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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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Have the final issues of Hickman's SHIELD been solicited? Was hoping that they would get this out before Secret Wars to tie the whole Hickman-verse together.
Guys! Guys! My Hawkgirl Bombshell statue finally shipped from Entertainment Earth today!

DC must really hate those guys if they took so long to send them stock.


Not all comic books are for everyone. We all have different tastes. The second issue of Question made me cry at the end so that obviously did something to me. I guess I don't read too much into hype beyond being like.. Oh Korupt liked this. If it clicks it clicks if it doesn't there are plenty more books out there.

It hit me as someone who has
been trying to feel accepted by parts of my family. It felt personal. It's kind of like how batman and Robin made you feel close to your father. I didn't get that feeling but I appreciated the comic on a technical level.

I think the Inhumans might be might favorite characters in Marvel, specifically the Attilan Royal Family. Love'em. Inhuman was a cool book while it lasted. I bought The Inhumans: By Right of Birth.


Oh my god.

Eva Bell.

"You're out of the school."

"I know, Summers. I just graduated."

Spider-Gwen is breaking my heart, good lord. Almost bringing me to tears.

Also reading Secret Wars. I feel compelled to read a bunch of Ultimate stuff, now. "Reed Richards is a thousand-year old teenager who wiped out half of Europe on a whim."



Spider-Gwen is breaking my heart, good lord. Almost bringing me to tears.

Also reading Secret Wars. I feel compelled to read a bunch of Ultimate stuff, now. "Reed Richards is a thousand-year old teenager who wiped out half of Europe on a whim."


It was Hickman's crack at the Ultimates back in 2011. "Ultimate Comics: Ultimates" #1-12.

He didn't stay on it since Marvel didn't want a good writer on a failing book. It was up against the New 52.
It was Hickman's crack at the Ultimates back in 2011. "Ultimate Comics: Ultimates" #1-12.

He didn't stay on it since Marvel didn't want a good writer on a failing book. It was up against the New 52.

Quick synopsis: why does he go evil? Is it because of Ultimatum? It's because of Ultimatum, isn't it?

Damn it.

Back to Secret Wars #1 tho:
"Your fastest is not fast enough and you continue to disappoint in two worlds. Do something."

Goddamn Namor.


While it was a cool moment, the whole was also a big disservice to Eva as an ongoing character rather than a plot device.


My biggest issue with bendis' run on the xbooks is he has a lot of cool ideas, but they never reach the level of awesome that they should.

Trial of Jean Grey and Magik Fighting Dormammu for control of limbo should have been the coolest shit ever.
Well thanks to the comicGAF hype I took the plunge and bought the gap issues between MU and SW#1 of avengers and finally made it through the final 14 issues or so. Really strong stuff. And I must give Marvel credit in the fact they have given Hickman the reigns of their now flagship titles and let him do his thing. By no means is Hickman's work the most new reader friendly. This isn't like a civil war but when you put in the time and effort the payoff is more rewarding.

But I must say the Secret Wars #1 art was a bit sketchy. So many panels of characters drawn with their mouths open in silly ways. Just look at the initial roster page. They almost all have that look! But I'll see SW through at the dreaded full price and get them day one. But not any of the side books. Those ill wait for MU and CMX sales.

Well back to my MU reading of crappy SIXIS books that came out this week. :(


Well back to my MU reading of crappy SIXIS books that came out this week. :(

I skipped most, if not all, of SIXIS. Maybe I should add it to my reading queue...

A few weeks back when I went to BigWow Comicfest, I remember seeing Erik Larsen there and was going to make a comment in here about him. As I passed by his booth, I saw him sketching something. He holds the pen in a very strange way while drawing. There are multiple videos on Youtube showing this: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=erik+larsen+sketch


It was Bendis retconning everything. Putting everything back in the toybox, so to speak. Eva Bell was basically one big deus ex machina.

I fully expected that to begin with, too. From the very beginning pairing the premise of ANXM with her power very obviously added up to "So, she'll be the one that un-fucks everything."

While it was a cool moment, the whole was also a big disservice to Eva as an ongoing character rather than a plot device.

I think everything Bendis introduced in this run is cool, but it'll take other authors to deliver on it in whatever series come next. Almost everything. Ovbiousky,
gay Iceman in ANXM
might be the guys darkest hour, but I maintain a good story could come out of that, from someone else. I hope Marvel leaves
Matt Malloy
in the basement forever though.
Bendis gives him far too much weight without ever sitting down to actually explain how his powers work and it robs him of some of his impact.
It just feels like a very obviously contrived threat.


Okay, Comic-gaf, I need entrance levels Green Lantern stories. Some good stuff. Ideally, something with Sinestro or something that explores the other lantern corps in a good way.

Are the new 52 Green Lantern comics good? Is there a sort of defining Year One or Zero Year for the big GL's? It doesn't have to be an origin story, but sometime that a new reader can digest. But I need it to be good, something you'd use to sell the reader on the Green Lantern concept. What you got?
Okay, Comic-gaf, I need entrance levels Green Lantern stories. Some good stuff. Ideally, something with Sinestro or something that explores the other lantern corps in a good way. What you got?

I would say anything New 52, based on what I know.

Which is not much.


Okay, Comic-gaf, I need entrance levels Green Lantern stories. Some good stuff. Ideally, something with Sinestro or something that explores the other lantern corps in a good way.

Are the new 52 Green Lantern comics good? Is there a sort of defining Year One or Zero Year for the big GL's? It doesn't have to be an origin story, but sometime that a new reader can digest. But I need it to be good, something you'd use to sell the reader on the Green Lantern concept. What you got?

I stopped reading GL after Johns left, but even the end of his run kind of tapered off. So I'd probably go a little earlier than that.

Found this trade order online:

No Fear
Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Wanted: Hal Jordan
Sinestro Corps War
Secret Origin
Rage of the Red Lanterns
Agent Orange
Blackest Night
Blackest Night: Green Lantern
Green Lantern: Brightest Day
War of the Green Lanterns
Revenge of the Black Hand
Rise of the Third Army
Wrath of the First Lantern

But I'd probably start with Secret Origin. After that you could do the whole Emerald Twilight thing, but really just knowing that Hal went nuts and Kyle Rayner took over as GL kind of covers it.

After SO, I'd probably go Rebirth and then Sinestro Corps War. You could read No Fear, Revenge of the Green Lanterns and Wanted if you'd like to flesh out the run before SCW, but I don't remember it being necessarily mandatory.
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