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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Obama chuckled.


I want someone to kickstart a hardcover collecting all these.


Everything I love dies, every community I have actively engaged in dies , FootballGAF, NBAGAF, FigureGAF :(. I just want you all to know that when ComicGAF dies because of me that I never meant for it to be like that. I only wanted the best for us. Time runs out, Everything Dies. Sorry :(

At least the Rockets are still in the playoffs until Thursday night.
Tell that to Mark Millar.
But you're right.

You got me there. His stuff gets optioned before the first issue drops. The exception that proves the rule.

:Marvel Event Update:

- Avengers Disassembled was bad. The story was disjointed, the tie-ins were pointless, and Bendis was Bendis. I didn't read it back in 2004-2005, so I can't comment on the state of Marvel comics during that period, but come on! The whole thing was a, "Hey, let's do something controversial and kill a bunch of characters then make up a dumb explanation to wrap it all up." Was there a proper build up for this? Final Rating: 3 Bendis/10.

- House of M. This feels like a direct sequel/resolution to the Avengers Disassembled, so it's weird how much I like it. The alternate Magneto world, the fractured reality, the self doubt of Magneto and Xavier...it's all good. I like the idea that there really is no "right" answer and all the capes have to get together and make a tough decision. I love the art. Quicksilver is hot garbage, but I love how the Scarlet Witch is handled. Marvel Unlimited doesn't have all the tie-ins listed in order like they do for most other major events, so I'm having to go back and fill in the pieces on a few of those. All in all, great event. Final Rating: 8 Bendis/10.


Winter Soldier #8 is just back-half-of-Zero weird, and it's amazing how Rudy keeps up. I love this book and I don't care that I'm the only one.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Winter Soldier #8 is just back-half-of-Zero weird, and it's amazing how Rudy keeps up. I love this book and I don't care that I'm the only one.

You're not. Kot is my most-bought writer right now. Dude is crafting up some cosmical shit in the best possible way.

Nope, just you.
Guess I'mma just get Tim on Facetime or some shit for the NYCC comic-gaf meetup.
What's harder to get tickets for, SDCC or NYCC? Cause I remember my friend skipping classes several years ago to get our tickets for SDCC and he made it sound hellish.


I think I know why I disliked some of SW #2 this week: It's Captain Britain.

I feel like Marvel's writers haven't been writing him well in the past few years. Paul Cornell's Captain Britain & MI13 run was fantastic and made me like the character

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
What's harder to get tickets for, SDCC or NYCC? Cause I remember my friend skipping classes several years ago to get our tickets for SDCC and he made it sound hellish.

I mean, does SDCC have that goofy ass Digital Queue? It's like Satan's waiting room.
I cried when Wolverine killed Daken. Although it might have been tears of joy cuz fuck that guy. For real though that what if dream scenario was heartbreaking.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I cried when Wolverine killed Daken. Although it might have been tears of joy cuz fuck that guy. For real though that what if dream scenario was heartbreaking.

That was a really powerful moment. I know some people don't like the back-half of UXF, or feel like it lost steam, but that whole last arc had so many similarly powerful chracter moments (like Deadpool and Evan).
I think I know why I disliked some of SW #2 this week: It's Captain Britain.

I feel like Marvel's writers haven't been writing him well in the past few years. Paul Cornell's Captain Britain & MI13 run was fantastic and made me like the character

I loved the attention given to Captain Britain and his family. That panel with everyone assembled was glorious.

I'd definitely love for more Captain Britain, but there was always something off about Cornell's MI13 series to me. I liked his part in Secret Wars #2, even though Brian wasn't technically the main focus. His hot-headedness rang true for me, because that's the Captain Britain I grew up with. He's written a little too zen these days.
I think I know why I disliked some of SW #2 this week: It's Captain Britain.

I feel like Marvel's writers haven't been writing him well in the past few years. Paul Cornell's Captain Britain & MI13 run was fantastic and made me like the character

Remender wrote him exceptionally well in Uncanny and Secret Avengers.


I think I know why I disliked some of SW #2 this week: It's Captain Britain.

