Yeah, whatever happened to creative teams?Fiona Staples is so perfect for Archie. Shame she is only doing 3 issues.
Adorbs Erica Henderson Variant
Yeah, whatever happened to creative teams?Fiona Staples is so perfect for Archie. Shame she is only doing 3 issues.
Adorbs Erica Henderson Variant
Complete nontravercy. Just like next to everything else comic nerds get mad about.
dat feel when every new issue on MU update is something youre reading
oh fuck yea
These Alex Ross covers are insane. I love them. Im gonna need an artbook as soon as I get disposable income again.![]()
Thanos vs. Zombies...THANOS REIGNS!
You may see it as a non issue , that may have ultimately been the case with Chris Sims, but the point for many people is that you can act like a total ass to a woman for no real reason and suffer no professional consequences. That this is a total regular thing because women aint shit and they should just shut up about it.Complete nontravercy. Just like next to everything else comic nerds get mad about.
Almost done with House Of M. Not gonna lie, "no more mutants" gave me chills even tho I of course knew it was coming. For you peeps that read it "live", how big was that moment? I can't see anyway where you don't go "Oh FUCK" back in the day when it happened (especially since that's the cliffhanger)
Or had it leaked beforehand?
Almost done with House Of M. Not gonna lie, "no more mutants" gave me chills even tho I of course knew it was coming. For you peeps that read it "live", how big was that moment? I can't see anyway where you don't go "Oh FUCK" back in the day when it happened (especially since that's the cliffhanger)
Or had it leaked beforehand?
But then you quickly learned she really meant "No more mutants*"
*Some exclusions may apply.
confusing, considering that Quicksilver lost his powers.. (for a time)
and is now being considered as a highly evolved human being.
To say it doesn't matter, makes you complicit in a culture of abuse towards women and minorities IMO
Finally got around to reading The Sculptor. Jesus christ is it terrible.
Read something like Boxers and Saints instead.
Just started the Guardians of the Galaxy that just got added to MU.
It's got to be rough for the artist to go through life with the last name "Schiti".
But the art is far from it.
Hoping to do it soon. I loved ABC, but the idea of diving into something that's, like, 600 pages long is daunting right now. Habibi has been sitting on my shelf for years because of that.
The irony of doing a PhD in comics rendering me too busy to read comics...
Schiti's artwork is awesome. His art in Journey Into Mystery Featuring Sif looked amazing with the coloring by Jordie Bellaire.
Hoping to do it soon. I loved ABC, but the idea of diving into something that's, like, 600 pages long is daunting right now. Habibi has been sitting on my shelf for years because of that.
The irony of doing a PhD in comics rendering me too busy to read comics...
I'm a newly converted fan, it's like a combination of Francis Manapul and Stuart Immonen.
You gotta check out Beautiful Darkness as well. What a tragic book:
You sure are jumping to a lot of conclusions about my character, aren't you? "Hey Zombine, you don't think Sims should be crucified and have his career ruined for something that could have happened with a male or female, you're basically a racist and a wife beater."
Really? Fucking hell bro.
Jesus, Silk and Spider-woman dropped a lot last month
Almost done with House Of M. Not gonna lie, "no more mutants" gave me chills even tho I of course knew it was coming. For you peeps that read it "live", how big was that moment? I can't see anyway where you don't go "Oh FUCK" back in the day when it happened (especially since that's the cliffhanger)
Or had it leaked beforehand?
Alright comicGAF give me the skinny on The Good licensed IDW books. With this CMX sale with everything half off I think I've got a good handle on most things but their licensed products ( transformers, gi Joe, etc) are confusing as hell
So far I've got either from this sale or previous purchases I've got
-The new TMNT series and minis
- Godzillia half century war
-GI Joe vs Transformers
- rocketeer comics and minis
- shockrockets
- red star
- the maxx
- Locke & key
- winterworld
- Jem
- transformers last stand of the wreckers
Now I have the transformers humble bundle PDFs for more than meets the eye, robots in disguise, dark cybertron that I'm thinking of getting on CMX for better readability.
So I know we have IDW readers, what series am I missing? Are there good transformer or other minis I'm missing. They are all disjointed and hard to figure out what's the good stuff
Alright comicGAF give me the skinny on The Good licensed IDW books. With this CMX sale with everything half off I think I've got a good handle on most things but their licensed products ( transformers, gi Joe, etc) are confusing as hell
So far I own:
-The new TMNT series and minis
- Godzillia half century war
-GI Joe vs Transformers
- rocketeer comics and minis
- shockrockets
- red star
- the maxx
- Locke & key
- winterworld
- Jem
- transformers last stand of the wreckers
Now I have the transformers humble bundle PDFs for more than meets the eye, robots in disguise, dark cybertron that I'm thinking of getting on CMX for better readability.
So I know we have IDW readers, what series am I missing? Are there good transformer or other minis I'm missing. They are all disjointed and hard to figure out what's the good stuff
Jesus, Silk and Spider-woman dropped a lot last month
Apparently so. I was plesently surprised to see it. and I plan on infinite loop as well. I'm just waiting until weds as I think #1 will drop in price thenOoh Shockrockets went to IDW?
Just finished Batman Eternal.
Loved it. When is it back?
That has more to do with Convergence pushing a lot of stuff down and the Star Wars line being so hot.
Next time Scott Snyder's friends start texting him: "need $$$"
Barely anything else in the list had major shifts in numbers that weren't #2s compared to #1s.
Silk's still got a lot of breathing room but I really thought that spider-woman would've stabilized by now