Deadly Class. Best Image book is best Image book.
Finished reading it
Curious what writers will actually do with it, I knowDidio said there was a book spinning out of it, I don't expect too many non prime earth books. JSA stands the most to benefit but I wouldn't be surprised to see writers use Question, Booster Gold, or Flash Family. I'd love to see JSA setup before IC or Flashpoint or a silver age JLA book, or a silver age Superman book complete with Superdickery covers.
Comic con going to be huge.
Damn, Old Man Logan was actually really freaking good. Probably the best tie in this week.
Weird how Bendis goes from writing one of the worst to one of the best tie ins
TV show as in Teen Titans cartoon?In the Cyborg preview it looks like DC finally came to their senses and gave him his TV show personality. But wtf is Batman doing alive?
No one can forget Young Avengers. I didn't like it, Loki's role was okay though from what i remember.
Finished reading it
Curious what writers will actually do with it, I knowDidio said there was a book spinning out of it, I don't expect too many non prime earth books. JSA stands the most to benefit but I wouldn't be surprised to see writers use Question, Booster Gold, or Flash Family. I'd love to see JSA setup before IC or Flashpoint or a silver age JLA book, or a silver age Superman book complete with Superdickery covers.
Comic con going to be huge.
TV show as in Teen Titans cartoon?
Dang, just finished Elektra: Assassin for the first time. And that was really enjoyable and absolutely nuts. Really crazy, but also really fun. Now I just have Born Again left and I'll have finished off my Miller DD stack...
Yep. Booyah and all
This is awesome. Now let's hope for a few Beast Boy cameos.Yep. Booyah and all
is that the recent book with the crazy art? if so I liked it aswell
Dang, just finished Elektra: Assassin for the first time. And that was really enjoyable and absolutely nuts. Really crazy, but also really fun. Now I just have Born Again left and I'll have finished off my Miller DD stack...
Dang, just finished Elektra: Assassin for the first time. And that was really enjoyable and absolutely nuts. Really crazy, but also really fun. Now I just have Born Again left and I'll have finished off my Miller DD stack...
I'm trying out Marvel Heroes for the first time.
Elektra: Assassin is nothing short of a masterpiece and this is a good video that details the insanity that went into the collaboration between Sienkiewicz and Miller on that book.
so the new Constantine just gets a lady skinned alive like it was no thing. it feels right, but weird.
It's actually from Miller and back in the 80s, but it does indeed have some crazy and stunning art. Bill Sienkiewicz can definitely draw up some great stuff.
This is good stuff--thanks for sharing, frye.
$20 for the run. I'm gonna go for it. I fuckin loved Hitman.
wait what
Oh damn that Plasticman run, it was never collected in TPBs right? Or at least not yet?
Also someone make a thread about Locke and Key series being $10 over at humble bundle
I hate comics
Edit : I am not having a good day at all
We should start a self help group.Nor me. Took me fecking ages to drive home tonight. I seriously need to get a job closer to where I live after I graduate.
i own locke and key vol 1-4. I didn't want to spend $30 to get the last two volumes yet. I could get all of them digital now for $16 and sell my hardcovers....
Or i could do nothing.
Or you could spend $16 for everything digital and keep your hardcovers too if you really want them.
We should start a self help group.
I hate comics
Edit : I am not having a good day at all
On the plus side I just got 100% in some coursework. Day just got a lot better. Think I'll treat myself to MODOK Assassin, Infinity Guantlet and Old Man Logan.
Singapore-based statue producer XM Studios Premium Collectibles announced on Facebook that the company has been asked to halt production on all X-Men releases, including its nearly complete Sentinel Diorama that features iconic characters like Colossus, Nightcrawler and Rogue.
The post, which went up Monday, reads,
Folks, it's been a sad day for us... due to reasons we aren't at liberty to disclose, we have been asked to put a hard stop to all X-Men characters for now. That means Cable can't be released, and neither can the awesome Sentinel Diorama which we've all been so looking forward to. Still, we continue to have faith that this isn't an indefinite red light forever and you can have our promise we will be back to producing these dream pieces once the coast is clear - no matter how long it takes!
Though the Fantastic Four isn't mentioned in the original announcement, as subsequently noticed by Bleeding Cool, XM Studios responded to a fan's suggestion of a Galactus Avengers diorama with, "No Fantastic 4 too... same issue."
PM'd youSomeone spoil me Deadly Class.
Sorry to hear that homie, hope it gets better :/I hate comics
Edit : I am not having a good day at all
And confirming Squirrel Girl's cancellation, Erica Henderson new ongoing artist on Jughead.
I felt sick to my stomach reading that Flash preview.
I'd say his artwork is top notch and he's not afraid of making his work expressive at the cost of looking ugly. To me, that's like mocking an actor for looking ugly when they're crying. Like yeah theyre not gonna look good when theyre expressing pain. That's like the center of that expression. It literally screams 'something is wrong'! If you're not a fan of how Quitely draws faces you will probably feel the same way about Foreman.Good God some of his faces are atrocious.
What is happening to Mera's jaw? Is it about to unhinged so she can consume someone whole?
It's like Derpy Land porn faces.
Is he known for having a gum fetish?
Earth 2: Society looks awesome. And Jorge Jimenez on art! That boy can draw good comics.
I felt sick to my stomach reading that Flash preview. And confirming Squirrel Girl's cancellation, Erica Henderson new ongoing artist on Jughead.