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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Now that convergence is over, my thoughts on the various weeklies involved

Future's End
Very loose connection to convergence. Some fun writing with the SHADE, Terry's story was somewhat interesting, fifty sue was utterly pointless and the worst part of this weekly. Essentially this was a backdoor introduction to Batman Beyond ongoing. The book could have been way more interesting if it focused on the fallout of the earth 2 war with earth prime, but everything is vague and unfocused. The weekly was lacking the intertwining connection between the various stories that made 52 so great. Future's End wasn't terrible like countdown but wasn't great. I'd only recommend it to diehard Batman Beyond fans.

connections with convergence:
Brainiac prime or whatever tries to take their city at the end and Superman stops him.
It's an alternate future where earth 2 integrates with earth prime instead of finding their own planet like what happened in convergence.

World's End
Stronger tie to convergence, continues the story directly from Earth 2. It does this thing that I hate seeing in TV shows and comics where it tells you what's going to happen at the end of the series, but then spends the next 20 issues prolonging it. In comparison to future's end, the story is a lot more focused and cohesive, but the story itself really doesn't have much character development. It's action after action and constantly pounded in your head that Earth-2 is doomed. PG and Huntress finally return but a new slew of characters are introduced through the story, answering some questions. Val-Zod is a solid addition to the story, but at some points I feel like Earth 2 was better off without the trinity, but we've already got them back with Thomas Wayne Batman, Val-Zod Superman and Fury inevitably joining the fold at some point. The story ends up utterly predictable but it still has its moments, particularly with Alan Scott. I felt Jay and Hawkgirl were a bit neglected in favor of PG/Huntress and Batman.

I liked World's End more than Future's End by a mark. It still pales in comparison to 52.

I'd recommend it if you are interested in Powergirl, Thomas Wayne Batman or Dick Grayson, but I have a tough time recommending it to those that are fans of Earth 2. They also totally killed my favorite earth-2 character Amar Khan ;_;. Hopefully with the end of convergence, Earth 2 will have a fresh start without multiversal shit for awhile.

ties to convergence:
Earth 2 characters, duh.

The first 4-5 issues were pretty great in tying up Earth 2's story, but I can't imagine those not in the know finding it interesting by any stretch. However the last 5-8 issues really ramped up, and while I'm not supremely attached to older characters, I don't think anyone can deny the nostalgia bomb of seeing all these awesome characters facing off against each other. Parallax Hal was awesome. It's a bit messy of an event and requires a lot of prior knowledge to fully appreciate it. Telos is such an unneeded character and clearly served as tool for Grayson to develop. Would not be surprised if he's never mentioned again. The ending has my excited for the future, for both Earth 2 and other characters being available for writers to use.
I'm thinking that with the return of
everything in the DC universe
it's never been better for a Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds reread.

Iniesta golazo

Never screamed so loud in my entire life. I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard me

Ah yes. I remember that. The first goal scored in over 13 years.


Reading through Bendis' Daredevil run and really enjoying it so far. It's hard to believe this is the same guy that is writing the X-Men books so poorly.
Reading through Bendis' Daredevil run and really enjoying it so far. It's hard to believe this is the same guy that is writing the X-Men books so poorly.

I disagree that his X-Men titles have been bad. I think his on X-Men has actually been really good. He's been doing better work on Uncanny than the many many many writers before him.

His DD is phenomenal tho. No arguement there!
Now that convergence is over, my thoughts on the various weeklies involved


I agree with you on Future's End. The missed opportunity to explore the concept of "Earth 2" duplicate citizens and the sort of effect that would have on society is one that I think I will miss the most. Because, really, it's just fascinating. Imagine one day you discover that there is someone who is exactly you in almost every detail. How does that affect you? Imagine exploring ideas like a duplicate who kills and replaces their Earth 1 counterpart because their family still exists on Earth 1. Identity theft taken to a whole new level. Governments responses to the sudden population increase. Instead it was barely touched on. C'est la vie.

Worlds End was something I enjoyed much more as I've said in the past. It was action bombast, of course, but that didn't bother me. It was a fascinating look at war between an Earth who'd beaten back the forces of Apokolips once but buckled under a second, more direct assault. I'm a huge fan of the lost cause, the doomed defense, so seeing that play out here was awesome. While we lost Amar Khan, we saw Sonia Sato step up to fill that void so it doesn't bother me as much, as she's also a great character.


My biggest issue with Bendis' X-men run is that his big events don't feel as big as they should for what they are.

No More Humans was pretty damn good though.


It just doesn't feel right. Like I said, I kind of get it when they use it in silly segments on HLN or whatever, but it shouldn't get articles on CNN positioning it as the "next big thing in media" it really isn't and it's just extended marketing disguised as a news story.

You've made a grave mistake in considering CNN a news network.

And Periscope owns. It seems stupid on the surface, but once you use it, you get it.


From what i've read of All New X-Men and Uncanny, they were typical aimless Bendis stories. Jean stop reading my mind. Cyclops: I don't want your life, also Jean we are totally married in the future, why are you eying all these guys? Didn't help that Battle of the Atom and Avengers vs X-men were duds. I do plan on finishing both series on MU though, those two and Amazing Spider-man are the worst books i continue to read on MU because i don't have to pay extra.


You've made a grave mistake in considering CNN a news network.

And Periscope owns. It seems stupid on the surface, but once you use it, you get it.

Less to do with Periscope, and more to do with a news source positioning the app to succeed by creating outlandish headlines and articles pushing it down our throats. I get HLN, but CNN pushing it is trash.
Reading through Bendis' Daredevil run and really enjoying it so far. It's hard to believe this is the same guy that is writing the X-Men books so poorly.

Bendis team books are always trash. Too many characters for him to keep up with, too many voices he flat out doesn't know, too many decompressed issues cuz he tries to spread himself too thin.

But at least they look nice.
I haven't read either. I have the first issue of Sandman I think. But I've not heard of Deadly Class?

Speaking of new comics or suggestions, any good comedy/humor comics?

I don't know how you feel about Marvel but Superior Foes of Spider-Man was a really great comedy series that ended already.


My biggest issue with Bendis' X-men run is that his big events don't feel as big as they should for what they are.

No More Humans was pretty damn good though.


Counterpoint : Gillen's run was the bomb

I loved Gillen.

I disagree that his X-Men titles have been bad. I think his on X-Men has actually been really good. He's been doing better work on Uncanny than the many many many writers before him.

His whole run on both series just feels pointless. He didn't really do anything with his time on the books. His biggest accomplishment was probably Eva Bell and he didn't really do much with her. Bendis came up with some pretty nonsensical stuff
Xavier marrying Mystique? What?!
and downright butchered some characters
Poor, poor Emma Frost.
all while hyping up a revolution that never amounted to anything. He isn't the worst writer X-Books have had, but I won't miss him one bit.
I haven't read either. I have the first issue of Sandman I think. But I've not heard of Deadly Class?

Speaking of new comics or suggestions, any good comedy/humor comics?

Marvel is putting out two of the best comedy books right now: The Unbeatable Squirrell Girl and Howard the Duck.

Also, Sexcastle from Image.


Now I wouldn't say Bendis ever butchered Emma Frost, He never did much with her, but his characterization of her wasn't starkly different from how she's generally portrayed and i'd say in general he made her far more empathetic than most writers ever do.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Counterpoint : Gillen's run was the bomb

I loved Gillen.

I'm starved for an x-book and I just got done with Journey into Mystery... guess I know what I'm reading next.

Is Storm featured much in the run?

I'll say this for digital comics: They don't require you to continually buy new shelving and then find somewhere to locate it.

I'm just all-digital everything nowadays. Probably will be forever unless I magically stumble across an affordable brownstone in Brooklyn or a bank foolishly gives me a multi-million dollar mortgage loan....


I'm starved for an x-book and I just got done with Journey into Mystery... guess I know what I'm reading next.

Is Storm featured much in the run?

Yeah, Storm is a member of the "Extinction Team" Scott puts together. I don't remember exactly how much she is featured, but she is around for sure.


I got invited to the Fable Legends Beta. I also got an email from Subway telling me I got 5 bonus points (and an extra meatball) in the month of May. Life is good bros.
I agree with you on Future's End. The missed opportunity to explore the concept of "Earth 2" duplicate citizens and the sort of effect that would have on society is one that I think I will miss the most. Because, really, it's just fascinating. Imagine one day you discover that there is someone who is exactly you in almost every detail. How does that affect you? Imagine exploring ideas like a duplicate who kills and replaces their Earth 1 counterpart because their family still exists on Earth 1. Identity theft taken to a whole new level. Governments responses to the sudden population increase. Instead it was barely touched on. C'est la vie.

Worlds End was something I enjoyed much more as I've said in the past. It was action bombast, of course, but that didn't bother me. It was a fascinating look at war between an Earth who'd beaten back the forces of Apokolips once but buckled under a second, more direct assault. I'm a huge fan of the lost cause, the doomed defense, so seeing that play out here was awesome. While we lost Amar Khan, we saw Sonia Sato step up to fill that void so it doesn't bother me as much, as she's also a great character.

Oh yes, Sonia is great as well. I'm still very much excited for the earth 2 ongoing especially after the preview. I dig Dick's Wildbat suit and the two sun concept. Hope they introduce Atom Smasher sometime down the line.
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