there's more.
Is there modern stuff, thats even still considered as truely happened? I see stuff like this from time to time, but I dont really care about stuff like this, because it doesnt seem like it still happened, more like its been put under the table.
Is there modern stuff, thats even still considered as truely happened? I see stuff like this from time to time, but I dont really care about stuff like this, because it doesnt seem like it still happened, more like its been put under the table.
Like this one panel were Peter beats MJ. It happened, but had no effect since nobody including the characters care anymore about it, so it kinda happened for me. You know what I mean?
Is there modern stuff, thats even still considered as truely happened? I see stuff like this from time to time, but I dont really care about stuff like this, because it doesnt seem like it still happened, more like its been put under the table.
Like this one panel were Peter beats MJ. It happened, but had no effect since nobody including the characters care anymore about it, so it kinda happened for me. You know what I mean?
Yes, but this happens constantly.
Also, I don't quite get how you could have just read the first Hickman's FF omnibus and not come out of it hating Reed. He's a dickback with an ego the size of a planet.
I only dislike the alternate Reeds. 616 Reed seems like the only one who isnt that crazy... Because he actually cares about his family and think its wrong to lobotomize Dooms.
Why hate People Reed Richards so much?
Gonna move on real quick and just explain what I know to put it out there:
The image was banable and really fucking awful. I have seen their "NSFW" figures before, but this was one of those "10,000 year old in a kid's body" type things. It threw me off guard even more so because of how it was linked. The rest was a ticking time bomb.
Anyways, comics:
Namor is fucking amazing.
The officially Staus regarding the Marvel Universe after Secret Wars in the Reboot/Not-Reboot discussion: Link
Spoiler:Not a Reboot.
Not necessary But I did enjoy it quite a bit. It has some nice art so it's good to look at. It's good for mostly straightforward superhero comics.So, to get most out of Hickman Avengers, do I need Avengers World, too?
Scumbag Pete hit MJ?
Miles wouldn't hit Kate.
I will check this out, thanks.Guys, wouldn't be doing a hometown guy a solid if I didn't tell you guys. Brian Level, artist, who has done a Batman and Catwoman commission for me and also did me and Tims sketches on FCBD has his first big publisher book out this Wednesday.
The Mantle from Image Comics with Ed Brisson writing it. Ed just finished up Sheltered which went 16 issues and my wife really liked it. Tim and I both have read advanced copies and we both liked it. Here is a letter in the back of the advanced copy from Ed Brisson.
So if you have to pick just one new book this week, forget Injection, get The Mantle.
anybody know any good comics with eclectic color palettes?
Like FBP or spidergwen
basicaly "your brain on drugs" colors
One of my favorite mini series.
The officially Staus regarding the Marvel Universe after Secret Wars in the Reboot/Not-Reboot discussion: Link
Spoiler:Not a Reboot.
I only dislike the alternate Reeds. 616 Reed seems like the only one who isnt that crazy... Because he actually cares about his family and think its wrong to lobotomize Dooms.
What do you mean?
anybody know any good comics with eclectic color palettes?
basicaly "your brain on drugs" colors
But still. He didnt as he had the opportunity later in the first FF Arc. All the other Reeds had done that.That wasn't what made him reconsider joining.
That was "thats totes creepy" *yeah, but its important. doom is a dick* "oh, ok then. sign me up"
They also said New 52 wasn't a reboot at first. Just saying.
Thanks. I will look into it. Maybe we get a Ominibus or a OHC.Not necessary But I did enjoy it quite a bit. It has some nice art so it's good to look at. It's good for mostly straightforward superhero comics.
To clarify, when I say I dont get why people hate Reed Richards, then I am talking about 616 Reed and not alternaverse Reed. But I have to admit, the Council is something Reed would do.Alright, let's go down the list. I stopped reading before the end, so there's probably a lot of stuff I missed, but the two big ones for me were:
-The Council. The whole institution is inherently egotistical, but let's lay out why, and why it's stupid. Three Reed Richardses gain ultimate, unlimited power in their own universes. This not being enough, they decide it is their responsibility to fix the rest of the multiverse. Now, there's nothing terribly wrong with that, superheroes thinking they can fix the world is a trope as old as the genre, but Reed takes it to the next level buy assembling a collection of only himself. In the vast multiverse, apparently only Reed Richards is empowered to fix problems. Nobody else has anything worth bringing to the table. This does not bother 616 one bit, in fact, he finds it an enormously attractive proposition. Sure, the Doom lobotomies are creepy, but he's talked into it with only one panel worth of dialogue, so really, it's clearly not a factor for him. Also, the "planets of wheat" thing is impressively dumb, but writing supergenius ideas is tough, so I'll let that one slide. Now, Reed ultimately rejects joining the Council full-time, but not out of any realization that maybe, just maybe, this might not be the best idea. No, it's because of commitment issues. He can't handle the full-time nature of the position, so he freaks out and leaves. This doesn't read as "devotion to his family," it just reads like he's an insecure sonuvabitch. Worth noting that Hickman doesn't let up on the idea that the Council is inherently noble, either, he's got Valeria shilling for it later on.
