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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Holy shit...


I loved everything about this. Amazing art, loved the "is he crazy? Is he a drunk?" teasing throughout the issue (until he takes off flying), loved the writing, and the whole thing just felt...big. Special.

Did anyone experience this back in the day, was it a big deal back then? I mean, no matter what came out of it eventually (unfortunately nothing good), but this first issue (or first volume from what I hear) feels like something we that would be huge if released today for example.

Fuck, I really liked that first issue lol

Edit: just noticed it's a Marvel Knights joint, that label was really firing on all cylinders back then huh?

it was. it really was. Now never read anything involving Sentry after this ever again
Holy shit...


I loved everything about this. Amazing art, loved the "is he crazy? Is he a drunk?" teasing throughout the issue (until he takes off flying), loved the writing, and the whole thing just felt...big. Special.

Did anyone experience this back in the day, was it a big deal back then? I mean, no matter what came out of it eventually (unfortunately nothing good), but this first issue (or first volume from what I hear) feels like something we that would be huge if released today for example.

Fuck, I really liked that first issue lol

Edit: just noticed it's a Marvel Knights joint, that label was really firing on all cylinders back then huh?

Yeah being bald-faced lied to by Marvel editorial via their lackeys at Wizard was real fun.


Wait, so it was confirmed that Silk is getting canceled?

hiatus is the term used for the ongoings that are remaining ongoings.

Which Silk, Howard, Squirrel Girl, and Spider-gwen currently have the moniker for.

Whether they return is the question
But that's the whole point of the story. You're upset because of what in 2015 amounts to viral marketing?

It wasn't viral marketing. Wizard pushed a lie as a big news story to market a mini for Marvel. There'd be 100x the shit fit thrown if it was done today then there was back then.
It was a pre-9/11 world. People trusted their institutions back then.

You do know Onslaught saga happened in the 90's? And superman's death? And bruce wayne discovering the wonders of chiropraxy?

Heck, mahvel was lying about killing all mutants back in the ay-teas.


Avengers #43: I'm constantly underwhelmed by how visually tepid this book is. The
Annihilation Wave was a letdown, you can't call for an Annihilation wave and have tiny little panels of nothing and one panel of the top half of Annihilus being way too giddy to even make it in the book, then half a half page of the builder ship exploding


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
it was. it really was. Now never read anything involving Sentry after this ever again

Finished it. The team up books with the various heroes felt completely unnecessary (you really only need the idea that he was around before and little snippets like the main book showed) but #1-5 and then Sentry: The Void were awesome. It peters out a bit near the end (the "twist" would be completely predictable even if I didn't already know), and those first 2 or 3 issues where he is still slowly remembering were by far the best part, but I still really enjoyed it overall.

As a mini series it's great and self contained, and that's all it should ever been really. Now to decide if I should read the 2005 series, the completionist in me feel a I have to.

Edit: who killed him anyway? And when/where?
Just read Secret Wars 0 and 1. That was really good super hero comics. My only way of following the Marvel U has been through here and all the press they get and I was able to follow along quite nicely. I'll admit, this one issue make Convergence look really lazy. Heck, might as well call Convergence what BC was calling it all along, a band-aid. I have figured out in my two years of comics that I'll like Super-heroes more than regular indie books. I also like when creators get to dump out the box of toys and go to town with them. So, in that sense, Secret Wars is just for me. I'll keep getting the main title.
Finished it. The team up books with the various heroes felt completely unnecessary (you really only need the idea that he was around before and little snippets like the main book showed) but #1-5 and then Sentry: The Void were awesome. It peters out a bit near the end (the "twist" would be completely predictable even if I didn't already know), and those first 2 or 3 issues where he is still slowly remembering were by far the best part, but I still really enjoyed it overall.

As a mini series it's great and self contained, and that's all it should ever been really. Now to decide if I should read the 2005 series, the completionist in me feel a I have to.

Edit: who killed him anyway? And when/where?

Sentry comes back during Bendis's run on Avengers. He's killed in Siege which I thought was great mostly just due to the amazing art.

He recently reappeared in Uncanny Avengers as a total crazy person which was cool

edit: lots of people dont like him as a character, such as psychbat right above! But I always liked him. An unstable near god is appealing to me
Sentry was such a wierd idea. Like they came up with this potentially cool character but had no idea what to to do with him. A mentally ill superman should have been a hole-in-one. They kept trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Let's hope marvel man fares better.

People like to complain that age of ultron was about cap sitting down or standing up. World war hulk was sentry sitting on his ass for 4.5 issues.

(World war hulk was super dope, Dat JRJR art)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Well if he's involved in siege I guess I'll revisit him (including the 2005 series) when I eventually tackle that event
Sentry was such a wierd idea. Like they came up with this potentially cool character but had no idea what to to do with him. A mentally ill superman should have been a hole-in-one. They kept trying to put a square peg in a round hole. Let's hope marvel man fares better.

People like to complain that age of ultron was about cap sitting down or standing up. World war hulk was sentry sitting on his ass for 4.5 issues.

(World war hulk was super dope, Dat JRJR art)
It was a great one off mini series. The second mini wasn't as strong. And then for some reason Bendis decided to bring him into real continuity with the avengers and instantly didn't know what to do with him. He had no handle of the character and it became a mess.

..and then in the wake Rogues character was assassinated. Fortunately everyone has politely decided to never mention it again


Sentry is a Gary Stu. And an incompetent one at that. And very inconsistent when Bendis had him.

Sentry is like one of the most powerful beings in the universe that can wipe out every hero on Earth. But doesn't due to... mental issues? And the moment he goes all out, he dies.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
..and then in the wake Rogues character was assassinated. Fortunately everyone has politely decided to never mention it again

That's not true, Remender made him a Horseman in Uncanny Avengers
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