Red Killer, The Feared of Men.
Fear me.
Fear me.

Red Killer, The Feared of Men.
Fear me.
White Wizard, the Survivor of Men.
Killer Cyborg the Enslaver of Asia, to be fair. How old is this? Just saw it on FB.
Killer Cyborg the Enslaver of Asia, to be fair. How old is this? Just saw it on FB.
not comfortable in this thread anymore tbh
Poison Warrior, the Mistake
I also have ASM #693, the first appearance of Alpha. I'm sure someone wants to pay good money that issue. He was such a memorable character.
Edit: whoops, I think it was the issue before it.
Which is the to go Dr. Who Comic when I want to buy a Trade for a fan of the tenth/David Tennant Dr.?
X factor!Since I'm all caught up with all things modern atm, and I dont want to jump into another event quite just yet, thoughts on what I should binge tonight at work?
Superior Spiderman
Jason Aaron's Thor
Fraction/Allred FF
Resume Peter David's X-Factor which I stopped at #10
Since I'm all caught up with all things modern atm, and I dont want to jump into another event quite just yet, thoughts on what I should binge tonight at work?
Superior Spiderman
Jason Aaron's Thor
Fraction/Allred FF
Resume Peter David's X-Factor which I stopped at #10
Literally quelling death as a combat doctor, it checks outStrike Doctor the Queller of Death. Wut? LOL
Aren't you a vet? You should go by this name now.Strike Doctor the Queller of Death. Wut? LOL
Black Doctor the Destroyer of Time.
Which is the to go Dr. Who Comic when I want to buy a Trade for a fan of the tenth/David Tennant Dr.?
Killer Cyborg the Enslaver of Asia, to be fair. How old is this? Just saw it on FB.
Killer Professor The Pestilence Of Faith
Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
I'll take Sinestro Corps War if it hasn't been claimed yet. I can pay for shipping.
I pm'd you.Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
All these complicated villain names just makes me appreciate Dr. Doom even more. Simple and to the point.
Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
Too many doctors, in my opinion.
Doctor Doom
Doctor Octopus
Doctor Strange
Doctor McCoy
Doctor Banner
Doctor Death
Doctor Manhattan
Grey Tyrant, The Assassin
I have 3 "middle names" so lets see
Grey Tyrant, The Assassin of the Ancient Ones
Grey Tyrant, The Assassin of the Living
Grey Tyrant, The Assassin of Knowledge
whiteout is so freaking good.
Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4- claimed by TheKaeptain
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4- claimed by TheKaeptain
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
There's only one that can dish out the Doom, or at least when he's in the mood.Too many doctors, in my opinion.
Doctor Doom
Doctor Octopus
Doctor Strange
Doctor McCoy
Doctor Banner
Doctor Death
Doctor Manhattan
New issue of Darth Vader this week, bros.
I haven't kept up, to be honest. For Y, I have a signature series 9.8, so there are only 44 of those out in the wild. I imagine somewhere in the $250+ range, but I don't intend on selling it.
I'm guessing Ex Machina is way cheaper.
What's the best way to unload old TPBs? Amazon? Barnes and Noble? I'm selling 40 of them and looking for the most convenient way to move them.