I think he was really a giant jerk there, but had a point. The guys had TEDs like, "lets downsize population!" (Which scared me actually) and similar stuff.-The TED talk from hell. Oh, my. This full page of Reed dressing down the various non-super scientific minds (aside from She-Hulk, who's there because... reasons?) of earth 616 for being small-minded, being unambitious and old-fashioned. All well and good, except... Reed has, personally, solved basically every problem he's yelling at these people about. There's one in particular that sticks out, he's upbraiding this poor SOB for not wanting to spend money on space travel during a global recession, which is all well and good, except in... I want to say the next issue, Reed goes to the moon and back in an afternoon. This is kind of like a teacher standing in the middle of a kindergarten, gloating about how their students are too limited to solve their homework problem, when they've got the answer on their desk. It's enormously condescending. Reed then goes and founds the Future Foundation, which is like the TED thing he had going but filled only with people who owe their success/existence to him.
Adam's on the book as long as he wants to be, and he'll be doing interiors for the first arc and probably alternating with someone else as we get further into the run. But yes, the idea is for him to be around for a while. Adam has a ton of stories planned and is having a great time with these characters. He's going to really showcase them as friends and the challenges they face together. Sure, they compete for Archie, but there's so much more to these girls than that. They're not defined by Archie. That's something the book is going to explore.
Chip Zdarsky writing Jughead, Adam Hughes writing AND DRAWING Betty & Veronica, and Dan Parent writing and drawing Life with Kevin... IF, they get $350,000 on kickstarter (Bleeding Cool)
Part of me wants to see this goal met, just to watch Adam Hughes have to struggle to put out two comics a year.
EDIT: From the CBR interview with Archie's Jon Goldwater
I was a lurker on that thread for a long time. Unsubscribed earlier in the year. Things started getting weirder and weirder and there were a couple of posters who only seemed to communicate using moe gifs.
What about that Before Watchmen mini he was on? Did he complete all of the artwork for that, or were there fill-ins?has Adam Hughes ever put out a 22 page book after he left Maze Agency
serious question
Chip Zdarsky writing Jughead, Adam Hughes writing AND DRAWING Betty & Veronica, and Dan Parent writing and drawing Life with Kevin... IF, they get $350,000 on kickstarter (Bleeding Cool)
Part of me wants to see this goal met, just to watch Adam Hughes have to struggle to put out two comics a year.
EDIT: From the CBR interview with Archie's Jon Goldwater
fuckkkk i love that comic
best Doctors
Love how hicks showed that he kept that in mind by having Vic stay silent through almost the whole rescue issue.
Yo peeps. Was Rage of Ultron any good?
Oh yes. So damn good. Based Remender strikes again.
woah, you're gonna have to elaborate on this one
Yo peeps. Was Rage of Ultron any good?
Yo peeps. Was Rage of Ultron any good?
always loved Orc Stain's pallete - was my avatar pre-BP
Spoilers for hicks F4
Vic uses the infinity gauntlets Val gave him as a reward for punking all the mad celestials to create an universe in his image. This backfires because, well, what do you think gon happen if you create an universe filled with horrendously capable creatures that will always try to be Top Dog, no matter the cost? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense since he still had the gauntlet, but whatever, he gets deposed from his God job. Val and Nathaniel get Reed to form a rescue party and they go get Vic back. Vic doesn't say a word through almost the whole rescue process, only saying two words to help bluff their way into escaping.
It's pretty much like the Strange comic. He will never ask for help, but he's not above accepting it if it is freely offered.
Sigh...this is NEVER gonna continue is it?
Yo peeps. Was Rage of Ultron any good?
Why in God's name is Archie doing a Kickstarter.
Has it been stated how long Fiona Staples is gonna be on Archie?
Why in God's name is Archie doing a Kickstarter.
Worth noting that Hickman doesn't let up on the idea that the Council is inherently noble, either, he's got Valeria shilling for it later on.