Hopefully no one good, ales kot is an asshole.
ales kot is an asshole.
Hopefully no one good, ales kot is an asshole.
Completely different:
Godzilla: Half Century War or Transformers vs. GI Joe
Is the Children's Crusade any good?
He is? Seems like one of the least "asshole" dudes in the industry.Hopefully no one good, ales kot is an asshole.
Hopefully no one good, ales kot is an asshole.
Go on...
Ultimate End was definitely the comic of the week. Dat banter between 616 and Ultimate characters was so good and I loved when the REAL Nick fury took charge and put everyone in their place. Easily the best Secret Wars tie in i've read so far. Only thing that bugs me is where is Ultimate Peter Parker?
What? His twitter reads like one of a crazy person, it completely turned me off from reading anything by the guy, even if it's probably good.
Ultimate End was definitely the comic of the week. Dat banter between 616 and Ultimate characters was so good and I loved when the REAL Nick fury took charge and put everyone in their place. Easily the best Secret Wars tie in i've read so far. Only thing that bugs me is where is Ultimate Peter Parker?
What? His twitter reads like one of a crazy person, it completely turned me off from reading anything by the guy, even if it's probably good.
do you think he'd add us on PSN because i think i wanna play online multiplayer with ales kot
My guess is Kristian Donaldson
Today blows, some asshole stole my phone
Today blows, some asshole stole my phone
Today blows, some asshole stole my phone
Today blows, some asshole stole my phone
Just bought some James Stokoe art... it'll look great right next to my Michel Fiffe and Mike Mignola originals!
Dat last panel:
Sorry, couldn't help but brag.![]()
yeah I feel the same way. his newsletters are actually very well writtenI mean, he's one of the few people whose twitter I look at frequently, and all I've really found is an incredibly candid and passionate dude trying to make the comics sphere a safe and awesome and inclusive place. Dude is super earnest in everything he writes, and seems to be practicing what he preaches, so to speak.
Also, if you follow his newsletter, his writings about his life hit me square in the heart-gut and are super relatable, I imagine, for a lot of us.
I also think it's shitty to dismiss somebody whose outspoken and passionate as crazy.
In closing, everybody read Zero.
I dunno about Mr. Slott staying on Spider-Man.
He's been on it for a while, and since Peter came back, it really felt like he just doesn't care.
Just bought some James Stokoe art... it'll look great right next to my Michel Fiffe and Mike Mignola originals!
Dat last panel:
Sorry, couldn't help but brag.![]()
Real hyped for the new Spurrier/Stokoe joint coming out in a few months.
Today blows, some asshole stole my phone
Which Secret Wars books are supposed to be ongoings?
I know A-Force, but what else?
Oh man, that is the COOLEST. Stokoe is one of only a handful of artists I'd want original art from. That's awesome.
Do you mean the Spurrier/Stokely book? Or is there also a Spurrier/Stokoe book coming out?
That sucks. I hope it turns out okay one way or another.
Spurrier: Urgh. Horribly unfair question.
Okay, well Ill gloss over the why part if only because I have some deeply entrenched and frankly rather ranty views about the whole concept of genre classification, specifically the fact that its a pitiful, unhealthy and totally-unfit-for-purpose system designed to accommodate administrators while forcing everyone else into reductive cliché-defined little holes which actively punish originality and fusion yes indeed, Ill gloss over that and instead pirouette gracefully into the part about what will make The Spire stand out.
Firstly and most obviously, the art is scintillatingly good and totally unique. In Jeff Ive found a collaborator who eschews conventional design and intuits storytelling solutions like an artist twice his age. Hes destined for the bigtime, but not in some dismal bloody House Style sort of way. Hes already a favourite of a lot of the biggest names out there though thats possibly just because of his delicious beard and The Spire is his first major creator-owned project. Very worth a look.
For those of you whose interest isnt adequately piqued by beautiful art or attractively hirsute artists, The Spire is a totally unique tale from a world unlike any other, full of the intimate and the epic in equal measure, coiled around layers of mystery and led by the worlds grumpiest inhuman detective.
If you absolutely must use genre terminologies then its an apocalyptic fantasy murder-mystery comedy sci-fi conspiracy thriller, but wed far rather you kept things sibilant and went for strange, singular, startling, sinister, sexy, secretive.
Stokely: Plus how many sci-fi fantasy-whatevers out there have beetle winged, fart-patch propulsion? cherub goblins? JUST ONE!
Everytime you click a Polygon link Ben Kuchera stuffs $10 down his pocket.god damn it. I clicked on a polygon link? Warn me next time.
II also think it's shitty to dismiss somebody whose outspoken and passionate as crazy.
-Batman Beyond. Okay, this one was legit bad. Maybe it's just that I'm still having trouble getting over the oldschool Batman Beyond I so loved, maybe it's the tie-in to the terrible Future's End event (still salty about my boy Jaime jobbing like that in the first issue), maybe it's the art, which demonstrates that the Beyond suit, as much as I love it, only really works in the context of the DCAU's forgiving style; adding definition to it kind of ruins it.
Do you mean the Spurrier/Stokely book? Or is there also a Spurrier/Stokoe book coming out?
Can't believe I mixed up those two artist
my bad...
X-Men 92 is an ongoing as well. Why? Hell if I know.
the Spurrier/Stokely book. If it was Stokoe, it wouldn't be coming out this year...or ever
There's a really great interview with the creative team over at ComicsBulletin. Spurrier interviews are always fun
CB: Comics have been experiencing a science fiction and fantasy Renaissance of late, why and whats going to make The Spire stand out?
Can't believe I mixed up those two artist
my bad...
Sure thing buddy, just remember to apply that to all the people, no matter what they're saying.![]()
You're supposed to be perfect at all times.