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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You guys were shitting on the current Punisher but I really liked #1 /shrug :/
the ratio of a comic dramatically improving with a crossover vs dramatically worsening must be some hilariously lopsided pack of numbers.

(Weekly Rotworld Conversation Starter)


It took me a while to come around on Squirrel Girl but this week's issue was priceless. I laughed out loud at it more than any issue in a long time.

But I especially died at
Are those a couple of Bellsprout at her feet?

If so, they actually pulled off a convincing Pokemon reference.

Best part of that issue, especially with her constantly saying Pokemon.

Need to catch up on Squirrel Girl, been slacking. Really great comic either way, especially the Dinosaur Comics text on the bottom of each page.


Silk #3 was fantastic, heartwarming and special. The final page made me smile ear to ear with the possibilities of where this could go. I am sad that this book will likely die due to Secret Wars.

Again, where are people assuming this or Squirrel Girl are going away after the Wars? Because everything dies?


Yeah, she's way too popular and they will get a lot of angry fans if they do that. Would be a terrible move.

JC... Where's the Stray Bullets thread I got your banner

Silk will die even though it's amazing because she doesn't have the same kind of fanbase :/

From: [personal profile] philippos42
This is a thick paste of stupid.

The Marvel Universe, let alone the multiverse, has to be bigger than two frenemies. Making it all about Superman and Batman Captain America and Iron Man as founders (hah!) or gods, and their squabbles as somehow larger than all of spacetime and possibility, is a goofy thematic pretension. Making it the finale of two years of vapid whinging and dread is the sign of a troll, an adolescent, or a sick mind, with an editor to match.

I get it, I do. I shudder to think that were I a professional comic-book writer I might write something this pretentious and dire. I see how young and impressionable minds might think it the most badass thing ever.

But it's tripe.
Edited DATE: 2015-05-06 11:42 PM (UTC)

Scans daily, Hickman's most lovable critics.

Edit: Someone wrote that they wished this event would destroy his career. LOL

Scans daily, Hickman's most lovable critics.

Edit: Someone wrote that they wished this event would destroy his career. LOL


If I ever see a 'if I were a comics writer I-' its an automatic dismissal of opinion for me. Theres probably a good reason that person isnt a professional writer.


I doubt Silk is going anywhere. She's the third most popular Spider-title.

Jessica and Miguel have more to worry about.
Again, where are people assuming this or Squirrel Girl are going away after the Wars? Because everything dies?
Squirrel Girl is most definitely been cancelled. They changed the issue count on the upcoming trade.

I might make a IST order. Slowly getting back in this comics thing.


Squirrel Girl is most definitely been cancelled. They changed the issue count on the upcoming trade.

No, they better not can it, it's too good.

Lol at Marvel ruining their own momentum by putting a book like Spider Gwen on hiatus for a "universe changing" event. Go fuck yourself Alonso.


Squirrel Girl seemed to get crushed by the combined push of Spider-Gwen and Howard.

Where's my "Who's That Squirrel?" covers month damnit!
Yet Carol stays because movie and Deathlok because who knows.


Squirell Girl hasn't been actually cancelled. Marvel hasn't said squat. It's just in that territory. Amazon listing aren't gospel.

I'd think that Squirell Girl does well digitally, considering the popularity of Ryan North's Dinosaur webcomic. Didn't Adventure Time sell really well via digitally, or is that an assumption based on its fan base?

Honestly, that's probably the best way to save it. Buy it digitally, put those numbers up. Brick and mortar comic shops don't seem interested in funny comics like Squirrell Girl; webcomics
have cornered that market. Marvel should produce one page webcomics out of Squirrell Girl as a teaser for the print/digital product.
How phenomenal has Sunshine and Roses been so far though -- like even better than Killers was at this point


Best Comic

Surely its sales must be pretty decent, relaunch and I've been spreading the word


...we need the Book Club bump now more than EVER


Both Squirrel Girl trades are listed at 4 issues with some extras. No reason to think anything is being cancelled, even if one listing was changed. Maybe they just moved some issues around or wrote her into an event/crossover. The book sells above Marvel's usual cancellation line (barely) when you count floppy sales, and as mentioned, I'm sure it does well in digital.
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