Can I get that Bru DD? If not, maybe red menace?Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4- claimed by TheKaeptain
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5- claimed by Nudull
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
Free TPBs to a good home! Just let me know if you want anything so I can strike it off the list. I'll media mail it out next week
:edit: Should have specified I'm looking to ship US only using the cheap media mail option. I'll cover it. Pay it forward.
Astonishing X-Men (Whedon) vol. 1-3
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Daredevil (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Green Lantern: Sinetro Corps War (Johns) vol. 1-2- claimed by Bii
New X-Men (Morrison) vol. 1-2
Runaways (BKV) first run, vol. 1-4- claimed by TheKaeptain
Spawn (McFarlane) vol. 1-5
Superman/Batman (Loeb) vol. 1-5- claimed by Nudull
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Moore) vol. 1-2
The Walking Dead (Kirkman) vol. 1-9
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
What's the process for getting the grading done?
What's the best way to unload old TPBs? Amazon? Barnes and Noble? I'm selling 40 of them and looking for the most convenient way to move them.
Messi, you seen these new pics of Margot Robbie Harley?
CGC. There's a whole process. Check the website.
Oh yeah, I meant what process Tragic went through and what the experience is like. There's several options.
Messi, you seen these new pics of Margot Robbie Harley?
Pretty good
Oh yeah, I meant what process Tragic went through and what the experience is like. There's several options.
In other words, Messi is not impressed.
Getting signed books graded sounds like a pain in the ass, since a CGC rep has to be present for the actual signing.
Getting signed books graded sounds like a pain in the ass, since a CGC rep has to be present for the actual signing.
Getting signed books graded sounds like a pain in the ass, since a CGC rep has to be present for the actual signing.
Yeah aren't books worth less if you get a signature without a rep present or something?
Getting signed books graded sounds like a pain in the ass, since a CGC rep has to be present for the actual signing.
Tragicomedy is good people (even if he has wrong opinions about my boy frank quitely)
Take the first two volumes of New X-Men off my hands in honor of his unique "talent."![]()
Take the first two volumes of New X-Men off my hands in honor of his unique "talent."![]()
What's the best way to unload old TPBs? Amazon? Barnes and Noble? I'm selling 40 of them and looking for the most convenient way to move them.
Deshi, a young man struggling to make a life for himself in rural China, watches his life comes unhinged when he accidentally kills his older brother in a fight. His distraught parents send him on a hopeless journey to acquire a bride for his brother to marry posthumously so he doesn't enter the next world alone, an ancient Chinese tradition with many modern adherents. Eligible female corpses are in short supply, however. When Deshi falls into company with a beautiful, angry, and single young woman named Lily, he sees a solution to his problems. The only hitch is Lily is still very much alive.
Killer Cyborg the Enslaver of Asia, to be fair. How old is this? Just saw it on FB.
So Jamie's dupe is just going around fucking all his team mates huh?
Lol at Monet's "now I know why you're called multiple man"
I love this book so much, why did I stop reading it before
Edit: oh and by the way, does Layla's "knowledge of things" pay off? I love the character but usually these mystery types end up falling short of the hype
Ill take them if you want. Im missing those two
What TPBs are you looking to sell?
I love this book so much, why did I stop reading it before
I don't know anything about The Flash and want to read some of his better stories. Point me in the right direction.
You got it.
Pretty much everything is claimed at this point. Here's what remains:
Captain America, Winter Soldier (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
Captain American, Red Menace (Brubaker) vol. 1-2
DMZ (Wood) vol. 1
Top 10 (Moore) vol. 1
Because tie-ins. Author keeps trying to increase the scope when it works best in a small setting.
Hey guys, this book r good comix:
I got it in my latest IST order and I really enjoyed this one.
Oh, ok. I thought you were looking to sell TPBs other than the ones you were giving away.
I don't know anything about The Flash and want to read some of his better stories. Point me in the right direction.
Mark Waid stuff and Geoff Johns stuff
What's up with Quicksilver's terrigen mists powers during this x-factor era? Aparently he can restore mutant powers, whut?
What's up with Quicksilver's terrigen mists powers during this x-factor era? Aparently he can restore mutant powers, whut?
What's up with Quicksilver's terrigen mists powers during this x-factor era? Aparently he can restore mutant powers, whut?
That was that period after house of M where quicksilver went pretty darkWhat's up with Quicksilver's terrigen mists powers during this x-factor era? Aparently he can restore mutant powers, whut?