ANYWAYS, the UK's entering its 5th year of Tory rule, yeah? I can't wait until their comics get this angry again
At which point i've realized that it's been far too long since the last time i've read MM.
ANYWAYS, the UK's entering its 5th year of Tory rule, yeah? I can't wait until their comics get this angry again
So I'm rolling with Spider-Woman being the most improved book of 2015. For Marvel at least.
If you ever see a group pic of comics people, and Annie Wu is in that pic, she is the coolest person in the pic 100% of the time.
What about when Babs Tarr is in the photo?
That "Allow?" panel is my everything tbh
funny how so much of that page would inform Watchmen later on, from the 9 panel grid, the narration style, the superheroes stepping over government boundaries, etc
Started reading Fraction's Hawkeye run at the suggestion of some here. It's pretty damn good. And I want posters of these covers. They're awesome.
Rocking my free month of Marvel Unlimited. Putting up or shutting up about this Secret Wars. I am 4 issues into the recommended reading. So far so good. This is enjoyable.
What is everyone's reading preference? Full panel or smart panel?
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
Someone post the one with Wolverine peeping on them fucking I can't find it
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
Humberto Ramos variant of Giant Size little Marvel : Ave #1
Love it
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
Humberto Ramos variant of Giant Size little Marvel : Ave #1
Love it
Rocking my free month of Marvel Unlimited. Putting up or shutting up about this Secret Wars. I am 4 issues into the recommended reading. So far so good. This is enjoyable.
What is everyone's reading preference? Full panel or smart panel?
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
Humberto Ramos variant of Giant Size little Marvel : Ave #1
Love it
How the hell has Udon not made a Viewtiful Joe ongoing? The book practically writes itself. So much potential. I'm sure they can take a break from Street Fighter.
that's pretty god damn adorable.
Also how is the current run of uncanny avengers?
It's Doc Shaner drawing Captain Marvel!
Between that and Thunderworld, I really really want an ongoing with him
That were the best part of Dark Avengers. The interactions between Norman and Bob.there's like...that one Bendis/Deodato Jr issue where Norman recruited The Sentry by treating him like a human being and connecting with him by sharing his own dark impulses
but thats it tho
Annie Wu's variant for All-New Hawkeye #3 is great:
image is kinda small so you may need a hawk-eye to fully appreciate it
If PreviewsWorld is correct, All-New Hawkeye #3 was delayed until the 27th.
Oh god no, Fraction Hawkguy is already becoming the comic version of Detox.
Usually full page and then rotate two page spreads and zoom in on anything i can't read. I like seeing the whole page as it was meant to be to properly see how the art flows from panel to panel
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
Just read Convergence Shazam....
Don't get the hype
You gotta be kidding me....
Has anyone else seen the girl in dior piece on comics alliance? I'm on my phone so I can't link it but the art in it looks phenomenal. There aren't too many fashion centered comics out there
Reading Soule's She Hulk.
This stuff is too good. I'm hoping for an OHC down the road. I actually enjoyed Wimberleys part more than Pulidos but it's all been good. There should be a DD She Hulk superlawyers book
Yeah, I like it quite a bit even though it's really the only Soule-written book that I've been able to get more than 1 issue into.
Prob has to do with Soule being a legit lawyer
Yup Question #2 was good.
Real good.
No offense, but in your case, it'd be for a different reason ;3 Not that I disagree~
Rocking my free month of Marvel Unlimited. Putting up or shutting up about this Secret Wars. I am 4 issues into the recommended reading. So far so good. This is enjoyable.
What is everyone's reading preference? Full panel or smart panel?
Yup Question #2 was good.