Lord curry will free us from the bearded menaceI won a dollar! But now i have to continue seeing Harden flop.
Lord curry will free us from the bearded menaceI won a dollar! But now i have to continue seeing Harden flop.
Hot Topic has these Batmanga shirts:
P.S. I don't shop at Hot Topic...........but this will probably be an exception.
I'm assuming you're talking about Mad Max?That movie was absolutely fucking mental and completely exhausting. 10/10
I'm assuming you're talking about Mad Max?
Ah silly me. I stand corrected. Did they beat the German singers?Pitch Perfect 2
Ah silly me. I stand corrected. Did they beat the German singers?
Everyone watch Fury Road twice please. It even has girly hijinx.
The whole thing is girly dusty hijinx. My brother went into that movie expecting nothing, not even wanting to be there, and he came out like[/ img][/QUOTE]
I barely have seen 1/2 of the original trilogy and went to this just for the spectacle of the amazing action shots in the trailer. Then hearing the good buzz, then seeing it! So so awesome. I went home and bought the OST. Already this year we've got Daredevil and fury Road and we still got Star Wars and bond coming this year! hyyyype
Already this year we've got Daredevil and fury Road and we still got Star Wars and bond coming this year! hyyyype
Your only reason huh? Shocking.Is Theron good in Mad Max? She is the only reason I would have any interest in it.
Is Theron good in Mad Max? She is the only reason I would have any interest in it.
Haha I was driving to get food today and when I looked at my rear mirror and saw cars for some reason I started eyeing them suspiciously for sec. like they're about to ambush me. I think they were from gun townReally great. The entire cast is wonderful. Best Australian documentary I've ever seen.
Is Theron good in Mad Max? She is the only reason I would have any interest in it.
Your only reason huh? Shocking.Yup she was great.
why do you dislike men so much
Haha I was driving to get food today and when I looked at my rear mirror and saw cars for some reason I started eyeing them suspiciously for sec like they're about to ambush me. I think they were from gun town
She's practically the main character so your in luck. Although she isn't the best character,Is Theron good in Mad Max? She is the only reason I would have any interest in it.
guitar guy was my favorite character ever. I hope he gets his own comic spinoff. So metalAs long as you don't hear the drums and heavy metal guitar behind you, you're probably safe.
It's so awesome that none of this cars were CGI, they were all actually fabricated.
guitar guy was my favorite character ever. I hope he gets his own comic spinoff. So metal
Whatisinaname. The one person in the comic OT thread reading comics!Dial H #no-idea-tpb-not-numbered: Rescue Jack was hilarious.
Between Ex Machina and Mad Max, I don't think I need to see another movie in the theaters the rest of the year. I doubt anything will top those two.
I watched both of these seeing no trailers and knowing nothing. I don't know if that helped how much i liked them. But damn!
Slow down, DBZ: Resurrection F ain't out yet.Between Ex Machina and Mad Max, I don't think I need to see another movie in the theaters the rest of the year. I doubt anything will top those two.
A part of me feels like Ant Man is gonna be Marvel's first super bomb. Where is all the hype? It's a movie about a man who is an ant. Marvel should have called him Mant.
Mant would put asses into seats.
Lapham is a very good crime writer. That's his strength and what he's most known for. That's not the only type of comics he's written and I wouldn't just completely reduce a persons career on one stray comic or mini series of they have acclaimed work elsewhere. That's like brushing off all of Brubakers work for his crappy Xmen or Secret Avengers run. Brubakers does crime/noir. He tried to branch out, didn't work and went to image and plays to his strengths
It looks so half-baked and boring. It's got all the trappings of a Marvel Studio movie in the most cliche way.A part of me feels like Ant Man is gonna be Marvel's first super bomb. Where is all the hype? It's a movie about a man who is an ant. Marvel should have called him Mant.
A part of me feels like Ant Man is gonna be Marvel's first super bomb. Where is all the hype? It's a movie about a man who is an ant. Marvel should have called him Mant.
Mant would put asses into seats.
It has Paul Rudd and hes my favorite guy but im still kinda eh on it. Looks too serious like Fantastic Four. I havent seen newer trailers for them though.
It has Paul Rudd and hes my favorite guy but im still kinda eh on it. Looks too serious like Fantastic Four. I havent seen newer trailers for them though.
It has Paul Rudd and hes my favorite guy but im still kinda eh on it. Looks too serious like Fantastic Four. I havent seen newer trailers for them though.
Why didn't the fixing of the axis event fix him? And how long will he be "good"? Until Logan is back?
Does anyone like saber tooth? The only time I liked him was in Carey's run. I guess his AoA run was fun too
Otherwise he's so boring
Went and had a look at the character's history in the wiki. Left with even less interest in him.Does anyone like saber tooth?
That's a good question. I like seeing him act like an ass to Wolverine but I can't say I'm crazy about him.Does anyone like saber tooth? The only time I liked him was in Carey's run. I guess his AoA run was fun too
Otherwise he's so boring
I started Power Girl: New Beginning tpb as my next shelf read, I was under the assumption that this was a girly hijinx book but it's mainly a standard dc title with great Conner art so far, so that's a little disappointing but it's still enjoyable. I'm realigning my expectations so I'm not expecting more from it.