I feel like Marvel's writers haven't been writing him well in the past few years. Paul Cornell's Captain Britain & MI13 run was fantastic and made me like the character

Feels like after Secret Avengers, Marvel has no idea what to do with Cap which kinda sucks. :'(
That was a really powerful moment. I know some people don't like the back-half of UXF, or feel like it lost steam, but that whole last arc had so many similarly powerful chracter moments (like Deadpool and Evan).

I really liked the whole series. Final Execution was legit. Dunno if I like it as much as the first half (hard to top Apocalypse Solution then Dark Angel Saga) but it was still great stuff.


Is nu52 Demon Knights worth reading?

It is by Paul Cornell and had great characterization.

I loved the attention given to Captain Britain and his family. That panel with everyone assembled was glorious.

I'd definitely love for more Captain Britain, but there was always something off about Cornell's MI13 series to me. I liked his part in Secret Wars #2, even though Brian wasn't technically the main focus. His hot-headedness rang true for me, because that's the Captain Britain I grew up with. He's written a little too zen these days.

I sadly don't feel like reading any of the old Cap Britain stuff outside of maybe Excalibur and Alan Moore's Captain Britain run.

What was off about him in the MI13 run for you?

Speaking of Cornell, I still think this holds up

This series wasn't about Superman it was about Luthor! Stupid DC...



Ladies and gentlemen, I prostrate myself before you and admit my past transgressions. I am selfish. I am judgmental. I have sinned.

I set off Frank Quitely War and Frank Quitely War II with my pointed criticism of Potato Head heroes, amorphous faces, and photocopied characters from page to page. In doing so, I allowed my biases to clog up the great wheel that is Comics GAF, and killed any meaningful discussion about anime waifus or $300 figures for several pages.

I was wrong.

But even those misdeeds pale in comparison to criticism of Secret Wars.

It's one thing to not like Secret Wars. I get it. You're wrong, it's the best comic event in a decade, we're going to be praising it for years, blah blah blah. But I get it. There's no accounting for taste, and all that. It's early. The event could derail. Cows may fly.

It's another thing to not like Secret Wars because of some random corporate "interests" that are totally unrelated to the event. What? The MCU is a separate beast that mines comics for ideas. That's the connection. Comics aren't written with the idea of turning them into a feature film. Most of the movie fanbase couldn't possibly care less about the comic world.

Dan DiDio is sitting in his office right now with a hidden copy of Secret Wars #2 under his desk and he is sobbing uncontrollably. Let It Go.


You have redemeed yourself, Tragi.


Haha whaaaaat at the Walking Dead 141

So Negan doesn't get out and just waits for Rick to return? I don't get it. Yeah trust bladie bla, but Negan can't seriously expect Rick to trust him. He isn't wrong about Grimes though. He fucking destroyed Olivia. Oh and man, welp dat Rick speech and Maggie killing off Gregory. He's a prick, he deserved it, but man it's the worst possible timing ever.

As for Marvel stuff; Secret Wars #2, Ms. Marvel #15 and Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #8 are great. Primo stuff.


Sadist, I haven't read it yet, and I haven't looked at your spoiler, but my guess is that it was intentional and they're going to integrate him. I have said this since last month.
Any of you guys back the Archie kickstarter? I'm considering it. Never backed anything in my life but I am seriously considering it because I am that big of a Waid homer.
Putting Cullen Bunn on that book was a horrible idea.
This is just a true general statement
Is nu52 Demon Knights worth reading?

Not really, honestly. There's some ok character work in there and sometimes ok art but I remember it being pretty damn boring half the time. Give it a shot?
You have redemeed yourself, Tragi.
*sees url*

Any of you guys back the Archie kickstarter? I'm considering it. Never backed anything in my life but I am seriously considering it because I am that big of a Waid homer.

I'm interested in their relaunch but I think Kickstarter really isn't the place for it. Their reward tiers are also really bad. It's like $10-20 per book in most cases.


I'm glad to see the love for Secret Wars. I think it's insane and awesome and was kind of afraid that people, I don't know, wouldn't get it?

And really, there's nothing to get. It's comic books being insane because it is the one medium that can get away with the absurd like this. I love this about comis. Comics allow for so much crazy, I feel it isn't taken advantage of a lot of times.
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