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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Convergence Blue Beetle #2 is INFINITELY better than #1.

Holy 80s anime, Batman! Who does the art for this? It's great!


Lot of people expressing relief at Iron Fist TLW's end, and their eagerness to forget its existence.


I liked it.

Checked it out, I'm not a huge fan of Kaare Andrews' art but it's ok. I'd imagine that any next run will be more like Immortal Iron Fist if that's what the TV series bases itself on.
Has anybody ever given Sex by Joe Casey a chance? I want to like it, but just as I'm getting into it something stupid happens and I remember why I dont like it.
Tried it. Would tease me with a nugget or two but then nothing would ever happen. So boring I dropped it. Only the catwoman homage was interesting


Nova had a pretty nice ending. Overall I would say the run was pretty great once Loeb left, and I like how Sam's adventure actually had a goal unlike certain other modern heroes. Now to wait and see if anything else awaits Nova outside of the new Avengers book.
Grabbed Material #1, The Infinity Gauntlet #1, Where Monsters Dwell #1, MODOK Assassin #1 and Old Man Logan #1.

Feels good buying so many floppies each week but my budget cannot survive it long term ._.


It's kind of amazing how dull Sex is

yeah but it dares ask the question no one else did before : what if all that super hero stuff was all about boners man

what if fighting evil was giving you boners

(as it turns out what's worth like, one page of Watchmen tops does not an ongoing make. SHOCKER.)

e: PS: if you don't like Batgirl fuck u
Nova had a pretty nice ending. Overall I would say the run was pretty great once Loeb left, and I like how Sam's adventure actually had a goal unlike certain other modern heroes. Now to wait and see if anything else awaits Nova outside of the new Avengers book.

Totally. I loved this book so much more than I expected to. I am a Rich Rider fan for life...I'll never give up on him. But I'm a Sam fan too. Damn kid wormed his way in.

Grabbed Material #1, The Infinity Gauntlet #1, Where Monsters Dwell #1, MODOK Assassin #1 and Old Man Logan #1.

Feels good buying so many floppies each week but my budget cannot survive it long term ._.

You did good. I haven't read Material yet but you got all the best SW books.


Tried it. Would tease me with a nugget or two but then nothing would ever happen. So boring I dropped it. Only the catwoman homage was interesting

My thoughts exactly. It also reminds me of the YouTube video "It's not porn; it's HBO"

I picked up the latest issue just to see if there were any improvements, and it's the same old shit.
Yep. Sex was bad. He also did that shit The Bounce at the same time, which was equally dull.

And DC fuck off with them skimping out on there Director Vuts, felt like i was reading a marvel annual or anniversary issue with all the useless filler in there. Taco Bell got more real meat than that shit.


I just want a Rich Rider solo book where he is a utter badass, gets the ladies and solves alien threats. And have him be a mentor to Sam.


Lol right before I opened Material, I thought about Vito and how the book probably gave him a miocardial infarction.




The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Really into this Drax mini. I hated the art at first but I'm digging the story. This Skrull dude is stylish as shit
Invincible #120: Thragg is going to screw everyone. It's a Kirkman book and everything is going great for Mark, so I was waiting for a horrible meteor to come out of the sky and crush his family.


Convergence #8: Yeah, this was a blown up Earth-2 story, but the outcome is quite odd.
The Earth-2 folks get a new home. The multiverse is restored when Flash and Supergirl return to the first Crisis, but they have pre-52 Superman, Lois, their infant son, and Parallax in tow this time, so... things change? We're shown a two page spread showing the new multiverse, which looks like slightly redone versions of previous multiverse worlds.
I'm not sure what this means for the future of the DC Universe. Image 1. Image 2.

And Dick Grayson moves on, because like Scott Summers, he needs to have a hot significant other at all times. Dude, your wife died like 2 weeks ago at most? And another redhead!

Convergence Shazam #2: That was light fun. I love classic Shazam and Parker gets it. Plus the Gotham by Gaslight villains are cool looking.


DC Previews:

Cyborg #1: You just gave this dude a new look in Forever Evil. Pick a style and stick with it.

We Are Robin #1: Futzy art, but I like the basic idea, so I'll give it a chance.

Earth 2 Society #1: How do you start a new planet and rebuild Gotham as the dark, crappy place it was before? Interesting new status quo and at least they didn't kill Val-Zod.

Flash #1: The hero we all deserve is back.


Inferno #1: Half of New York is controlled by demons, Scott Summers is Baron Professor X, and Havok decides Scott's ex-wife is where its at. It's okay, but Colossus has never really piqued my interest too much and he's the star here.


Secret Wars 2099 #1: You can think of this as a continuation of Peter David's previous stories. We have a new collection of David-esque misfits calling themselves the Avengers and Herc (who looks to be the real deal?) along for the ride.

Old Man Logan #1: I really thought this was great. Sheriff Logan kicking ass and taking names. Went back to the cover to see who wrote it (expected Soule), but this was Bendis? Man was on point here. Hope this is one of the ongoing series.

Infinity Gauntlet #1: I'm kind of unclear where this springs from? Outside of Thanos, the cast is entirely new. I liked the book, just confused about where the idea came from. Looking forward to more Nova family.
Dick jokes are for Mr. Grayson only.

Hopefully Rich will get a big spotlight after Secret Wars for the 3+ years he's been MIA.

No reason to think he won't. After all, we all know the only characters to stay dead are Uncle Ben and bucky Night Thrasher

Infinity Gauntlet #1: I'm kind of unclear where this springs from? Outside of Thanos, the cast is entirely new. I liked the book, just confused about where the idea came from. Looking forward to more Nova family.

seems pretty clear to me. Infinity Gauntlet takes place in a reality where heroes failed to stop the Annihilation Wave (the "bugs"). The central characters are the family of a random nova that failed to make it back.

I don't think the mother actually made it back though, i think the girl found an infinity gem, and the "mother" is a construct.
Guess its still kinda early though.

And Rhaknar hell yeah. I really love Annihilation and the series leading into it. Everyone would agree but that's just such an incredible run of comics you're getting into. My shelf is ready for Annihilation Conquest's omnibus.

seems pretty clear to me. Infinity Gauntlet takes place in a reality where heroes failed to stop the Annihilation Wave (the "bugs"). The central characters are the family of a random nova that failed to make it back.

I don't think the mother actually made it back though, i think the girl found an infinity gem, and the "mother" is a construct.

Alright. That marks sense. I guess I would've called it "Annihilation" instead, but Thanos and gems trump that.

Benjamin Birdie was actually pretty instrumental in helping me get started last summer. Put my head down, wrote a prologue based on a game idea I've been kicking around post-Turok 2, and now...here we are. June 2nd I expose my undergarments to the world :p

I'm not going to pimp it much in here (you'd find it annoying and so would I), so I'm sticking to the main thread Tyrant linked to and will answer questions in there. Thanks y'all.

Happy to help, my man. :)



Benjamin Birdie was actually pretty instrumental in helping me get started last summer. Put my head down, wrote a prologue based on a game idea I've been kicking around post-Turok 2, and now...here we are. June 2nd I expose my undergarments to the world :p

I'm not going to pimp it much in here (you'd find it annoying and so would I), so I'm sticking to the main thread Tyrant linked to and will answer questions in there. Thanks y'all.

Gone for a bit and I totally missed this. Can't resist bish's handsome ways, so this is easily backed. Just became numero 99 :D
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