never read Thor solos (ignoring the fact that Odinson isn't the current Thor) but the very positive feedback about Thor #8 here makes me interested. Is the, admittedly short, run worth picking up?
It's easy to jump in. It's how I started reading flash and it's still my favorite run.Thanks.
Is Johns run easy to Jump in or do I need some knowledge beside that Flash is fast as fuck?
Is Johns run easy to Jump in or do I need some knowledge beside that Flash is fast as fuck?
Getting NYCC tickets sounds like trying to get home Red Sox tickets in the mid/late 2000s. Online sales would open, the website would immediately become vastly overloaded, wait in a queue for ????, and then end up having a good chance to find everything sold out already.
Also, a question. I've never read Thor solos (ignoring the fact that Odinson isn't the current Thor) but the very positive feedback about Thor #8 here makes me interested. Is the, admittedly short, run worth picking up?
You know this shit is going to get hammered, why not rent extra servers for the day, but nope lets have people have a frustrating and shitty experience instead.
I don't think so. At the very least I haven't seen any date for it in released solicitations.
OK, thanks^^It's easy to jump in. It's how I started reading flash and it's still my favorite run.
Waids Run not that good collected :/Waid's run is better.
Where do you live?... Annnnnnnd I just looked things up and realized that my plan has horribly backfired. The original Annihilation Omnibus is apparently already horribly out of print and going for like twice MSRP... and Amazon still has the Conquest Omnibus as a month off. This crap is ridiculous, bleh.
Where do you live?
... Annnnnnnd I just looked things up and realized that my plan has horribly backfired. The original Annihilation Omnibus is apparently already horribly out of print and going for like twice MSRP... and Amazon still has the Conquest Omnibus as a month off. This crap is ridiculous, bleh.
Part of the problem is they basically have no reason to fix it. It's not like they have to worry that they won't get max attendance.
... Annnnnnnd I just looked things up and realized that my plan has horribly backfired. The original Annihilation Omnibus is apparently already horribly out of print and going for like twice MSRP... and Amazon still has the Conquest Omnibus as a month off. This crap is ridiculous, bleh.
Civil war has to be the most anti climactic thing I've ever read.
What a waste of time...
Eh. At least it had actual, long lasting affects on the status quo. The worst thing a big crossover event can be is meaningless.
It's another thing to not like Secret Wars because of some random corporate "interests" that are totally unrelated to the event. What? The MCU is a separate beast that mines comics for ideas. That's the connection. Comics aren't written with the idea of turning them into a feature film. Most of the movie fanbase couldn't possibly care less about the comic world.