Damn, amazed how well all the SW crossovers tie in together. We're both Battleworld stories lead ins? Seemed like they were prologues for
Inferno and MODOK Assassin.
Hey with Supergirl coming out as a tv show I'm sure DC will go ahead and release PADs Supergirl series on CMX and trades and do a big digital sale!
right? Right?
A- Force was kinda bland.
OK, just read Ultimate End #1, wth, anyone know what's going on? Two Starks, one should be dead, and a peter from a different universe. I'm assuming we have two universes co existing within each other.
Dat Daredevil #10 office plaque
Kirsten McDuffie
Fine, he's Daredevil okay?
Are you happy now?
I like this...I like this very much
Edit: yoo this last page with Matt curled up in bed all depressed (from the purple kids mojo) and he calls Kirsten to talk and she's been right outside his apartment the whole time waiting was great.
Kirsten best DD girlfriend confirmed
Dat Daredevil #10 office plaque
Kirsten McDuffie
Fine, he's Daredevil okay?
Are you happy now?
I like this...I like this very much
Edit: yoo this last page with Matt curled up in bed all depressed (from the purple kids mojo) and he calls Kirsten to talk and she's been right outside his apartment the whole time waiting was great.
Kirsten best DD girlfriend confirmed
Messi, is that the third avatar you've had TODAY?
No one can stop him.
Messi's trying to find the avatar that will help the Rockets win.
Keep going.
Short answer: We don't really know yet.
Longer Answer: We know that this Manhattan is a combination of 616 Manhattan and 1610 Manhattan, based on the map at the beginning, but with so many different versions of the same character running around it's hard to tell which one is which, exactly., but we don't really know yet.Tony should be dead, for sure, and Cyclops should be Phoenixed
OK, just read Ultimate End #1, wth, anyone know what's going on? Two Starks, one should be dead, and a peter from a different universe. I'm assuming we have two universes co existing within each other.
Tony is in an old suit, that's not the superior iron man- but that IS the "Doc Green" Hulk- are we sure this is definitely 616?
Edit: yoo this last page with Matt curled up in bed all depressed (from the purple kids mojo) and he calls Kirsten to talk and she's been right outside his apartment the whole time waiting was great.
Kirsten best DD girlfriend confirmed
Yes, you're dealing with 616 and 1610 in the same city, with versions of their respective heroes pulled from different points in history as far as I can tell. It's is 616 and 1610, but seems to not actually be those universes, if that makes sense. 616 Stark is wearing the Bleeding Edge armor, which puts him back in Heroic Age. Spider-Man and Cyclops are not the ones that survived the collapse in the Raft. In fact, I don't think we've seen the Raft survivors in any book yet. The Ultimate universe should have its own Peter Parker, unless they only count the people who were in New York, at which point Ultimate Peter is gone.
It's confusing.
Actually, that's not even the Marvel Now armor, which was the black and gold.
EDIT: If we're spoiler-free.
Mazzuchelli did some all star work on Born Again.
I absolutely love the detail in that first page.
It took me forever to notice he's slowly getting into a fetal position as his surrounding worsen, with the whole "Born Again" theme and all that.
It took me forever to notice he's slowly getting into a fetal position as his surrounding worsen, with the whole "Born Again" theme and all that.
whoa, good call[IMG]
and this is the next in the sequence, Born Again indeed!
god I fuckin love that comic. It's undeniably misogynist as fuck (they did Karen dirty) and we can quibble about the ending and Mazz only got better from that point on but it's fucking amazingggg[/QUOTE]
Year One is more polished, especially with the color and no Nuke, but Born Again is Dat Comic tho [IMG]
After that, he spreads back out and gets all Jesus-y. But after that it sort of loses the thread. I know that Frank Miller has gotten a bit nuts, but the guy sure could write a hell of a comic arc.
Man looking over this MU update, Marvel wasn't in a good way 6 months ago. So many SIXIS and spider verse books. If I was buying books I'd probably only read 3-4. But I find it hard to "drop" MU books. Even when I'm not super excited about them
Hah. I'm sure I'd say the same for other lines if given the chance to read everything.You're just a Marvel hater ket!
