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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Kris Anka is so great

Yeah, way better at making substandard videos! (Am I doing this right, Messi?)

I always respected the Misfits more. They had to work harder, didn't have the help of a supercomputer hologram projector, and weren't afraid to get dirty to achieve their dream. If that meant some accidents involving volcanoes, so be it.

And yeah you're doing fine. You'll fit in perfectly.
I always respected the Misfits more. They had to work harder, didn't have the help of a supercomputer hologram projector, and weren't afraid to get dirty to achieve their dream. If that meant some accidents involving volcanoes, so be it.

And yeah you're doing fine. You'll fit in perfectly.

Aiming to be an inferior #1 by default rather than a hard earned and superior #2 is a rather unfortunate dream.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Okay, I feel way out of the loop. Can somebody explain what all this talk about Jem and the Holograms or whatever is all about? I have no idea what this is. And what are these volcanoes I keep hearing about.
Okay, I feel way out of the loop. Can somebody explain what all this talk about Jem and the Holograms or whatever is all about? I have no idea what this is. And what are these volcanoes I keep hearing about.

In regards to the first part, it's because you should be reading it.


I don't even like Whedon that much and it's pretty incessant. It's almost as bad as "George Lucas ruined my childhood" or TDKR weekly thread.

I think people get subconsciously offended when something they don't like is popular. It's really, really weird.
Satellite Sam... that turned out almost as I expected, with one exception:
I was thinking Michael was going to buy the farm, but Karnes popped Ginsberg and left it at that. .
But did
Michael burn the kinescopes, or just the pictures? The spread made it seem like just the latter.


Hey I need to ask a stupid question and I didn't think it was worth its own thread so here I go.

Where were the the Avengers and other heroes during the Age of Apocalypse? I am reading it now and it doesn't seem to explain why there are only mutants. I guess timelines for some heroes might have been altered, but shouldn't people like Captain America, Thor, Captain Marvel, and even maybe Iron Man and Hulk still exist?

When they never age anyone in the Marvel universe it's really hard to tell when anything actually happened. Like Spider-Man and Fantastic Four first appeared in the 60s, but who knows when they actually appeared in relation to the timeline change in Age of Apocalypse. It sort of seems like 70's Israel where Professor X gets killed, even though the X-Men comics started in the 60's well after Professor X and Magneto were friends.
Hey I need to ask a stupid question and I didn't think it was worth its own thread so here I go.

Where were the the Avengers and other heroes during the Age of Apocalypse? I am reading it now and it doesn't seem to explain why there are only mutants. I guess timelines for some heroes might have been altered, but shouldn't people like Captain America, Thor, Captain Marvel, and even maybe Iron Man and Hulk still exist?

When they never age anyone in the Marvel universe is really hard to tell when anything actually happened. Like Spider-Man and Fantastic Four first appeared in the 60s, but who knows when they actually appeared in relation to the timeline change in Age of Apocalypse. It sort of seems like 70's Israel where Professor X gets killed.

Carol was in Wolverine's AoA mini.

As for the rest, a common thread in Marvel realities that go wrong is that there's no Asgardians around. So no Loki, which means nobody brings the Avengers together, so Cap is still floating in an ice block somewhere.

Also, it was the 90s, and nobody gave a shit about the Avengers back then. Weird how that's turned around.
TBH I felt that Avengers 2 could've been better with less of his usual humorous quips, or rather; your shtick worked fine the first time, applying it a 2nd time though makes loses the charm.

I didn't think that at all. I loved 2 so much more than 1. So fun and awesome. More jokes please! You've got Adam McKay on the payroll now!

"Captain America? Black Widow? Can we make bunk beds?"


I think people get subconsciously offended when something they don't like is popular. It's really, really weird.

This is GAF.
Go make a thread about iOS games and how they're not as bad as people make it out to be.
Like moth to a flame that discussion will be.


but I am taking tiny steps forward

Ooooh. So it was a cartoon long ago. Gotcha.
Thank you for the reference. Haha

In regards to the first part, it's because you should be reading it.

Did it just start coming out? Who's the creative team?

Oh you know what. I vaguely remember this being announced now. It's an Image comic, right?

Kipp doesn't buy floppies and he steals trades to kill the industry. All while being a stripper.

Close enough.

Everything should be oversized.

My man.


I bought the velvet singles as they released own both trades and will buy the fancy hardcover that is no doubt coming. Same for saga, Rat Queens, deadly class and Harley. Saving the industry with my wallet.


Remember when you dropped it and then it was announced she was leaving and you bought the rest of the run

It was hours later. I was on my flight to USA to deal with it myself.

It's well established that I can't drop books. I own the trades ffs :(
Yeah, it's another great issue. Fun, cute, more amazing art. Next issue should be the truly outrageous finale of this opening act.

Also, is it wrong that I was endlessly amused by the one angry letter that was, essentially, "I'm sure I'm not the only one, but how dare you make a Jem comic that isn't literally just scene for scene mirroring of TV episodes!" and the response was basically "Well, actually, you were the only one."

That letter was fucking god-tier. The impetus for his outrage is the new designs. But not even that they don't evoke the style of the original (which he admits they do). Or something that would actually impact the aesthetic. He's just offended at their bodies. "Aja is now chunky and Shana has a tremendous booty. NO NO NO. Completely WRONG."

The best part is when he calls the character profiles at the end of the book "fictional..." as if they're meant to be anything else. Or like the original Jem is real in his mind.

Then he rounds it out by saying "EPIC FAIL." in all caps and solidifies his gold medal performance in the douche-bag Olympics. Truly a remarkable specimen of human shit.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Without a doubt, Nux was fantastic.

I think his story in the comic didn't resonate with me simply because I didn't need (or want really) to know his backstory and how he became a War Boy.

I totally agree--I don't care how Nux came about, I just needed that piece of his life that they showed in Fury Road.
Dude went out a damn hero.


Is Red Hood/Outlaws good? I remember hearing it was hella goofy in 2011. I tried to get into comics that year with the New 52, but that stuff didn't wow me like I wanted it too and I didn't really know about trades or anything Marvel was doing.

Never actually tried RH though.
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