Flash was good tonight. If only DC would make a good flash comic
Johns original run was so much better though.

Flash was good tonight. If only DC would make a good flash comic
Flash was good tonight. If only DC would make a good flash comic
Johns original run was so much better though.
I don't anything will ever top this
I've been trying to get into the Flash comics more, and my local comic store owner recommended me Rebirth as a good place to start. Or at least a good story to pick up.
I've been trying to get into the Flash comics more, and my local comic store owner recommended me Rebirth as a good place to start. Or at least a good story to pick up.
Really hoping legends of Tomorrow leads to a booster Gold show
The Rockets/Warriors game wasn't supposed to be like this.
Recomed tracking down impluse by mark waid as well
It's a good Barry Allen story, since it brought him back into continuity after being gone since the original Crisis. Waid and Johns' original run were about Wally as the Flash.
Rockets are currently reading Sunstone and don't have the will to play.
Go to the second omnibus. It goes to god tier in a hurry. I had the same impressions when I first read it about 10 years ago. I know marvel wants to collect all the Miller art of the DD run but they really should have started when Frank takes over writing.Finished the first Frank Miller/Klaus Janson DareDevil Omnibus. I was pretty unimpressed with the first half of the collected issues. It all felt really dated, particularly the issues not written my Miller himself. The second half of it was much more enjoyable. It still wasn't quite what I expected though.
I'm not sure if I should move on to the second Miller Omnibus or skip those and go right to Bendis's run.
I do not want to continue to live in a world where not only is Scott Lobdell allowed to write comics, but he continues to deny some of my favorite characters good storylines.
Like, Red Hood has had 1 good arc (his first, Pre-Nu52).
On the plus side, I like DCs new direction. I am sure there are plenty of stinkers there, but their approach seems fun.
No start with Johns start of the run. It's awesome and new reader friendly. rebirth was ok but nowhere near his early stuff. Waids run is great too but harder to track downI've been trying to get into the Flash comics more, and my local comic store owner recommended me Rebirth as a good place to start. Or at least a good story to pick up.
It makes me sick to my stomach to hear people gushing about Mark Millar comics in 2015. These movie pitches are derived from a fucking algorithm with pre pubescently flat characters. It needs to end. It gives hope to the Dennis Hopelesses of the world, your Dan Jurgens, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.
It makes me sick to my stomach to hear people gushing about Mark Millar comics in 2015. These movie pitches are derived from a fucking algorithm with pre pubescently flat characters. It needs to end. It gives hope to the Dennis Hopelesses of the world, your Dan Jurgens, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.
No start with Johns start of the run. It's awesome and new reader friendly. rebirth was ok but nowhere near his early stuff. Waids run is great too but harder to track down
Then you'll love early Johns and waid stuff. Johns reimaging the rogues was a real highlight. I loved Johns "focus on a villain for an issue" bit he'd do in Flash and later used it in GL.But I thought Rebirth was really good. It has cool Speed Force bullshit.
Doomed looks cool and the main character is a poc. Shit, he's trying at least.I do not want to continue to live in a world where not only is Scott Lobdell allowed to write comics, but he continues to deny some of my favorite characters good storylines.
Like, Red Hood has had 1 good arc (his first, Pre-Nu52).
On the plus side, I like DCs new direction. I am sure there are plenty of stinkers there, but their approach seems fun.
Then you'll love early Johns and waid stuff. Johns reimaging the rogues was a real highlight. I loved Johns "focus on a villain for an issue" bit he'd do in Flash and later used it in GL.
Cuz you gotta this brah spamming Hadouken in SFIV and nobody wants to step up and parry this motherfucker with a twelve hit combo and say "Who bitch this!?" There's no value there. And then somebody came along and was like "hey brah we love the Hadouken and everything but you can't be raping people, detonating fetuses, beat women, psychologically traumatized children. " okay brah I'm cool now. So then he goes and gets clipped like a Sharpei puppy, watches a few Pixar movies, one too many TNT procedural marathons, given unlimited confidence and thinks he can take on the world. So he goes up to some chap in an East Lost Angeles pub and says "hey mate, I got this story. We got these two lads that have time travel and shit, so we'll use naut derived from the Greek work meaning travel and chrono meaning time to describe them as time travelers. And they'll go on these adventures through time yeah, mishaps and the like. It's gonna warm your heart." The man turns and says "brother, you can't go talking around here like these parts, go say exactly what you said to that guy sitting over there." He does so with fervor, but then gets punched. "See brother, you should've just said.....[whishpers]" So the chap walks up to another and says "I got this story it's Back to The Future meets Jurassic Park and the letter one is Buzz Lightyear meets the last twenty minutes of Rocky V." Aaaaaahhhhhhh says the man in understanding.Why does it matter if people are enjoying the stories?
Oh and btw, Chrononauts has been really damn fun so far.
