Reading vol.3 or Mircale man.scares meWinter![]()
Well, yeah, thats the point. Its like a neanderthal staring at a homo sapiens.
Reading vol.3 or Mircale man.scares meWinter![]()
Sounds like the opposite of what his FF run. Which has both.
Agree to disagree. IMO, his FF run had that problem in spades. You could tell that a lot of the issues were just treading water, setting up something later down the line.
I'm not saying it's flawless, but the problem you're describing isn't much of a problem as many people want to make it out to be.
Yup. Start with Hellboy for the first five volumes. Then roll into BRPDStart Hellboy and BRPD at the beginning?
New Avengers was a wild ride. Avenger had its peaks and valleys
Yup. Start with Hellboy for the first couple volumes. Then roll into BRPD
Does it tell you when to switch over?
There's nothing to hard or fast. In fact they really don't intersect. Just go through the first 5 volumes of hellboy. This gives you all the BPRD characters and the world setup. After that the two can be read in whatever orderDoes it tell you when to switch over?
There's a lot there that isn't essential. Like Abe's minis, lobster Johnson, the flashback BPRD, etc. if you stick to the two main books it covers really most thingsThank you.
He shit that is a lot of reading. I was expecting heft but wow.
Thank you.
He shit that is a lot of reading. I was expecting heft but wow.
The essential books to buy IMO are the hellboy library editions and the 4 BPRD omnibuses. All great sized and excellent qualityYou don't have to read all of it. I haven't start anything that isn't Hellboy yet myself, although I only just recently got to volume 5.
I'm not saying it's flawless, but the problem you're describing isn't much of a problem as many people want to make it out to be.
Well, yeah, thats the point. Its like a neanderthal staring at a homo sapiens.
Still would love to see ASM by Fraction and SamneeHe writes an great Spider-Man. He acknowledges how smart Peter is, makes him funny without beeing annyoing.
Should wrinting a Spidey book![]()
Damn it, JC. I'm watching Rush Hour, and I can't make some counterpoints right now and on my phone.
I can agree with that. The only thing I really really liked from him in Marvel was his Venom.All I'll say is I'm not convinced Image Remender and Marvel Remender are the same person
All I'll say is I'm not convinced Image Remender and Marvel Remender are the same person
Damn it, JC. I'm watching Rush Hour, and I can't make some counterpoints right now and on my phone.
Still would love to see ASM by Fraction and Samnee
I find his use of internal monologues and general writing style very consistent across Marvel and Image honestly. You could pick a page of Uncanny Avengers with one of Havok's thoughts and then compare it to one of Marcus in Deadly Class and know it's by the same writer. Same with Venom, X-Force, Black Science, or even Low.All I'll say is I'm not convinced Image Remender and Marvel Remender are the same person
You'll want Christopher priests Black Panther run. It's the best. It's on MU and the trades are being reprinted soonSo I've been reading civil war.
What I think of it aside there's these two guys in it that I've never heard of that I've really liked so far, Black Panther, and some guy called nohvwar I think, he has white anime hair kicks the shit out of a bunch of kids, and starts is krill empire in the base of some guy who turned him into a pain slave or something until vision undid it because his arm was stuck in him or something.
So what's the best place to start to read more about each of those guys? Thanks.
Was the second one not Mahr-Vell? The timetravelling Captain Marvel?
You'll want Christopher priests Black Panther run. It's the best. It's on MU and the trades are being reprinted soon
for Marvel Boy seek out well the Marvel Boy mini by Grant Morrison and J.G. jones
Its not just the purposefully ponderous pacing of Hickman's comics, slowly building up meaning and momentum and delaying gratification to some unforeseen time in the future, the patient readers sticking with it month after month, knowing it must be going SOMEWHERE. I also never get the sense he sees his characters as actual characters. He has spectacle and heavily planned out plot points and BIG THEMES he wants to express, and all the little people inside the comic are just the chess pieces he moves across the board. I never get a sense of real human warmth or humanity from his work, its all feels very cold and calculated. There's a skeleton, but no muscle or flesh to the damn things.
I've also heard BP the man without fear run by David Liss but haven't read it yetI guess? They never called him marvel.
Alright, thanks a lot.
All I'll say is I'm not convinced Image Remender and Marvel Remender are the same person
I'll ride or die with issues 5-22 of Uncanny Avengers. A+++ cape comics for the most part
I wish someone took me up on my Hickman and (Green Lantern era) Geoff Johns comparison because that to me makes so much sense, in that they're both guys obsessed with planning ahead in a way that substitutes characterization and action and theme with meticulous plotting
I'll ride or die with issues 5-22 of Uncanny Avengers. A+++ cape comics for the most part
I wish someone took me up on my Hickman and (Green Lantern era) Geoff Johns comparison because that to me makes so much sense, in that they're both guys obsessed with planning ahead in a way that substitutes characterization and action and theme with meticulous plotting
Johns problem was scope, sinestro corp worked beacaus sit was GL story. Blackest Night ended up being a big universe ending smoz. One the book wided it's scope it went off the deep end a bit.I'll ride or die with issues 5-22 of Uncanny Avengers. A+++ cape comics for the most part
I wish someone took me up on my Hickman and (Green Lantern era) Geoff Johns comparison because that to me makes so much sense, in that they're both guys obsessed with planning ahead in a way that substitutes characterization and action and theme with meticulous plotting
EEEHHH, Geoff Johns is a more competent version of Bendis (team Bendis). While the dialogue is a teeny tiny bit similar in every character he writes. He knows how to balance character development and plot progression.
Johns problem was scope, sinestro corp worked beacaus sit was GL story. Blackest Night ended up being a big universe ending smoz. One the book wided it's scope it went off the deep end a bit.
Funny enough the entire theme of hickmans avengers was that the team is a machine designed to save the wells. I kind of like the chess like nature if hickmans stuff, it has this board game like feel to it. I think the double shipping of avengers hurt it a little.
The move Johns made repeatedly with GL was "this... leads into THIS!" which worked really well until he reached the end of his initial plan and had to start freestyling. I never gave a shit about Hal Jordan in those Green Lantern comics because he was a means to the end that were these stories that would build and build into a promised climax, in a way that I think is very Hickman-esque.
I do get the appeal, I think. Part of the fun of dominoes is the actual setting them up and anticipation of the fall; I'm just totally over that kind of storytelling in serialized cape comics