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COMICS! |OT| May 2015. Those things your favorite movie/show/game/etc. was based on.

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I'd like to see Tradd Moore work with Millar, since he's already used to working with hacks.

Hehe Yeah the writing on Luther Strode and Ghost Rider is uh...not great. But they probably let Moore do whatever he wants. Those two pages Felipe Smith wrote for a fight scene in Ghost Rider was basically 'Hey draw what you want real cool'


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Been at work for 1 and half hours now, not managed to read anything. This is not what I signed up for damn it, leave me alone people, stop making me work >_<


It is coming in September and he is currently updating the art. It looks much better in the book so it is better to wait. Really glad you liked it. I would love to know what your reaction was to the
Marion stuff where she nearly kills herself. It destroyed me.

Definitely some strong stuff. It really, really built up. And then you think it's done but it pops that one last little bit for the emotional knockout. But then it kind of cleverly takes the edge off ever so slightly with the little nod in the "present" of "ready to go hang out with Marion" or however it was phrased, which was nice.


I think you'd be easy to spot.

Olivia Wilde sniffing comics pages you bought featuring Harley Quinn art drawn by Chad Hardin from his patreon page linked to by Sejic who is drawing new Sunstone pages for his girly hijinks project with Miles and Kate who are better than Peter and MJ but Anna Maria is the best and Nocenti.


Well it looks like my work here is done. Put these keywords into a bot and have it post 700 times a month and you guys wont even miss me. :(

I have become a living joke.

a fitting end.
I am still trying to come to terms with that dress she wore at the met gala. I needed to lie down and reconsider myself and what fashion is.

If you mean the 2013 white dress, that was a faux pas. No one with such a tiny butt should use a skirt like that.


i complain about comic book writing/creative decisions, then i turn on WWE Raw and understand things could be so much worse.


I am still trying to come to terms with that dress she wore at the met gala. I needed to lie down and reconsider myself and what fashion is.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Someone make me a kick ass Doom avatar, the winner gets a hug worth $6700



well, at least it wasn't this

My goodness that is really terrible. What was she thinking.

Olivia's hair and headband is lovely, as is her makeup but the dress is absolutely awful. I actually thought she was covered in postage stamps when I first seen her. Less said about the pink the better. Its not 2013 bad but it is bad. Weird because her style is usually on point.

ITT we discover my love of who wore it best discussions. A mildly secret hobby of mine.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.

I accept Paypal only, btw


Btw JC, since you're always banned (boom!) I don't think we've talked about all the shit I read. We all know you're a mutant hater, but what do you think of Cyke these last few years?


What if the reason we haven't heard about post Secret Wars books is because this really is the end? Kipp finally got what he wanted and ended comic books :(


I am still trying to come to terms with that dress she wore at the met gala. I needed to lie down and reconsider myself and what fashion is.


Oh man, she is bangin'. You got it wrong this time, Messi.

Edit: Oh God, wrong dress. And wrong is the key word here. Jesus.
High Fashion is the end result of a titanic thirst for originality at the tail end of thousands of years of permutations. They have straight-up run out of stuff to do.


High Fashion is the end result of a titanic thirst for originality at the tail end of thousands of years of permutations. They have straight-up run out of stuff to do.

Olivia's dress feels like she has run out of stuff to do.

Haha, no. I was only willing to put in a couple minutes for the bad joke. I didn't even bother looking at the cover. I want the hug, but I'm not willing to go the extra mile.

/hugs Migrant


Hey guys, so I've been in contact with our very own my name is ed on an idea/commission that I had. Although it was tempting to get some of that yaoi action in my book, I opted not to. A few PM exchanges, a quick visit to the post office, and two weeks later, voila!

