I barely remember what happens issue to issue monthly...
Thought it was just me.
I barely remember what happens issue to issue monthly...
On my trip to the comic shop today, I bought Manhattan Projects Volume 5. I started to read it and realized that I did not remember enough about what had happened and needed to re read the earlier volumes.
Does anyone else have that happen to them? For example, I read Invincible in hardcover format, which come out every year and a half roughly, and every time a new one comes out I've pretty much forgotten all the specifics of the series and end up doing a re read.
Nah, I just finished college a couple of weeks and I'm really broke, haha. Once I get a job I'll be able to start buying things again. There's a good few things I want to catch up on. Want to get Brubaker's new Image series (Fade Out and Velvet), I'm a couple of volumes behind on Chew, still haven't read Sex Criminals, etc.Every single book. Every one. My memory is so bad and I read too many books at once.
Did you buy anything else?
I was just making my list for next week and Marvel are going hard in the paint. 11 titles for me. DC have a few #1s too but I twixed them from my list.
Huh. I didn't know grey leotard wearing Black Widow climbed the sides of buildings like a spider using special suction cup glove thingies in her suit. Guess everyone was getting into that 80s spider craze #TheMoreYouKnow
I freaking hate you GrandHarrier.
I freaking hate you GrandHarrier.
Invincible does that thing with very minor plots that progress very slowly over the course of a few volumes but then suddenly become important, like the whole Martian thing. Those are the ones that get me.I stopped reading Morning Glories partly because it kept referencing things that happened previously and i remembered nothing of it. To a lesser degree that happens in Invincible a lot where previous enemies come back and I go through that " i'm supposed to know this person..."
I stopped reading Morning Glories partly because it kept referencing things that happened previously and i remembered nothing of it. To a lesser degree that happens in Invincible a lot where previous enemies come back and I go through that " i'm supposed to know this person..."
Invincible does that thing with very minor plots that progress very slowly over the course of a few volumes but then suddenly become important, like the whole Martian thing. Those are the ones that get me.
I don't really mind rereading Invincible though, because the art is so good.
I can't even remember what exactly he was doing in the last Ultimate Collection I read. I think he was getting up to some pretty questionable stuff with some dinosaur dude. There was a lot of Robot and Monster Girl stuff too.Speaking of Invincible, I still hope that Mark becomes a villain, I really, really want that to be the game plan Kirkman has laid out. Someone suggested that they might be doing it in the letters column and Sean sort of brushed it off.
I freaking hate you GrandHarrier.
I freaking hate you GrandHarrier.
I'm watching game 7 hockeyI'm watching Zombeavers.
I don't know what else to say yet.
Dat Anka.
Anka and Wada always struck me as cool dudes. They're really goofy on tumblr.
Anka and Wada always struck me as cool dudes. They're really goofy on tumblr.
I'm watching game 7 hockey
Dat Anka.
Freeza's always been rather androgynous, quite franklySarah is a guy? Freeza is a girl? What a world we live in
...........I'm not sure what this means, and even if I did, it's very forward.Who wants one of these spiked frozen Cokes I just made?
I dig it, though I don't necessarily agree. He did a shit job of defending his position in AvX.
I dig it. The Gambit hate article that's linked to that is faaaaantastic, chere
Freeza's always been rather androgynous, quite frankly
...........I'm not sure what this means, and even if I did, it's very forward.
Meh. Cyclops lost his way and all these articles, posts, etc seem desperate to convince others it's really not his fault, and he's really the good guy, etc.
Holy shit I did not mean it like that. I made frozen cokes that were like 40% Captain Morgan .
Comics! lOTl Read a comic and avoid the drinks.
I can't recommend Zombeavers.
Before clicking I knew this was the Alex Pappademas piece. Did you read his Miller profile?
of course
Grantland got some good people (rip Bill Simmons)
What about Zombinevers
To be fair, the alternative was Logan. Fuck dat.
Truth is neither side was absolutely right.
Cyclops argument was too by the numbers. It'd have worked, if people were robots, but people aren't robots and even when people are robots they aren't the most objective beings.
That said Wolverine's argument was from a moral standpoint, which is in fact hypocritical and does lean too much on a bleeding heart kind of case.
Wolverine literally murdered kids tho
HIS kids
Logan's argument was "they need to be kids!" Then he spent the next 30-odd issues of Wolverine and the X-Men with his students defending their lives against everything. Wolverine's argument will never work because fiction requires conflict, which means people are always going to attack the school and the students will always have to defend themselves.
Wolverine literally murdered kids tho
HIS kids
All of them. Even Daken.