wtf, Matt Fraction is on Late Night w/ Seth Meyers, gonna be talking about Sex Criminals. Huh.
wtf, Matt Fraction is on Late Night w/ Seth Meyers, gonna be talking about Sex Criminals. Huh.
I just read that Fraction read some Sex Tips on NBC... Kinda bummed I missed that.
NBC should upload a clip tomorrow. I'll try to check and post it.
Fraction was obviously very nervous, but he did good. Meyers brought up Hawkeye, too.
Why is the Kitty Pryde & Wolverine trade so expensive?! I can't find a decent price for this book.
Yo Messi.
The Supergirl pilot got leaked to the net.
Kara's actress is cute alsoCat Grant is in it
Nice, will check it out when I get home laterIts on youtube
I'd imagine it's gone out of print
Awesome. How is it?
Heading out to vote. Wanna go fix this whole gay people can't vote thingy. Probably buy some banshee bones afterwards.
Got that totally wrong. Gay people can vote, they just can't get married. Well I am sure after today they will be able to.
Haha, I thought you were joking about the not being able to vote bit.
There's a Boom! Recent Hits sale going on right now.
Translucid for only $6, haven't read it myself but I remember someone here always giving it good reviews.
Also, Big Trouble in Little China.
Anybody recommend the other stuff?
Archive vs. Predator #2
This is the BLOODIEST Archie comic I ever read holy spit.
The Goon #3
Friggin' good issue, it's all coming to a close in the next chapter DX
guys... Fraction / Allred FF is pure joy
Issue #4 might be one of my favorite issues of any comic ever. The Jen! The moloids are the best
I am so close to going all in on a page from my bucket list. But fuck me it is hard to click buy. So expensive.
I'm counting. How much did you say it would take you to get to NYCC, and how much are you spending on pages?
Soon Messi will be sleeping in a home built from comics and a bed made of original artI am so close to going all in on a page from my bucket list. But fuck me it is hard to click buy. So expensive.
It's a sickness.
I am so close to going all in on a page from my bucket list. But fuck me it is hard to click buy. So expensive.
So uh, why don't you get on the messenger so that we can talk, Messi? No reason, you know, just chat. ^_____^
So uh, why don't you get on the messenger so that we can talk, Messi? No reason, you know, just chat. ^_____^
So uh, why don't you get on the messenger so that we can talk, Messi? No reason, you know, just chat. ^_____^
The Goon #3
Friggin' good issue, it's all coming to a close in the next chapter DX
Why aren't you reading this comic series?
Stop getting variants and single pages, go read some actual good comics ya nerds!
How's Lazarus? I thought the first issue was decent but I didn't love it.
I own the first volume if that says anything. Haven't read it. Looks nice on my shelf though.
Comic Con, Messi. Don't do it.
Its on youtube
You are the worst offender lol
I'm kind of bummed out. I have to act like an adult right now. I have to pay for our two tickets and our half of the now :/
We need to discuss that guy and new avengers later on
If this is my destiny...!Gameproff is definitely the guy who gets avatar quoted the most. Then again with that avatar it's always gonna happen.
If this is my destiny...!
Fuck, I hope my Pulllist arrives tomorrow. Want to bing read the first three Issues of Secret Wars.