The criteria I gave Ed was that it be a full body sketch of White Lantern Batman and the use of negative space. I said "you can do a black backdrop with the silhouette of a small bat or something else that you would see fit." When he showed me the pencils, I was pleasantly surprised to see that he had used Batman himself as the portion of the negative space I had requested (and not the bat). I was ecstatic. Even the bat turned out to something more than I expected. The details of the fur is amazing! Here's one satisfied customer. Thanks Ed!


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hey guys... X-Factor is kinda good

Edit: man Pietro is full blown evil in this

Ant Man #4- I'm not liking the Augustine Cross angle, i haven't read the older stories involving him and that plot development seems like a bland detraction from the parts of the book I do like.

Is the oldie Irredeemable Ant-Man any good?


Ant Man #4- I'm not liking the Augustine Cross angle, i haven't read the older stories involving him and that plot development seems like a bland detraction from the parts of the book I do like.
I was gonna commission ed after I started my sketchbook, which would be after SDCC though. I like the Batman, good call on the negative space

Yo Bii idk if I've asked you before but what kind of sketchbook you use? I've got a spiral bound one but I was thinking about getting a hardbound one for my second


Ant Man #4- I'm not liking the Augustine Cross angle, i haven't read the older stories involving him and that plot development seems like a bland detraction from the parts of the book I do like.

Once you get to 5, you'll realize it's not about him at all. Also realized Ant-Man 5 has a House of Cards joke at the expense of Darren...heheheh.


Hey guys... X-Factor is kinda good

Edit: man Pietro is full blown evil in this

Is the oldie Irredeemable Ant-Man any good?

Which X-Factor are you reading? The most recent All New X-Factor, or David's previous installment?

I just wrapped up volume 3 of the All New X-Factory myself, and honestly felt it ended pretty badly. I mean, I know it was kind of canceled anyways, but it the last few issues were such a drag.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Which X-Factor are you reading? The most recent All New X-Factor, or David's previous installment?

I just wrapped up volume 3 of the All New X-Factory myself, and honestly felt it ended pretty badly. I mean, I know it was kind of canceled anyways, but it the last few issues were such a drag.

Pay attention Chesky



Unconfirmed Member
I just re-read all of the Miles Morales stuff, and I love it until the end.

All of issue 12 just seems so rushed, and we don't even get to see the big fight. I'd be more mad if I didn't know that he'll still be around post Secret Wars, but man. I hope that his supporting cast survives. If there's no Ganke, I'll start the riot.


Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Hey guys, so I've been in contact with our very own my name is ed on an idea/commission that I had. Although it was tempting to get some of that yaoi action in my book, I opted not to. A few PM exchanges, a quick visit to the post office, and two weeks later, voila!
Damn, ed fucking killed it.

I may be hitting you up in the near future, ed.
The only ones I know for sure are currently running are Transformers vs GI Joe and MTMTE.
Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye run concurrently. For about 22 issues, then they crossover for an arc called Dark Cybertron, then back separately again.

I have only read V1 of RiD, but have read six volumes of More Than Meets The Eye. It's fantastic, both as a Transformers comic and just as a very fun read.

You should have jumped on that Humble Bundle.

Read More Than Meets The Eye, there's like a "season" that comprises of the first five trades, then a crossover with it's sister book Robots In Disguise.

Last Stand of the Wreckers is also good - it's by the same writer as More Than Meets The Eye and a few of the characters from also show up in MTMTE later on.

When the Transformers book split into MTMTE/RID it was intended to be a jumping on point, so it's reasonably accessible.
Appreciate the suggestions. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
It's not a common thing but they do it. Usually it's just her reading his body language though.
Man Medusa and Black Bolt have been at odds lately. Have a feeling they aren't using that space.
I would like to see comics in more retail places like grocery or drug stores again.
Don't we all
damn yall were right, Inhuman Error was fantastic
Ya damn right
Ha, didn't expect that ending in Avengers #25. Didn't DC do this recently with Forever Evil?
But that was garbage tho
it was always down to two candidates that i was aware of

dr jane foster

would post the image, but you can find it at the usual places
Stupid, but expected.
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