His adult Peter is almost always shit.Give bendis flack all you like, but bendis' ultimate peter is one of the best there ever was. He'd not pull All New on Parker.
His adult Peter is almost always shit.Give bendis flack all you like, but bendis' ultimate peter is one of the best there ever was. He'd not pull All New on Parker.
Give bendis flack all you like, but bendis' ultimate peter is one of the best there ever was. He'd not pull All New on Parker.
Really? My copy is already at the mail office. I am just to lazy to go thereIt would be good if it did. It's not out here yet.
When did silk start showing up? Spider verse?
Amazing spiderman right before spiderverse.
She's not very good in any of those things.
Never forget Zombine. The real "best girl."
Silver Surfer still isn't cancelled, think about that and be happy
Convergence Shazam is so damn good.
DC needs to put this creative team on a Shazam solo book.
So I'm rolling with Spider-Woman being the most improved book of 2015. For Marvel at least.
Haven't seen a stimulus package this good since Soule on Red Lanterns.
Holy shit...
I loved everything about this. Amazing art, loved the "is he crazy? Is he a drunk?" teasing throughout the issue (until he takes off flying), loved the writing, and the whole thing just felt...big. Special.
Did anyone experience this back in the day, was it a big deal back then? I mean, no matter what came out of it eventually (unfortunately nothing good), but this first issue (or first volume from what I hear) feels like something we that would be huge if released today for example.
It's not a stimulus, Jessica just finally didn't have to be an event tie in
Dammit, all my favorite books are dealing with delays. Manhattan Projects, Annihilator, and Nameless.
The first Sentry trade collecting the "lost issues" is god tier. Just absolutely amazing, and one of my favorite character introductions in comics. I'm not even mad that it turned out to be viral marketing because it was so good.
BUT...don't read anything else Sentry-related. Nothing holds up even remotely as well, and the character just falls off the cliff the further along you progress. Just remember him as Marvel's super overpowered iteration of Superman, with the added dimension that he is literally his own worst enemy.
So good. Never again.
I asked Hollingsworth about Hawkeye #22, since Aja finished all 30 pages like a MONTH ago, he said he hasn't Marvel's deadline yet so he aint really messed with it yet lol
Oddly enough I keep hearing how Bendis messed up characters that had really good minis featuring them, namely Sentry and The Hood.
Yeah these days it's basically one book.
anime girl blinking.gif
You gotta be kidding me....dont forget Casanova. Don't know what Fraction book gon come out next, Arcadia #3 or Hawkeye #22
I asked Hollingsworth about Hawkeye #22, since Aja finished all 30 pages like a MONTH ago, he said he hasn't Marvel's deadline yet so he aint really messed with it yet lol
Favorite part of Squirrel Girl #4:I understand him, tho. He's a very popular colorist, and he's gotta work on books that actually HAVE to come out monthly. Wytches, Chrononauts, that BKV/Skorce book, etc. Hawkeye #22 aint got no monthly deadline, he can get to he when he gets to it.
Dude got to eat, ya know
dont forget Casanova. Don't know what Fraction book gon come out next, Arcadia #3 or Hawkeye #22
I asked Hollingsworth about Hawkeye #22, since Aja finished all 30 pages like a MONTH ago, he said he hasn't Marvel's deadline yet so he aint really messed with it yet lol
there's like...that one Bendis/Deodato Jr issue where Norman recruited The Sentry by treating him like a human being and connecting with him by sharing his own dark impulses
I'm talking about how Sentry was handled, period. He went from schizophrenic Superman to taking being outsmarted by the Punisher. He literally couldn't take down Frank. What?
Real talk: put Ewing in charge of Peter Parker.
I asked Hollingsworth about Hawkeye #22, since Aja finished all 30 pages like a MONTH ago, he said he hasn't Marvel's deadline yet so he aint really messed with it yet lol
there's like...that one Bendis/Deodato Jr issue where Norman recruited The Sentry by treating him like a human being and connecting with him by sharing his own dark impulses
but thats it tho
Oddly enough I keep hearing how Bendis messed up characters that had really good minis featuring them, namely Sentry and The Hood.
Oddly enough I keep hearing how Bendis messed up characters that had really good minis featuring them, namely Sentry and The Hood.
I actually really liked what Bendis did with Sentry, apart from the fact it felt like it was going somewhere and then it just... didn't. But there's some great character work with him working with Osborne and Osborne getting more and more scared that he's on a bullride he can't hold on to trying to contain the crazy.
It's almost as if the writing starts falling apart as the scope increases.
Dr Who: Silver Surfer Edition.
Bendis has written some good and fun stuff though, but with him you also run the risk of a character or series being poorly handled in the end.
For all the Loeb doom and gloom on Nova, he's only on for the first 5 issues, and Duggan starts on issue 10.
Maybe it's because I have no attachment to Richard because I didn't read the cosmic chart stuff but I thought those 5 issues of Kid Nova were fine, completely innofensive
Bendis missed the mark with Guardians, but his X-Men run has been one of the best in recent memory. Flawless? Absolutely not. But he's done a lot of good things and he took us for a pretty great ride with both of his books and introduced us to some cool new X-Men.
Silver Surfer still isn't cancelled, think about that and be happy
Didn't he fuck up with the whole Young Iceman and Young Jean thing from an issue or two back?
I look forward to this book more than anything else lately. even the art has grown on me.
Can someone please post the Avengers/New Avengers reading order again? I saw it in here a few days ago but for the life of my I can't find it now.
Annie Wu's variant for All-New Hawkeye #3 is great:
image is kinda small so you may need a hawk-eye to fully appreciate it