Reading Civil War for the first time and despite the fact I've found it pretty disappointing I did love this bit.

<3Reading Civil War for the first time and despite the fact I've found it pretty disappointing I did love this bit.
I am going to start a business that runs comics in ad books.
This all was fleshed out in the Tie-Ins. When you read the Amazing Spider-Man Tie-Ins, you understand way better why he changed his opinion.Just finished Civil War. I have to agree with the ComicGAF consensus unfortunately. McNiven's art is great but the entire plot just seems so forced and rushed and the dialogue seems very unnatural most of the time. I didn't like how Peter and a few of the others suddenly decide they're on the wrong team and the ending battle just wasn't satisfactory at all. So overall, Mark Millar's best work.Only joking.
This all was fleshed out in the Tie-Ins. When you read the Amazing Spider-Man Tie-Ins, you understand way better why he changed his opinion.
Of course, the main event should translate this, too.
I finished Trinity War today. I was pretty bored throughout and I just shrugged at the end. I think I need to just stop reading events, they rarely deliver.
I finished Trinity War today. I was pretty bored throughout and I just shrugged at the end. I think I need to just stop reading events, they rarely deliver.
I know what your saying but if you read Justice League of America->Trintiy War->Forever Evil as one big event, it reads better that way.
Give DC more money after reading that? Is this a trick? It feels like a trick...
Give DC more money after reading that? Is this a trick? It feels like a trick...
Give DC more money after reading that? Is this a trick? It feels like a trick...
Give DC more money after reading that? Is this a trick? It feels like a trick...
Forever Evil is fucking awesome man.
Forever Evil really is pretty legit. For an event, at any rate.
Joker needs his grillz.
I'm not saying do it, I'm just saying the journey from JLA #1 to the end of FE was very satisfying. For instance, years from now, if you were to Google Catwomans best stories, her journey through those books will make the list. She is not even a main character but Johns did a great job of developing her character.
I think she opened a door. That's about it.
Fair enough. I'll pick it up. Hopefully I dig it as much as you guys seem to.
Please, no.
Interesting that Catwoman is so pivotal in the JLA and FE ends of the event, but she did next to nothing in Trinity War. I think she opened a door. That's about it.
I wouldn't even say her part was pivotal. Some other character could have been there. The genius is, Johns did put her there and did an excellent job adding to the lore of the character. It showed how heroic, how good she could be. Showed how much she cares.
Where is Doctor Fate in the New 52? In Trinity War Deadman made a reference to "some guy in a gold helmet I've never seen before" or something like that. Am I missing a series where he is around?
Ah. Well putting even a little of that in Trinity War would have been appreciated.
Earth 2. He is getting a solo book starting in June.
Deciding which to read next. Martha Washington or Stray Bullets omnibus.
I finished Trinity War today. I was pretty bored throughout and I just shrugged at the end. I think I need to just stop reading events, they rarely deliver.
I really liked Forever Evil, but yeah Trinity War isn't really game changing or super interesting.
Trinity War sucked, and if Forever Evil is good, IF it is, then boy the they dropped the ball on the tie-ins. I've read three of them, and man they are bad. Justice League Dark, Constantine, and Suicide Squad.
Internet what r u doin
DisgustingInternet what r u doin
Internet what r u doin
Internet what r u doin
If you read Ann Nocentis Catwoman arc as one big event... It is still pretty shit.
guys, we're in community already, this thread can't get any lower on the totem pole. I know its the weekend, but keep the NSFW weird ass shit to a minimum pls
I only remember this:
Like wat. That entire run is just batshit crazy.
is something from vanilla ass marvel or DC really be considered NSFW?
My favorite moment of Nocentis entire run and her work on Catwoman in a nutshell.
SS had its moments. Like Boomerang kicking a newly converted-to-good-guy OMAC into a wormhole.Yeah, the tie-ins were not the best. The Manhunter/Stargirl story was pretty good. Forever Evil Blight which was all the Dark books just went too long. It started strong and they were forced to use filler to fit all the books in. SS was garbage.
I only remember this:
That people are still ok with 42 baffles me.