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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Hence the "post-infinity" mention in my post. Steve used to be a useful genocider.

My shame at having missed that bit? Eternal.

Tbh all of that time-traveling nonsense will probably be relevant at some point. Either way, steve was mad useful pre-infinity, walking shitstain was mad useful post infinity. Tie.


I'm still not convinced that Remender was under complete control with Axis.

I worry the same thing regarding Hickman with the end of Secret Wars... especially since he's not going to be doing any other Marvel titles in the immediate future. Hopefully editorial mandates don't mess things up too badly (as they seem to do for a lot of events).

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Descender is gorgeous. The series is a little formulaic, but it's executed damn well. Dustin Nguyen's watercolors are just excellent. Really excited to read the next issue.


so...Axis 1-3 (and Magneto 11 while im at it)

This is kinda shit lol. Red Onslaught looks terrible, like a 90s edgy version of Onslaught (oh he has horns and tentacles, because those are evil!), as if Onslaught himself wasnt already a edgy 90s creation. And he doesnt do anything, he just stands there with a couple of sentinels aparently capturing heroes (and only heroes to allow for the twist of magneto recruiting all those villains) instead of killing them (lol why). There is no sense of danger or urgency, unlike the original Onslaught which I thought did a good job of being menacing (or maybe I was just much younger)

The sense of danger/urgency is Onslaught's emanating the hate waves and they're being held off by the good guys. Which, come to think of it, I don't even think you can tell without reading the other books that aren't taking place in that immediate area.


Yo JC.

I bought this fucking Stray Bullets book for you and you legit get banned like a day later. I have sat around looking at this book for 2 months waiting to start this damn reading party.
My shame at having missed that bit? Eternal.

Tbh all of that time-traveling nonsense will probably be relevant at some point. Either way, steve was mad useful pre-infinity, walking shitstain was mad useful post infinity. Tie.
Yeah, pretty much.
When I reread Infinity last month, it hit me how Hickman pretty much jettisoned Steve after it. He's really this glorious, larger than life, wartime general in Infinity and then bam, he's just this useless, angry dude. I absolutely get the anger but the guy spends months single-mindedly hunting his former friends while not helping with anything else.

I worry the same thing regarding Hickman with the end of Secret Wars... especially since he's not going to be doing any other Marvel titles in the immediate future. Hopefully editorial mandates don't mess things up too badly (as they seem to do for a lot of events).
Seeing how Infinity went, I'm fairly confident. Honestly, I don't believe for a second Remender was forced into this inversion bullshit. Even if he was, the dialogue and execution are his alone. Like Fear Itself was Fraction's. They're great writers but every now and then, they'll fuck up.
Yo JC.

I bought this fucking Stray Bullets book for you and you legit get banned like a day later. I have sat around looking at this book for 2 months waiting to start this damn reading party.


Once Tryant Rave finishes the banner, Book Club #2 thread can get up and running. One issue a day sounds about right, they're almost all one-and-done stories.
He is banned again


Once Tryant Rave finishes the banner, Book Club #2 thread can get up and running. One issue a day sounds about right, they're almost all one-and-done stories.

You lied, Messi.


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face

Once Tryant Rave finishes the banner, Book Club #2 thread can get up and running. One issue a day sounds about right, they're almost all one-and-done stories.

Y'all gotta wait for me to order my copy. Can we wait another week of so?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
add me to the list of people super confused about why Captain America literally turned into a grumpy old man in the middle of Avengers/New Avengers

and do we know why Thor has a robot arm? is it the same future-Thor that we see in Aaron's Thor run?

the current one, its basically Hawkguy, but in a team setting

Azarello and Chiang's Wonder Woman? There were a few positive impressions in this thread and I have been meaning to read that. But I need to find and complete Rucka's run first.

thanks, i've been meaning to check out WW for a while but i'll add Secret Avengers to the list


Bulls definitely started off the game looking like the Bulls tonight.

I will read comics. Older comics and no SW because dcbs...