Cuz you gotta this brah spamming Hadouken in SFIV and nobody wants to step up and parry this motherfucker with a twelve hit combo and say "Who bitch this!?" There's no value there. And then somebody came along and was like "hey brah we love the Hadouken and everything but you can't be raping people, detonating fetuses, beat women, psychologically traumatized children. " okay brah I'm cool now. So then he goes and gets clipped like a Sharpei puppy, watches a few Pixar movies, one too many TNT procedural marathons, given unlimited confidence and thinks he can take on the world. So he goes up to some chap in an East Lost Angeles pub and says "hey mate, I got this story. We got these two lads that have time travel and shit, so we'll use naut derived from the Greek work meaning travel and chrono meaning time to describe them as time travelers. And they'll go on these adventures through time yeah, mishaps and the like. It's gonna warm your heart." The man turns and says "brother, you can't go talking around here like these parts, go say exactly what you said to that guy sitting over there." He does so with fervor, but then gets punched. "See brother, you should've just said.....[whishpers]" So the chap walks up to another and says "I got this story it's Back to The Future meets Jurassic Park and the letter one is Buzz Lightyear meets the last twenty minutes of Rocky V." Aaaaaahhhhhhh says the man in understanding.
It makes me sick to my stomach to hear people gushing about Mark Millar comics in 2015. These movie pitches are derived from a fucking algorithm with pre pubescently flat characters. It needs to end. It gives hope to the Dennis Hopelesses of the world, your Dan Jurgens, you princes of Maine, you kings of New England.
Cuz you gotta this brah spamming Hadouken in SFIV and nobody wants to step up and parry this motherfucker with a twelve hit combo and say "Who bitch this!?" There's no value there. And then somebody came along and was like "hey brah we love the Hadouken and everything but you can't be raping people, detonating fetuses, beat women, psychologically traumatized children. " okay brah I'm cool now. So then he goes and gets clipped like a Sharpei puppy, watches a few Pixar movies, one too many TNT procedural marathons, given unlimited confidence and thinks he can take on the world. So he goes up to some chap in an East Lost Angeles pub and says "hey mate, I got this story. We got these two lads that have time travel and shit, so we'll use naut derived from the Greek work meaning travel and chrono meaning time to describe them as time travelers. And they'll go on these adventures through time yeah, mishaps and the like. It's gonna warm your heart." The man turns and says "brother, you can't go talking around here like these parts, go say exactly what you said to that guy sitting over there." He does so with fervor, but then gets punched. "See brother, you should've just said.....[whishpers]" So the chap walks up to another and says "I got this story it's Back to The Future meets Jurassic Park and the letter one is Buzz Lightyear meets the last twenty minutes of Rocky V." Aaaaaahhhhhhh says the man in understanding.
Cuz you gotta this brah spamming Hadouken in SFIV and nobody wants to step up and parry this motherfucker with a twelve hit combo and say "Who bitch this!?" There's no value there. And then somebody came along and was like "hey brah we love the Hadouken and everything but you can't be raping people, detonating fetuses, beat women, psychologically traumatized children. " okay brah I'm cool now. So then he goes and gets clipped like a Sharpei puppy, watches a few Pixar movies, one too many TNT procedural marathons, given unlimited confidence and thinks he can take on the world. So he goes up to some chap in an East Lost Angeles pub and says "hey mate, I got this story. We got these two lads that have time travel and shit, so we'll use naut derived from the Greek work meaning travel and chrono meaning time to describe them as time travelers. And they'll go on these adventures through time yeah, mishaps and the like. It's gonna warm your heart." The man turns and says "brother, you can't go talking around here like these parts, go say exactly what you said to that guy sitting over there." He does so with fervor, but then gets punched. "See brother, you should've just said.....[whishpers]" So the chap walks up to another and says "I got this story it's Back to The Future meets Jurassic Park and the letter one is Buzz Lightyear meets the last twenty minutes of Rocky V." Aaaaaahhhhhhh says the man in understanding.
Went to read Spider Woman #1, issue starts with her, Silk and Spidey Noir...whut
Then I noticed the Spider Verse tag on the cover and I shelved it (as much as you can do that on MU) for now
Mad Max Fury Road is fucking amazing, and movie theatres are still the shittiest places on Earth. Like, worse than even comic shops.
I know only like four or five of us are participating atm (maybe Freeza is in heaven) but Stray Bullets is starting to grow on me more
I got into it the second I saw where the first issue was heading. And then the second was almost too brutal for me. Excellent series so far. Gonna catch up tomorrow and post my thoughts in the thread.
Went to read Spider Woman #1, issue starts with her, Silk and Spidey Noir...whut
Then I noticed the Spider Verse tag on the cover and I shelved it (as much as you can do that on MU) for now
Cuz you gotta this brah spamming Hadouken in SFIV and nobody wants to step up and parry this motherfucker with a twelve hit combo and say "Who bitch this!?" There's no value there. And then somebody came along and was like "hey brah we love the Hadouken and everything but you can't be raping people, detonating fetuses, beat women, psychologically traumatized children. " okay brah I'm cool now. So then he goes and gets clipped like a Sharpei puppy, watches a few Pixar movies, one too many TNT procedural marathons, given unlimited confidence and thinks he can take on the world. So he goes up to some chap in an East Lost Angeles pub and says "hey mate, I got this story. We got these two lads that have time travel and shit, so we'll use naut derived from the Greek work meaning travel and chrono meaning time to describe them as time travelers. And they'll go on these adventures through time yeah, mishaps and the like. It's gonna warm your heart." The man turns and says "brother, you can't go talking around here like these parts, go say exactly what you said to that guy sitting over there." He does so with fervor, but then gets punched. "See brother, you should've just said.....[whishpers]" So the chap walks up to another and says "I got this story it's Back to The Future meets Jurassic Park and the letter one is Buzz Lightyear meets the last twenty minutes of Rocky V." Aaaaaahhhhhhh says the man in understanding.