Ayyy! I want this.
Just wanted to post an up-close shot of
my name is ed's work in my sketchbook. Details of the bat itself.
I'm not sure if many of you remember but I met an artist (Brian Soriano) in the artist alley at last month's Big Wow Comicfest. He drew a beefy and detailed inked sketch of Batman for me (post seen
here). After the con ended, I added him on Facebook and started communicating with him to see if he would do a private commission. I told him how much I liked his Shuma-Gorath/Dr. Strange piece. Since I just started up my villains-themed sketchbook, I wanted Galactus. I was expecting to fork out a bit of money given how complex some of his drawings can become but when he kicked back the price to me, my jaw dropped. It was going to be the same price as his con sketches for a penciled/inked work. He even asked if I wanted him to recreate his Shuma/Strange piece in my book, and I couldn't pass up on that. So here are the two commissions he did for me:
I practically gave him free reign on what he wanted to do with Galactus. All I told him was Galactus and planets, haha. Well, not only did he put the main man on there but his herald as well. Galactus is feeding off of a (now) dying planet with an exploding sun behind him. He's open to commissions and I'll definitely get in touch with him again during dead periods of attending conventions.