Stop pushing your comma and metric agenda!!
Decimals. Decimals people!
for real. i thought there was some slow-Flash shit goin on.
Stop pushing your comma and metric agenda!!
Decimals. Decimals people!
Josie and the pussycats was a good movie. That had a band. It has been a long time since i watched it though....i could dislike it now.
Stop pushing your comma and metric agenda!!
Decimals. Decimals people!
I think they make sense, then again, I use them for my whole life.That doesn't change the fact at the commas are deeply stupid.
I mean y'all are probably right but i have no affinity for the Jem brand, and my only exposure is seeing a half of an episode randomly last month. it doesn't seem to hold up. I also kinda expected the trailer to be The Worst Thing Ever based on everything i heard
I think they make sense, then again, I use them for my whole life.
I dunno. I think its like the MMDDYYYY system, which makes zero sense for outsiders.
Yeah, that makes sense againIf someone asks you, verbally, what the date is, it is quicker to say "May 18th, 2015" then to say "It's the 18th of May, 2015." Those are precious syllables.
5 miles @ 8 isnt bad. At my best I could a 10k in 42 and 17 miles in 2:24. the longest practice run I did was something like 22 miles. That probably took like 3:35.Try 5 miles in 40 :/
So boring but I do it 3 times a week.
Planet Hulk before World War Hulk, correct?
Speaking of Image, anybody here read Morning Glories?
Planet Hulk before World War Hulk, correct?
If someone asks you, verbally, what the date is, it is quicker to say "May 18th, 2015" then to say "It's the 18th of May, 2015." Those are precious syllables.
Skip World War Hulk.Planet Hulk before World War Hulk, correct?
Hey, what day is today?
No, of the month.
Oh, 18.
Only people that have been in a coma verbally ask for the month. Ddmmyy superiority remains.
Speaking of Image, anybody here read Morning Glories?
What are we arguing about now?
Hey, what day is today?
No, of the month.
Oh, 18.
Only people that have been in a coma verbally ask for the month. Ddmmyy superiority remains.
Don't waste your time. It's nonsense.
i read it a long time ago
it was very... LOST-esque in that it was fun to be caught up in the mystery but i don't remember feeling satisfied with it
Hey y'all, what are we arguing about today?
When is this due? The 18th. The 18th of WHAT?????? Month is used all the time. This is silly.
MMDDYY doesn't end up with the kind of ugly double digit-single digit-double digit thing you end up with all the time in DDMMYY, is how I rationalize the standard I grew up with. 5/18/15 (or 5/18/2015) is a nice ascending amount of digits, whereas 18/5/15 looks messier to me for that reason. All fairly arbitrary and not that important in the long run, though.
Imperial is an european date system, fam.How wildly inferior the European date system is. I say very, Gameproff and Coriolanus say that it's not all that inferior.
They're wrong.
I like using YYMMDD when dating things on my work computer so they actually sort in the correct order. Get on my level, nerds.
Guys, meet Harley Quinn.
Red = Freedom
Guys, meet Harley Quinn.
Has she gotten into any hijinks?
I'm not really arguing why you should or shouldn't be disappointed with the trailer, 'cause now i get it, kinda, i'm just talking about my limited exposure to the cartoonLike most cartoons from the 80s it was never expected to hold up. You can take the concept though and make it something great. That trailer is not that though. Some times you need to take the concept and run, but this was more like ignore the concept take the name and run.
Hey y'all, what are we arguing about today?
I like using YYMMDD when dating things on my work computer so they actually sort in the correct order. Get on my level, nerds.
on the scale of 1-10, with 1 being "so awesome" and 10 being "insanely awesome," how awesome do you think the Jem movie looks
Speaking of Image, anybody here read Morning Glories?
Planet Hulk before World War Hulk, correct?
Power Girl: New Beginning tpb by Palmiotti, Gray, and Conner: Obviously the star of the book is Conner's artwork and the cartoony expressive nature of it, none of that disappointed. The story didn't do much for me though, it was broken up into three main parts: ultra humanite's plan, Power Girl trying to run a company in between the action, and three alien girls coming to Earth, and all three were average cape material. Reading the book felt similar to Gotham Academy where I only really liked a couple pages of Maps dialogue and that didn't save the book for me, likewise Atlee had the better girly hijinx moments when she was trying to test out secret identities during the movie theater pages, it was cute but brief. Random 6/10.
Stop looking at me like that. Green hair and a shiny jacket are completely normal.