You're the new JC, soon you'll be getting banned every 2 days
on one hand, I wanna lose all the Captain America stuff invading Murdock's story. But on the other hand, all the Cap is so good
It'll happen. It's matts core and with the Netflix show? I feel it's only a matter of timeI hope that whoever is on Daredevil after Waid is done with this run doesn't default to Grimdark Matt and just throw death and destruction at him to force drama down our throats. I'm over it. That era should remain in the past. That's not to say that he can't stuffer, but at times it felt like a sick joke.
i dunno -- you lose the "Matt laying in bed" motif but you get his his return to physical form, his reconciliation with Karen, and that great splash of him in the suit jumping from the exploding water tower
The trajectory of Born Again is the stripping down of the hero to his barest elements but also the building of him back up, which is why the comic becomes more and more of a conventional superhero comic by the end, which is reflected in each of the opening pages
It'll happen. It's matts core and with the Netflix show? I feel it's only a matter of time
That's what I'm thinking, and it's total bullshit. Without a shadow of a doubt they're going to kill of Kirsten, and we're going to get sulking Matt.
Every time they bring back Nuke it's always like... "this just doesn't work at all"
The back issues seem to pop sporadically.MU added a bunch of Excalibur issues. Also Elektra #8 which wasn't added on Monday when it updated. MU updates are weird lately
Shut your filthy mouth Zombine!![]() was that shit about Remender. Dudes taking Frank Miller caricatures well past the breaking point
Re-read Year One digital edition recently...colors are so good, b. Like, it might be the only time where a re-coloring actually improved a comic, mostly because it was the SAME colorist who kept a lot of it the same, but more accurate.
Original line art:[IMG]
Old 1986 comic book production
Hand-paint separation for the new edition
the digital edition
He also took a few creative liberties to bring a bit more individual shades to certain scenes. He does a much fancier design for the bed, the kind of art that just wouldn't show up like this in the original 86 production, and the colors made the figures stand out more.
Yeah, Year One still has some of the best colours ever. I think the story goes where DKR was supposed to be this prestige format bound comic, with colouring that pushed the technology of the time to its limits, Miller and Mazzucchelli deliberately wanted Year One to be a throwback/lo-fi kind of deal. So it's just 4 issues in the monthly book on newsprint and Lewis's colours were originally done with those reproduction limitations in mind.
America is replaced by Universe.
I get it.
So, up through 27 now in Spider-Girl on MU. It definitely has some nice bits, though it's got some rough edges too here and there. Really enjoying it though. Interesting but not terribly consequential how it does the whole 2nd person narration thing in the boxes (IE "You are Spider-Girl, etc, etc"). Really liked the Kaine arc and the stuff I just hit with the Green Goblin bits has been really good.
The weird thing to me is how much it has a similar feel to Ultimate Spider-man. Which was also surprisingly overlapping. Like, Spider-Girl came first by a decent bit, but Ultimate only started like what, 2 years later? Almost wonder if Spider-Girl would've done better for itself if Ultimate didn't kind of steal its thunder. Also kind of crazy to see how long of a run it got, though. I always thought it was a kind of low tier book since I never really hear any discussion on it and IIRC Marvel still hasn't got out a proper collection of trades or anything collecting all of it, but the initial run is 100 issues and an annual, and then there's another decent sized run, plus a few minor spin-offs!
But yeah, Spider-Girl has been fun, nice use of my free MU so far!
Guuuuuuys. Just got back from the bouldering gym. That girl who I really like was there and we hung out the whole time. I'm so giddy.
Think I might ask her to coffee when I see her again on Friday.![]()
Guuuuuuys. Just got back from the bouldering gym. That girl who I really like was there and we hung out the whole time. I'm so giddy.
Think I might ask her to coffee when I see her again on Friday.![]()
Guuuuuuys. Just got back from the bouldering gym. That girl who I really like was there and we hung out the whole time. I'm so giddy.
Think I might ask her to coffee when I see her again on Friday.![]()
Guuuuuuys. Just got back from the bouldering gym. That girl who I really like was there and we hung out the whole time. I'm so giddy.
Think I might ask her to coffee when I see her again on Friday.![]()