Tyrant Rave
Love Spider-Gweniverse Black Cat
Can anyone tell me why Doom? That wasn't very thoroughly explained.has lost his intelligence
After we do that, you guys can come to my place and I'll make you some of my ribs.
I'll treat you right.
I love pulled pork. It's my favorite way to ingest cancer.
All this talk of ribs is testing my vegetarianism. Jerks.
Ribs and BBQ in general is one of the food things my town can never get right.
Uh, why is Reed and Susan's daughter living with Dr Doom?
I don't like ribs, crabs or lobsters. I need my food to be easily accessible, like my favorite comic universe. -Axel Alonso
Uh, why is Reed and Susan's daughter living with Dr Doom?
Uh, why is Reed and Susan's daughter living with Dr Doom?
Uh, why is Reed and Susan's daughter living with Dr Doom?
Valeria Richards, the second child of Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman, had a difficult and circuitous entry into the world. Conceived in the Negative Zone, when the unborn infant approached term she began to emit bursts of deadly radiation that threatened both mother and child. Despite bringing in fellow scientists and radiation experts, Reed Richards was unable to save his daughter, who appeared to be stillborn.
Appearances can be deceiving. Franklin Richards, the couple's first child, felt a deep loss over the sister he would have had. He secretly used his vast psionic powers to transport her to an alternate reality.
After Franklin's cosmic powers were depleted during a battle to save all reality, Valeria reverted to an unborn child within Sue's womb.
Sue soon came to term, but her life was again threatened by bursts of radiation from the child within her. With Mr. Fantastic captured by the Hidden Ones, the Human Torch desperately sought the aid of Dr. Doom; Doom successfully used a combination of science and sorcery to safely deliver the infant, and in return was allowed to name her.
he is her uncle
All this talk of ribs is testing my vegetarianism. Jerks.
Godfather, I thought.
Fair warning: I did that whole, "I'm a vegetarian hipster" thing for 3 years, and it ended up fucking me up royally. Eventually your hair (as a dude) is going to start thinning, you'll lose your color, and eventually you'll become a hot mess. That whole "save the chickens" thing is bull crap, and once you realize that nothing you do is going to save the animals or whatever, and that we should really be putting pressure on the government to outlaw certain antibiotics and focus on humanely culling the animal population and only eating fish low in Mercury/chicken raised via free roam you'll be a happier individual.
Picked up a couple of books from the library. Sex Criminals 1 was interesting, so got that trade. I have no idea what Athena Voltaire is. The cover looked fun.
Fair warning: I did that whole, "I'm a vegetarian hipster" thing for 3 years, and it ended up fucking me up royally. Eventually your hair (as a dude) is going to start thinning, you'll lose your color, and eventually you'll become a hot mess. That whole "save the chickens" thing is bull crap, and once you realize that nothing you do is going to save the animals or whatever, and that we should really be putting pressure on the government to outlaw certain antibiotics and focus on humanely culling the animal population and only eating fish low in Mercury/chicken raised via free roam you'll be a happier individual.
That Valeria history...sometimes reading comics stuff is too weird.
Sounds like you need to move.
Godfather and alt universe father. She calls him Uncle.
I've been vegetarian for a long, long time and as long as you work with someone knowledgeable in nutrition and actually do what they recommend, you can be as healthy as anyone else. I take the proper supplements with the proper meals to make sure the things I am not getting from my food (notably: iron & B12) are absorbed and utilized.
I feel like this is more important than ever, being a Northern Californian facing a major drought... I've never done it to "save the animals", it's always been about "we're fucking our environment over and using most of our clean water on animal farming".
pretty sure 616 val is straight up Sue & Reed's kid in the current timeline.
Eh, at least that makes sense in your case. Most people do it because some girl or guy told them to. Only problem is that it's like the blind leading the blind.
Generally speaking, I still take the vegetarian option if it's available and I still eat Morning Star food because I enjoy it, but you will never see me turn down Chicken Parm ever
Seconds is amazing, but I'm guessing you knew that.
I don't like ribs, crabs or lobsters. I need my food to be easily accessible, like my favorite comic universe. -Axel Alonso
Smashing two lobsters together
I've been vegetarian for a long, long time and as long as you work with someone knowledgeable in nutrition and actually do what they recommend, you can be as healthy as anyone else. I take the proper supplements with the proper meals to make sure the things I am not getting from my food (notably: iron & B12) are absorbed and utilized.
I feel like this is more important than ever, being a Northern Californian facing a major drought... I've never done it to "save the animals", it's always been about "we're fucking our environment over and using most of our clean water on animal farming".
you mean to say is that in some universes, valeria's father is Doom, right?
pretty sure 616 val is straight up Sue & Reed's kid in the current timeline.
Damn I love Stan Sakai's slow ass. His work is phenomenal.
Seemed like a really, really nice guy at SDCC when I saw him with my friends a few years ago. It's terrible what happened to his wife, you could tell they were inseparable.
And Val+Vic is the best thing to have ever happened to the F4.
I hate eggs. Literally get sick just smelling dem boys.
also how you gon be a vegetarian and eat eggs breh