Well, huh. Got Marvel Unlimited month trial up and running. Decided I'm going to use it to check out stuff that I'm interested enough in reading but not to buy. So I just read through the House of M event for the first time. And it was... okay. Not offensive, just kind of flat. Definitely agree with the whole Layla is just a deus ex machina inserted to advance the story critique I know I've heard in the past.
Also, even in that splash at the end there were a number of characters who totally managed to just plain re-power, though I don't know who did what in order to do so.
Oh, and what was the whole "that energy had to go somewhere" tease from the end leading up to?
Edit: Man, adding and removing stuff from a reading list is dirt slow, at least on browser. Any trick to add whole events or runs, or do you have to do it piece by piece?
Edit again: In fact, it doesn't seem to want to let me remove stuff at all right now. Just not doing it.