Convergence Blue Beetle #2 is INFINITELY better than #1.
Holy 80s anime, Batman! Who does the art for this? It's great!
Convergence Blue Beetle #2 is INFINITELY better than #1.
Lot of people expressing relief at Iron Fist TLW's end, and their eagerness to forget its existence.
I liked it.
My bad for not buying Material #1 today and reducing sales by 22.3%.
Pax Americana Director's Cut don't even got the full script
eat a bag of dicks DC
Pax Americana Director's Cut don't even got the full script
eat a bag of dicks DC
What the hell do you get for that $10 then? A swift kick in the dick?
My bad for not buying Material #1 today and reducing sales by 22.3%.
Tried it. Would tease me with a nugget or two but then nothing would ever happen. So boring I dropped it. Only the catwoman homage was interestingHas anybody ever given Sex by Joe Casey a chance? I want to like it, but just as I'm getting into it something stupid happens and I remember why I dont like it.
Holy 80s anime, Batman! Who does the art for this? It's great!
You were one of the five I was counting. The book had now been retroactively cancelled.
why you gotta do this to my book man that's not cool
It's kind of amazing how dull Sex is
Nova had a pretty nice ending. Overall I would say the run was pretty great once Loeb left, and I like how Sam's adventure actually had a goal unlike certain other modern heroes. Now to wait and see if anything else awaits Nova outside of the new Avengers book.
Grabbed Material #1, The Infinity Gauntlet #1, Where Monsters Dwell #1, MODOK Assassin #1 and Old Man Logan #1.
Feels good buying so many floppies each week but my budget cannot survive it long term ._.
Totally. I loved this book so much more than I expected to. I am a Rich Rider fan for life...I'll never give up on him. But I'm a Sam fan too. Damn kid wormed his way in.
I dunno if I've ever mentioned it, but my uncle was a futbol player for Brazil years ago. He has pictures of him and Pele and a room full of trophies and newspaper clippings and shit. It's really cool.
And I didn't see it mentioned here, but bish is doing a kickstarter for a graphic novel
Marvel needs to bring the Nova Corps back and give them an ongoing.
Tried it. Would tease me with a nugget or two but then nothing would ever happen. So boring I dropped it. Only the catwoman homage was interesting
huh... Gladiator and what looks like a cyborg Peter Quill in prison in this Thanos book. Whats the backstory there, if any?
also Thanos looks badass with this monk-ish getup he's rocking in this Samaritan story
Not true. It was traded up through issue 12Oh damn that Plasticman run, it was never collected in TPBs right? Or at least not yet
Thank you.backed it. 3 away from 100!
e: PS: if you don't like Batgirl fuck u
It was so bad too. Man Casey used to be awesome. Did you read his wildcats 3.0? That series was AMAZING and a head of its time.Yep. Sex was bad. He also did that shit The Bounce at the same time, which was equally dull.
That's why we have sunstone.I just read Sex so I could see nude women on Comixology. I know I know, just go to Xvideos but it's better when it's on a site you don't expect.
It is kinda upsetting that SW has SO many characters involved, and no Dick Rider to be found
It is kinda upsetting that SW has SO many characters involved, and no Dick Rider to be found
It is kinda upsetting that SW has SO many characters involved, and no Dick Rider to be found
That's why we have sunstone.
Dick jokes are for Mr. Grayson only.
Hopefully Rich will get a big spotlight after Secret Wars for the 3+ years he's been MIA.
Infinity Gauntlet #1: I'm kind of unclear where this springs from? Outside of Thanos, the cast is entirely new. I liked the book, just confused about where the idea came from. Looking forward to more Nova family.
Hah. I didn't even get to read issue one yet. Cancelled before even getting to MU.I felt sick to my stomach reading that Flash preview. And confirming Squirrel Girl's cancellation, Erica Henderson new ongoing artist on Jughead.
seems pretty clear to me. Infinity Gauntlet takes place in a reality where heroes failed to stop the Annihilation Wave (the "bugs"). The central characters are the family of a random nova that failed to make it back.
I don't think the mother actually made it back though, i think the girl found an infinity gem, and the "mother" is a construct.
Benjamin Birdie was actually pretty instrumental in helping me get started last summer. Put my head down, wrote a prologue based on a game idea I've been kicking around post-Turok 2, and we are. June 2nd I expose my undergarments to the world
I'm not going to pimp it much in here (you'd find it annoying and so would I), so I'm sticking to the main thread Tyrant linked to and will answer questions in there. Thanks y'all.
Alright. That marks sense. I guess I would've called it "Annihilation" instead, but Thanos and gems trump that.
Benjamin Birdie was actually pretty instrumental in helping me get started last summer. Put my head down, wrote a prologue based on a game idea I've been kicking around post-Turok 2, and we are. June 2nd I expose my undergarments to the world
I'm not going to pimp it much in here (you'd find it annoying and so would I), so I'm sticking to the main thread Tyrant linked to and will answer questions in there. Thanks y'all.
Kim Jung Gi needs to do monthly comics.
This guy can literally draw from memory. It's insane. His art books are like expensive but worth it.
Kim Jung Gi needs to do monthly comics.
This guy can literally draw from memory. It's insane. His art books are like expensive but worth it.