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yo interested parties (Filthy Slug and Narez), CBR has an interview with Kot about Wolf. He doesn't spill a lot, but I'm in regardless.


Just finished Zero (god damn) and I'm gonna read this after some food. Matt Taylor is a great artist, so I'm already on-board with the art.

Also, in general Kot-ness, there's a pretty clear and almost direct connection between a bunch of Kot's work right now. Dude is kind of weaving this awesome tapestry and building on direct themes within other works in different works. It's a ton to process, but I'm really interested in heavily analyzing all of his currently released work.


add me to the list of people super confused about why Captain America literally turned into a grumpy old man in the middle of Avengers/New Avengers

and do we know why Thor has a robot arm? is it the same future-Thor that we see in Aaron's Thor run?
While fighting the Iron Nail, Cap's serum was neutralized and he lost its powers. He stayed on in an advisory role though.

And metal-arm Thor is from Aaron's run after Malekith ripped his arm off.


Just finished Zero (god damn) and I'm gonna read this after some food. Matt Taylor is a great artist, so I'm already on-board with the art.

Also, in general Kot-ness, there's a pretty clear and almost direct connection between a bunch of Kot's work right now. Dude is kind of weaving this awesome tapestry and building on direct themes within other works in different works. It's a ton to process, but I'm really interested in heavily analyzing all of his currently released work.

The last two issues of Zero have blown my mind in the best possible way, the arc of this book had just been amazing to see unfold. Do you know if Material an on going or a mini series? I swear I read somewhere that is was only gonna be for issues, but I dunno where. If it's an on going I need to catch up, but if it's a mini series I'm gonna wait and read it all in one go.
Damn, I need to read this week's Zero. The last issue was a mind bender so I'm curious to see how this turns out.

It's interesting how thematically, some elements about war, reality and narratives are also present in Winter Soldier and Secret Avengers. Zero feels like the blueprint for a lot of Kot's books. This isn't a dig: Morrison is my favorite comic writer but 80% of his books are ultimately variations on Flex.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The last two issues of Zero have blown my mind in the best possible way, the arc of this book had just been amazing to see unfold. Do you know if Material an on going or a mini series? I swear I read somewhere that is was only gonna be for issues, but I dunno where. If it's an on going I need to catch up, but if it's a mini series I'm gonna wait and read it all in one go.

Material is an ongoing, but that's kind of fucking crazy because he'll ostensibly have: Wolf, Surface, Material, and I remember a Valiant mini called Dead Drops. That's not including any Marvel work he may take on.

Damn, I need to read this week's Zero. The last issue was a mind bender so I'm curious to see how this turns out.

It's interesting how thematically, some elements about war, reality and narratives are also present in Winter Soldier and Secret Avengers. Zero feels like the blueprint for a lot of Kot's books. This isn't a dig: Morrison is my favorite comic writer but 80% of his books are ultimately variations on Flex.
I remember reading in one of his interviews that Zero, SA, and Bucky form a sort of War Trinity of books. They're all linked to his ideas about war, and Zero is the most serious and grave; Secret Avengers is the most goofy and fun; and Bucky is in the middle, straddling between serious and silly. So you're totally right!


Material is an ongoing, but that's kind of fucking crazy because he'll ostensibly have: Wolf, Surface, Material, and I remember a Valiant mini called Dead Drops. That's not including any Marvel work he may take on.

Damn, looks like I have some catching up to do.
I'd be willing to bet he's done with Marvel when Winter Soldier wraps up. A few weeks back he was venting about editorial issues and it was heavily implied it was over Winter Soldier.

Filthy Slug said:
I remember reading in one of his interviews that Zero, SA, and Bucky form a sort of War Trinity of books. They're all linked to his ideas about war, and Zero is the most serious and grave; Secret Avengers is the most goofy and fun; and Bucky is in the middle, straddling between serious and silly. So you're totally right!

Beat me to it, I was gonna try and dig up the quote.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Holy shit, Longshot at the end of All New X-Factor #16, now there's a blast from the past
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