Probably Mara Jade, his wife and baby mama in the former Expanded Universe.
How did I not even realize that? XD
I've got this sitting in one of my display cases:
Probably Mara Jade, his wife and baby mama in the former Expanded Universe.
Chang'e is who I like. I also play Thanatos a lot.Neith is mine.
BND is a great jump-in point. There's a lot of variety from different creators so it's really fun.Sup guys,
Haven't posted in the comics thread in a loooong time. Just got Marvel Unlimited and want to read Slott's spidey stuff. Should I start at Brand New Day where the title goes weekly and Slott is writing with the other writers, or jump in when it goes exclusively to Slott? Thanks for the help guys!
Favorite part of Squirrel Girl #4:
Good. It's a fun seriesI got Lumberjanes now.
There are some ups and downs, I'll admit. Ends of the Earth being meh and Spider-Island being fun. But I think his last great Spidey story was Superior.
We'll see how "Renew Your Vows" turns out.
I got Lumberjanes now.
Slott's run is good to great until near the end of Superior where it kind of gets bleh. He really fumbled that series in the last two arcs
I'm honestly shocked. Would not expect it to beat Star Wars or Spider-Gwen.
Yeah, I just eBayed.Did you buy a physical copy? I'm on the look out for a vol1. They're out of stock in the usual places.
Darkest Hours (aka Superior Venom) was poor with very fast pacing and Humberto Ramos. The last arc redeemed it imo.
I haven't looked over the end since I read it, but I remember the fast pace ruining the last arc too. The resolution happened way too quickly and felt unsatisfying.
How did I not even realize that? XD
I've got this sitting in one of my display cases:
I just saw on Twitter that bandette #1 is free on CMX. Everyone please check out this fabulous book. One of the most delightful female led books on the market
I just saw on Twitter that bandette #1 is free on CMX. Everyone please check out this fabulous book. One of the most delightful female led books on the market
After the preview and this interview, Omega Men has shot up to my most wanted title this June.
After the preview and this interview, Omega Men has shot up to my most wanted title this June.
I don't think anyone would get anything out of me using DC Comics characters to rant on about current affairs, even if I had a rant worth giving. To me, the best fiction avoids that kind of stuff. Those arguments are better made in essays and blogs. Fiction should attempt to portray emotions and moments that dig deeper than that, that can't be told, but have to be shown.
Hi everyone, I don't have a background reading comics, but Deadpool looks like something really fun for me to pick up. Where's a good place to start with that?
Yoink, thanks for the heads up!I just saw on Twitter that bandette #1 is free on CMX. Everyone please check out this fabulous book. One of the most delightful female led books on the market
Hi everyone, I don't have a background reading comics, but Deadpool looks like something really fun for me to pick up. Where's a good place to start with that?
I just saw on Twitter that bandette #1 is free on CMX. Everyone please check out this fabulous book. One of the most delightful female led books on the market
I got turned off by the preview (kylenooooo), and the opening of the article was (while interesting) not terribly attractive to me. But then I got to this:
So much yes. I'm going to buy the first issue just because of how hardcore I agree with this.
The most recent run is pretty fantastic. Read that after you read the oldschool Joe Kelly run.
Overall, the cosmos of the DC Universe is chock full of various alien races, warring planets, secret factions and other diverse forces. That doesn't sound too far from the world we know -- or more particularly, the one you knew in your previous life with the CIA. How does the milieu of this book and the wide range of characters you can draw on synch up with the kind of human story you want to tell here? If you had to compare "Omega Men" with anything on Earth, what would it be?
I don't think there really is a one on one analogy here. The Omega Men aren't Al Qa'ida, and the Citadel isn't America. That's too easy and, frankly, too boring. I'm not trying to write allegorical fiction that comments on our current state of affairs. This isn't "Animal Farm." I don't think anyone would get anything out of me using DC Comics characters to rant on about current affairs, even if I had a rant worth giving. To me, the best fiction avoids that kind of stuff. Those arguments are better made in essays and blogs. Fiction should attempt to portray emotions and moments that dig deeper than that, that can't be told, but have to be shown.
What I am trying to do in this series is tell a space adventure story that will hit people on a gut level, where the audience can relate to the risks and blows that the characters take. To do that I'm going to steal elements of current and past events, moments that can bring the audience into the Omega Men, that make them experience the rusted texture of the bar the Omega Men hold onto as their ship comes under fire. Once the audience is in that ship, I don't want them thinking, "What is this funny book writer trying to say about our current Middle East policy debate?" I want them to hunker down, look out at the stars, and feel what it's like to need to fight back.
It was that whole thing that made me say "fuck yeah Tom King, you the man!
Yeah, that sold me on the book.
Also, the description of the Viceroy makes me think he'll be an amazing antivillain.
Yeah, that sold me on the book.
Also, the description of the Viceroy makes me think he'll be an amazing antivillain.
[Fart noise]
Shoulda been John Stewart.
You and I both know Kyle is gonna be a mysterious new member of the Omega Men who wears a mask and is revealed in the 12th issue.
I keep coming back to the same point; Why would I read a book where you just killed off one of my favorite characters for the shock value?
I keep coming back to the same point; Why would I read a book where you just killed off one of my favorite characters for the shock value?
I started reading the new Spidey 2099 because issue 5 is in the spiderverse checklist, the first four issues are kinda blandsville.
You think they'd be that obvious about it though?
I started reading the new Spidey 2099 because issue 5 is in the spiderverse checklist, the first four issues are kinda blandsville.
Kyle is probably in on it, I really doubt dude is actually dead.
Nrama: OK, now the point-blank spoiler question. Is Kyle Rayner really dead? I mean, you didn't' show him die.
King: Um
Nrama: OK, let's put it this way. Will Kyle never, ever be seen again?
King: The story of Kyle Rayner and his role in the DC Universe is not over.
Nrama: That's a good answer
The most recent run is pretty fantastic. Read that after you read the oldschool Joe Kelly run.
The current Deadpool series is supposed to be really good once you get past the first arc.
Other than that, there's also Cable & Deadpool and Joe Kelly's Deadpool. Can't go wrong with either.
I believe that has always been the case? Maybe it went back to costing something and now free again?
It's much harder to find the free comics that aren't in that one area on the site now.
maybe. The message said "still free". But like you said its hard to find all the free issues in CMX and i'll never turn down an opportunity to spread the word of Bandette
I thought Miguel himself was pretty great in 2099, he's really cynical and funny. Comic itself was just there and then it got pulled into Spider-Verse and I stopped reading.
I might be a little late because Poland, but I just saw Age of Ultron and HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AMAAAZIIINGGG. Not only did it not disappoint, it exceeded all my expectations.
They have to be missing out on SO much business, because the amount of people who are going to go back and read 80+ issues of backstory to get caught up for an event is very, very small.
the amount of people who are going to go back and read 80+ issues of backstory to get caught up for an event is very, very small.
Here you go GH: